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 by bremillard
6 months 5 days ago
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It's certainly appropriate to try another kicker but is Maher any better than Havrisik? His playoff numbers are lousy. Time will tell but I'll be holding my breath on every kick and hoping it doesn't come down to a late FG for a win.

 by ramsww
6 months 5 days ago
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I guess it’s the devil McVay knows vs someone off the couch with no idea. Maher was asked to kick 4 fifty + and two more 40 and 49, all misses as a Ram. He also missed an extra point so I won’ be shocked to see McVay go for 2 (pending circumstances) and only send out the FG team inside the 40 where Maher was pretty solid. I can actually live with that rather than see Maher trying to kick 55 yarders.

 by bremillard
6 months 5 days ago
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If the Rams play the Cowboys the kicking game will heavily favor Dallas.

 by ramsman34
6 months 5 days ago
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It will heavily favor anyone we face. We are the worst in the league.

6 months 5 days ago
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When I think about it, the last Rams kicker I didn't hold my breath when he kicked was Money. That includes Gay, Z or anybody else.

OTOH, Maher was 17 of 23 and the 6 misses came in 3 games but we were 2-1 in those games.

In the 4 games Gay missed a FG the last two years, we were 2-2.

In the 5 games Havrisik missed a FG we were 4-1.

Do you lose games because your kicker misses a FG or do you lose games because you have to depend on a kicker?

 by max
6 months 4 days ago
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ramsman34 wrote:It will heavily favor anyone we face. We are the worst in the league.

Our STs are historically bad. So bad that it makes it prohibitive that we can advance far in the playoffs. We may be able to hide them for a game. But You don’t win playoff games if your STs are this bad. The teams are too good.

 by ramsman34
6 months 4 days ago
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There are ways to mitigate/prevent potential issues.

Only kick FGs inside the range determined during pre-game warmups. Either punt or go for it on 4th downs outside that range in + territory, based on the line to gain.

Directional punt but kick it out of bounds where possible or kick it into the end zone for a touch back. Yes you are conceding yards, but the tackling/lane integrity has been so poor on punts that they would be better off if they can limit return opps and just let the defense do their job. Where this is difficult is when you are in your own (-) territory, especially deep. This is the situation where both the punt returns for TDs happened. I’d much rather you kick it out of bounds at their 40 than kick it to their 10-20 and have to stop the return.

PATs - IF there are issues with Maher, simply go for 2. I don’t think there will be issues. But going for 2 is the only other option. Puts a lot on MCV to have distinct plays for these situations - 4th and 2 and 2pt attempts.

To me, these are the lowest risk options. Coaches won’t do all of them most likely. But these are options. Going for it on 4th in + territory and punting out of bounds/through the end zone when you can should be seriously considered.


 by ramsman34
6 months 4 days ago
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PARAM wrote:When I think about it, the last Rams kicker I didn't hold my breath when he kicked was Money. That includes Gay, Z or anybody else.

OTOH, Maher was 17 of 23 and the 6 misses came in 3 games but we were 2-1 in those games.

In the 4 games Gay missed a FG the last two years, we were 2-2.

In the 5 games Havrisik missed a FG we were 4-1.

Do you lose games because your kicker misses a FG or do you lose games because you have to depend on a kicker?

I think you lose bc you put it on your kicker. They have to do everything possible to not put it on the kicker and not put it on the punt coverage team whenever it is realistically possible.

They need to let the offense and defense control and dictate the outcome as much as humanly possible.

These special teams are historically bad as Max has eluded and Jourdan at the Athletic has researched (37 points lost/given up by the STs - that’s higher than the average points scored in a “won game” this season) Do everything possible to take punt coverage and low % FG tries out of the equation.

Then seriously address the entire special teams operation in the off season. The punter is the only one safe, including the coaches, IMO.

6 months 4 days ago
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ramsman34 wrote:I think you lose bc you put it on your kicker. They have to do everything possible to not put it on the kicker and not put it on the punt coverage team whenever it is realistically possible.

They need to let the offense and defense control and dictate the outcome as much as humanly possible.

These special teams are historically bad as Max has eluded and Jourdan at the Athletic has researched. Do everything possible to take them out of the equation.

Then seriously address the entire special teams operation in the off season. The punter is the only one safe, including the coaches, IMO.

You know how NFL types feel about kickers. They don't want to rely on them because there aren't many who are automatic. Justin Tucker and he's missed 5 this year. Of course 4 were 50 or beyond but still. He's the best.

The rookie from Dallas hasn't missed a FG. What are the odds he misses one in the postseason? I'd think pretty good because they ALL miss. The Cowboys just have to hope it's not a FG to win while they're trailing or to make it a 2 score game late. Remember Gary Anderson? Didn't miss a kick all year and with his team up 7 just before the 2 minute warning in the CCG, he misses a 38 yard FG to ice the game. Atlanta goes down the field and ties the game, wins it in OT and moves on to the Superbowl. The Vikings were 16-1 at the time and had won 1 game all year by 3 points or less and Anderson had 1 FG in that game, at the start of the 2nd quarter.

Folk and Fairbairn have missed 1. Everybody else has at least 2 MFG. IMO, if you put it on the foot of your kicker, you deserve it if he misses. You can blame him but if you put it in the end zone enough, you don't need FGs. And the way teams go for it on 4th down these days, due to analytics, kickers are relied upon even less. It's only when all else fails that they trot him out and say, "win it for us". A better way of saying it is, "we couldn't put the ball in the end zone so cover our ass".

 by rams1974
6 months 4 days ago
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Maher isn't really an improvement but the K situation has to more or less something they were willing to accept as happening, while hoping to be pleasantly surprised.

I think you generally lose games when you over-rely on your kicker, not because of your kicker. The Rams will have to adjust their risk tolerance for the K situation. Go for it on 4th and long at their 30. Put extra emphasis on Ethan "Wingate" Evans practicing the coffin corner.

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34 posts Jul 08 2024