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 by Dare
2 months 1 day ago
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I wonder if that entrance is permanently open. If so that is going to create some vicious airflow during the winter coming right off the lake. I wouldn't want to be a kicker facing that open end in the winter. :roll2:

 by St. Loser Fan
2 months 1 day ago
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Dare wrote:I wonder if that entrance is permanently open. If so that is going to create some vicious airflow during the winter coming right off the lake. I wouldn't want to be a kicker facing that open end in the winter. :roll2:

No. This picture makes it look like a permanent fixture.

The new stadium looses the Oculus copy and puts normal scoreboards in corners.

 by St. Loser Fan
2 months 1 day ago
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I think this has about a 5% chance of getting built.
-The political headwinds are too strong.
-Plus the governor of Illinois came out mostly against it and wasn't at the press conference.
-They're taking most/all of the money slated for McCormick Place convention center.
-Chicago has this weird quasi-governmental parks, museum and lakefront commission that wields some heavy power. This is probably why they have so much park space planned for where the current Soldier Field is.

The only way this happens is if they pull a Nashville/Tennessee Titans move by not having a public vote and other shady stuff.

My guess is the Bears end up in the suburbs.

 by BobCarl
2 months 1 day ago
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St. Loser Fan wrote:My guess is the Bears end up in the suburbs.

oh, I thought they shit in the woods

 by St. Loser Fan
2 months 1 day ago
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BobCarl wrote:oh, I thought they shit in the woods

I don't think that question had been answered yet.

 by St. Loser Fan
2 months 1 day ago
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It's almost impossible to find anyone on Twitter or Reddit from Chicago that likes this. Pretty much universal revulsion. Not at the stadium or design but of the hefty public financing.

A number of people are especially mad at how the press conference was kicked off with a prayer.

 by Dare
2 months 1 day ago
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The real issue is how much are they going to expect the public to finance? Kroenke privately funded SoFi which should be the model for all these rich owners. We live in the houses we can afford, freaking owners should do likewise. I for one am sick of public money to bailout billionaires so they can make more billions. People point to the cost of SoFi but don't often mention it was all on Kroenke's dime.

That's why Kroenke moved to LA because the market could support HIS investment and St Louis simply couldn't. That is something that idiot Georgia didn't understand. I was so elated when Stan took ownership. Finally, a legit businessman who knows how to run a professional sports franchise.

 by St. Loser Fan
2 months 22 hours ago
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Dare wrote:The real issue is how much are they going to expect the public to finance? Kroenke privately funded SoFi which should be the model for all these rich owners. We live in the houses we can afford, freaking owners should do likewise. I for one am sick of public money to bailout billionaires so they can make more billions. People point to the cost of SoFi but don't often mention it was all on Kroenke's dime.

That's why Kroenke moved to LA because the market could support HIS investment and St Louis simply couldn't. That is something that idiot Georgia didn't understand. I was so elated when Stan took ownership. Finally, a legit businessman who knows how to run a professional sports franchise.

Virginia McCaskey has no wealth outside of the Bears. Her dad bought the team team in the mid 1920s for something around $1000.

She should have married better.

The only path out is for the family to sell the team to someone else who has the billions laying around to pay for a stadium. McCaskey also has/had like 11 children. So maybe one of them should have married better.

 by Dare
2 months 20 hours ago
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The family has a networth of over a billion dollars. So they are well acquainted with that old American business concept of financing. They could leverage the income stream in revenue based financing much like has been used in projects like the Staples Center back in the 90s, i.e. Crypto Arena. Do they really need a bank breaking monument stadium to play in? No it's all about ego, how to outdo the other guy and they expect the public to pay for it? God what a scam the public keeps falling for.

I was forced out of California because I couldn't afford to retire there. I was born and raised and lived 90% of my life in CA but couldn't retire there? Same with my brother when he retired. Now I live where the air is clear, and don't spend hours stuck in traffic. Where I can afford to go places because gas doesn't cost a fortune. Take a look at how much per gal you are being charged in gasoline tax, which is much of the difference.

I was fortunate to grow up in CA and have great memories. I know my son misses CA but he moved out here because of me. He just moved into a great home he's renting. A gorgeous tract home 3 bedroom 2,700 sq ft with an actual back yard LOL. He pays $1,600/mo which is less than the small 2 bedroom apartment he had in CA.

I say all this because I completely understand why KC rejected the sales tax increase for the football stadium and the baseball stadium. Why tax the public when they aren't going to profit from the income? Asset backed, i.e. revenue backed financing is what these poor billionaires will need to build their palaces. NFL and MLB need to realize that the public well is running dry.

 by St. Loser Fan
2 months 20 hours ago
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Dare wrote:The family has a networth of over a billion dollars. So they are well acquainted with that old American business concept of financing. They could leverage the income stream in revenue based financing much like has been used in projects like the Staples Center back in the 90s, i.e. Crypto Arena.

But the McCaskeys don't have Kroenke cash. Yes they can look at other ways to finance: but getting public money is always step one.

I'm not going to sit here and list all 31 owners (Packers don't count) with their net worth, where else their wealth is and how liquid they are. But the Bears/McCaskeys would be pretty close to the bottom. IIRC them and the Rooney family (Steelers), Billwills (Cardinals) and Brown family (Bengals) only have football wealth. And all of those ownerships will probably end soon. The same way Georgia's kids had to sell to Stan.

Dare wrote:Do they really need a bank breaking monument stadium to play in? No it's all about ego, how to outdo the other guy and they expect the public to pay for it?

-Yes they do because every new stadium is a palace to excess and SoFi is the prime example.
-Yes it's all about ego. You don't own a pro sports team if you don't have a huge one.
-As long as you can get free money: do it.

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412 posts Jun 26 2024