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 by rams74
5 months 3 weeks ago
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Italy   Glendale, Arizona
Pro Bowl

PARAM wrote:He should be somewhere else next year leading a team. But he had interviews after 2021 too. And some last year. I wish I had as much confidence in NFL owners as you do. Maybe, because he's mentioned so much these days for the job he's done, he'll be difficult to pass on and he'll land a gig. I'm not being biased here but IMHO he's the most qualified canidate league wide, due to his coaching both sides of the ball, his experience as a head coach and his leadership/communicafion skills. And I will be sorry to see him go.

Yeah, I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that he gets a HC job. He should, he deserves it, but that doesn't mean it will happen.

 by Elvis
5 months 3 weeks ago
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United States of America   Los Angeles

rams74 wrote:Yeah, I don't think it's a foregone conclusion that he gets a HC job. He should, he deserves it, but that doesn't mean it will happen.


Every job he's interviewing for has multiple candidates so he could miss out.

Though i do think he has a pretty good shot this year...

 by RedAlice
5 months 3 weeks ago
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Jerod Mayo hired as Patriots coach after Bill Belichick exit

The Patriots did have a succession plan in place.

New England linebackers coach Jerod Mayo has been hired as the team’s next coach and will be introduced next week, according to ESPN’s Adam Schefter.

The Patriots opted for the former Patriots linebacker over recently fired Titans head coach Mike Vrabel.

New England did not waste any time finding its Belichick replacement, hiring Mayo one day after it parted with Belichick after his historic 24-year run.

Mayo, a former Patriots linebacker, had been projected as the favorite to succeed Belichick.

The Patriots had laid out a “firm, contractual succession plan in a prior contract” to have Mayo follow Belichick as their next head coach, according to NFL.com.

5 months 3 weeks ago
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Mayo played for New England 8 years, suffered 3 CCG losses and won just 1 Superbowl. Unfortunate timing. I wonder how many ex-Patriots can say that? It must certainly motivate him though.

5 months 3 weeks ago
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Pete Carroll says, "non-football people made the decisions".

That may be true. But they're also the people paying your salary. You missed the playoffs 2 of the last 3 years. Without some real wacky officiating, it would be 3 of 3. The playoffs 10 out of 14 years, two SBs, one Lombardi sounds good. Is good. But forget last year and the 7-9 division win and it's 8 of 12, with 1 postseason win the last 7 years. The real problem is those the two SBs happened 9 and 10 years ago. 1 postseason win the last 7 years? In 4 tries, one a gift? Superbowls carry you a significant distance but how long should that be? I guess it depends on the organization. Tomlin has 0 wins the last 7 years with a chance to get 1 this year. Not a great chance though. Hasn't been to the SB in 14 years. Hasn't won one in 16 years. Harbaugh has 1 win the last 9 years (Lamar is 1-4). Hasn't won a SB in 12 years. I gotta believe if he doesn't go deep this year....

But to lay it on the people who pay you and expect success, that's not it IMHO. They might not know football but the can add. 25-26 the last 3 years.

 by ramsman34
5 months 3 weeks ago
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Unless people are stuck on The “defensive guy” perception (he isn’t, started coaching in the offensive side of the ball), he is getting a gig. Benefits him, gives draft picks to the Rams. Who do the Rams hire as DC? I think Wink might be to blitz heavy. Staley?? Promote Henny or someone from within?? Total left-field choice??

 by Elvis
5 months 3 weeks ago
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Trying to game this out a bit:

8 openings: Panthers, Raiders, Chargers, Falcons, Commanders, Titans, Seahawks, Patriots.

Patriots already have their guy, very good chance Raiders stick with Pierce.

You figure Vrabel, Ben Johnson, Harbaugh and Bellichick are likely to get jobs.

That would leave two jobs open. Now obviously i'm spit balling. What if Dallas loses? Maybe they fire McCarthy and go for BB?

Point is, there are a lot more hot/qualified candidates than there are jobs. Not everyone is gonna get one...

 by actionjack
5 months 3 weeks ago
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No way Raheem gets into this many rooms and doesnt get a HC job.

I understand there is only so many jobs, but no way he doesnt get at least one offer.

Kinda crazy that the Rams are promoting it but they are overclassy IMO with this stuff.

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185 posts Jul 08 2024