by snackdaddy 5 days 22 hours ago Total posts: 9955 Joined: May 30 2015 Merced California Hall of Fame Free agents POST #41 ramsman34 liked this post ramsman34 wrote:So more and more vet WRs hitting the market. Killing the chance of trading Kupp unless the Rams eat a lot of salary. Starting to lean toward they will release him outright. And if I were Kupp, I’d probably want that so I control where I go. Less then 5% chance he stays on a renegotiated contract. So the next question is, what vet FA do the Rams sign? More than 1? Do they trade for a guy? They will certainly grab one in the draft as well.Problem solved! Tutu's back! 1 Reply 5 / 5 1 5 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business