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 by Elvis
3 years 7 months ago
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https://www.nbclosangeles.com/news/spor ... wt_LABrand

LA Rams' Fans Spend Second Most on Team Merchandise in All of NFL

By Michael Duarte • Published August 19, 2021 • Updated on August 19, 2021 at 10:30 pm

NFL fans were confined at home for over year. That meant that the only way football diehards could watch their favorite team was on television.

Sure, NFL audience viewership was up in 2020, but it's not the same as being in attendance with 50,000-60,000 other screaming fans cheering on your team. Needless to say, that made football fans even more ravenous for live action than ever before.

In Los Angeles, not being able to watch the LA Rams and Chargers was even more excruciatingly painful during the pandemic. That's because the newly built, state-of-the-art SoFi Stadium finished in July and was ready to host fans for the first time. Instead, the nearly $6 Billion stadium sat empty for over a year.

Thankfully, fans are allowed back into stadiums this season and that means the diehards of the Rams and Chargers will finally be able to see, and spend their hard-earned money at one of the world's greatest entertainment venues.

Thanks to a recent survey by FinanceBuzz, we can now better understand fans spending habits. The company recently surveyed over 1,500 fans from each NFL franchise to find out how they spend their money when it comes to their favorite football team. Moreover, they discovered where exactly that money is going.

The data was interesting to say the least, read on to discover for yourself just where Los Angeles football fans spend their money when it comes to their favorite team.

Alcohol Sales

This one wasn't as surprising as we thought it would be. Rams' fans spend the fifth most money (per person) on alcohol at games than any other fanbase. On average, a fan of the LA Rams spends $55 on alcohol each game. Granted, this in part has a lot to do with the price of beer and cocktails at sporting events in the City of Angels. But for contrast, the Chargers, which share SoFi stadium with the Rams, only spend an average of $31 per person on alcohol at games in the same city. Clearly one fanbase knows how to enjoy themselves and let loose more than the other.

The fights that broke out at last week's preseason game between the two teams might be indicative of that, but it pales in comparison to fans of the New Orleans Saints. Who Dat? Nation spends nearly $65 per person on alcohol at games. That’s more than a brand new pair of shoes!

Food and Beverage Concessions

Rams' fans didn't crack the top 10 when it came to money spent on food and beverage at games, but wait til they see all the delicious food and beverage choices at SoFi this season.

However, once again the LA Chargers' fans found themselves among the bottom of the list when it comes to money spent on food and beverage concessions at games. Chargers' fans were the fourth cheapest in the league, spending just an average $74.49 on food and beverage at games.


This is where the Mob Squad blew every other franchise out of the water. Rams' fans spent over $332 on average on apparel and merchandise for themselves and their family members. That amount is the second most in all of the NFL, trailing only the Houston Texans who spend an average of $380.00 on merchandise.

I guess that Rams logo change last season really did work after all.


 by Hacksaw
3 years 7 months ago
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I guess that Rams logo change last season really did work after all.


 by AvengerRam
3 years 7 months ago
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This raises a lot of questions, actually.

1. Is this a short-term bump due to the new uniforms, or is it something that will prove to be sustainable?
2. Would the bump have been bigger if, instead of releasing a new version of the uniform, the team had gone to a true modern version of the throwbacks?
3. How much did pricing (teams tend to jack up prices for new styles when first released, knowing that many will pay to have the new stuff) impact these particular survey results?

In the end, while it may be spun this way, I don't see this as conclusive evidence that the team made the right choice re: the uniform/logo update.

3 years 7 months ago
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St. Loser Fan wrote:No Green Bay? No KC Chiefs?

Trash article.

They've had their gear for a few years!!!

Truthfully, this isn't a register receipt. It's a survey. SURVEY SAYS!?!?!?!? Who cares?

Tell me what team sold the most merchandise... not what some random fans said they spent!!

What they're trying to accomplish is who have the most rabid fanbases. Let's just see how many show up at Sofi and how loud the place is

 by St. Loser Fan
3 years 7 months ago
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PARAM wrote:They've had their gear for a few years!!!

Truthfully, this isn't a register receipt. It's a survey. SURVEY SAYS!?!?!?!? Who cares?

Tell me what team sold the most merchandise... not what some random fans said they spent!!

What they're trying to accomplish is who have the most rabid fanbases. Let's just see how many show up at Sofi and how loud the place is

Green Bay fans have to constantly buy new gear because it wears out. Packers gear is acceptable as formal wear in Wisconsin. Up there you can wear Green Bay stuff to funerals, weddings, job interviews etc.

You think I’m joking: I’m not.

 by aeneas1
3 years 7 months ago
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the author writes: "The company (Financebuzz) recently surveyed over 1,500 fans from each NFL franchise to find out how they spend their money..."

yet financebuzz clearly states: "Methodology - FinanceBuzz surveyed over 1,500 NFL fans, including a minimum of 20 fans of every single team..."

financebuzz also writes: "In terms of teams that spend the least on team-branded clothing and accessories..." say what? i think "financebuzz" meant "In terms of fans that spend the least on team-branded clothing and accessories..."

anyway, it's kind of hard to determine what's being claimed / concluded in this article in terms of merchandise sales?

financebuzz states that rams fans spend an average of $332.08 for merchandise (2nd highest) vs a league average of $153.55, i.e. on average rams fans spend more than twice the league average... financebuzz adds that their fan averages "include all team clothing and accessory purchases for themselves and their family."

so what does this tell the reader?

1. that rams fans are more generous than other fans, that they buy more merchandise for family members and firends?

2. that rams fans are getting ripped off, that they pay more for merchandise than other fans?

one thing it doesn't tell readers, as far as i can tell, altho it seems to be the conclusion, is that the rams rank 2nd in the league in merchandise sales behind the houston texans.

my guess is it would probably be impossible to find the rams ranked near the top, let alone top 10, in nfl merchandise sales when looking at groups that tracks this stuff - it might even be tough to find a tracker that ranks rams merch sales above the niners.

in fact it was widely reported that tampa's merchandise sales soared through the roof last season, to near the very top, with the addition of brady and the season they had, which of course makes perfect sense, yet financebuzz ranks tampa 17th in merchandise sales and the texans #1?.

here's their full rankings:



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