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2 years 5 months ago
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 Joined:  Jul 15 2015
Barbados   Just far enough North of Philadelphia
Hall of Fame

Elvis wrote:Can't argue with the results but i'm still not a fan of the long time consuming drives we give up on defense. I want the offense to have the ball as many times as possible...

If they did more with the ball when they had it, that defense would force opponents to take more chances and possibly make more mistakes. It works well when the offense is efficient. Against Minnesota their two longest drives over 4 minutes resulted in a FG and INT. We had 4 drives over 4 minutes that resulted in 20 points. In Baltimore they had 4 drives of 4 minutes + (totaling 27:29) that got them 9 points. Our last 5 drives, consuming 15:44 produced 3 TDs and would have produced more if we don't fumble on their 11. I gotta believe that's what McVay wants from this defense. Don't give up the big plays. Force field goals, punts and turnovers while our offense screams down and puts up 7's. Problem is, we've shot ourselves in the foot too much on offense. Perhaps the approach changes in the postseason going up against better offenses and defenses? I just think he's so confident if the offense executes well, nobody can outscore us and the longer they have to work, the more chance they don't succeed.

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41 posts Jun 26 2024