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 by Elvis
9 years 1 month ago
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Fred has it at 95%, JT and SF at 55-57 and Vinny has it at 50%. At ROD i saw where Iced is 99% confident two teams will be playing in Carson.

So i think we can safely say that it's somewhere between 0 and 100% that the Rams will be playing in LA in 2016...

 by max
9 years 1 month ago
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I think it's gonna take 2 teams playing in Carson to stop Kroenke. I have no idea what the percentage is, but it's a distinct possibility because Spanos is backed by the owners.

 by Hacksaw
9 years 1 month ago
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United States of America   AT THE BEACH

max wrote:I think it's gonna take 2 teams playing in Carson to stop Kroenke. I have no idea what the percentage is, but it's a distinct possibility because Spanos is backed by the owners.

Hey max, welcome to the site. Great avatar of Merlin !

Noting is definite to be sure except that 2 teams in Carson has them playing in the college stadiums for 4 years, with uncertainty that the remedial work will go as planned or afforded while jilting two fan bases at once.

I don't know how the owners feel about Davis and Spanos other than what I've read about him being more liked. I've also read the Davis' dad was disliked so Mark by association might weight down Spanos' buddy rating.

Owners like money and are impressed/respectful by/of large sums of it. ESK is a very wealthy man who will put the west coast crown on the NFL stadium problem. I will be shocked if the Carson swamp is approved Spanos or no Spanos.

 by max
9 years 4 weeks ago
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Hacksaw wrote:
max wrote:I think it's gonna take 2 teams playing in Carson to stop Kroenke. I have no idea what the percentage is, but it's a distinct possibility because Spanos is backed by the owners.

Hey max, welcome to the site. Great avatar of Merlin !

Noting is definite to be sure except that 2 teams in Carson has them playing in the college stadiums for 4 years, with uncertainty that the remedial work will go as planned or afforded while jilting two fan bases at once.

I don't know how the owners feel about Davis and Spanos other than what I've read about him being more liked. I've also read the Davis' dad was disliked so Mark by association might weight down Spanos' buddy rating.

Owners like money and are impressed/respectful by/of large sums of it. ESK is a very wealthy man who will put the west coast crown on the NFL stadium problem. I will be shocked if the Carson swamp is approved Spanos or no Spanos.

Thanks Hacksaw.

I'm pretty saturated with this whole relocation debacle. It certainly feels like the narrative being put out in the media is predominately pro Carson. They are making all the noise right now.

How much of it is real? Who knows?

 by Hacksaw
9 years 4 weeks ago
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United States of America   AT THE BEACH

max wrote:
Hacksaw wrote:
max wrote:I think it's gonna take 2 teams playing in Carson to stop Kroenke. I have no idea what the percentage is, but it's a distinct possibility because Spanos is backed by the owners.

Hey max, welcome to the site. Great avatar of Merlin !

Noting is definite to be sure except that 2 teams in Carson has them playing in the college stadiums for 4 years, with uncertainty that the remedial work will go as planned or afforded while jilting two fan bases at once.

I don't know how the owners feel about Davis and Spanos other than what I've read about him being more liked. I've also read the Davis' dad was disliked so Mark by association might weight down Spanos' buddy rating.

Owners like money and are impressed/respectful by/of large sums of it. ESK is a very wealthy man who will put the west coast crown on the NFL stadium problem. I will be shocked if the Carson swamp is approved Spanos or no Spanos.

Thanks Hacksaw.

I'm pretty saturated with this whole relocation debacle. It certainly feels like the narrative being put out in the media is predominately pro Carson. They are making all the noise right now.

How much of it is real? Who knows?

I find it odd that on the day SD and the Chargers have their meeting (1hr I've read) that Nixon goes on a press/twitter blitz and Carson announces a new stadium authority that already existed. What a coincidence.

Carson and StL task force are making plenty of noise while ESK / Inglewood ... crickets. I hear the one who walks quietly but carries a big stick.

 by den-the-coach
9 years 4 weeks ago
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Hacksaw wrote:
max wrote:Thanks Hacksaw.

I'm pretty saturated with this whole relocation debacle. It certainly feels like the narrative being put out in the media is predominately pro Carson. They are making all the noise right now.

How much of it is real? Who knows?

I find it odd that on the day SD and the Chargers have their meeting (1hr I've read) that Nixon goes on a press/twitter blitz and Carson announces a new stadium authority that already existed. What a coincidence.

Carson and StL task force are making plenty of noise while ESK / Inglewood ... crickets. I hear the one who walks quietly but carries a big stick.

Shocked with the thread about Carson on how it's making noise and how Davis could end up in L.A. and not Kroenke I just don't get it and on top of it a venue in Inglewood that would include a Head Quarters for NFL Network. In the end if both the Carson plan along with STL fizzle then the NFL comes out smelling like rose and maybe that is their end game, but I truly want the Rams back in Los Angeles and it seems to me that won't happen until Spanos and Kroenke strike some kind of deal.

 by Hacksaw
9 years 4 weeks ago
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United States of America   AT THE BEACH

Agreed den.
If StL can make their way through the quagmire of shady dealings, lawsuits and circumvention to actually come up with less than half, I still don't see that will stop Inglewood, but it will make it a harder sell to those non LA folks.
Those guys must have pissed ESK off with those comments the task force and Governor are making. Not wise IMO although I get their angst. Still the NFL encourages them to keep plugging away. I don't get it unless they have an ulterior motive. And why pundits keep saying the StL has a solid financial pkg is beyond me.
It could possibly sway the vote though, if it goes to one. that said I don't think a vote will work. Both sides have enough to block the other (Carson v Inglewood) and since this situation is going to get resolved,, this year. To many potential lame ducks.

The owners meetings have had one thing in common, a strong sense that the Inglewood project is just to good to pass up. Anyone outside of StL concur. It's solid and backed by a mover and shaker who makes things happen. His vision is beyond the NFL's dreams just a few years back.

Carson being an after thought was a reactionary move by the odd couple who both had plenty of opportunity to locate into LA but never did. This cannot be un-noticed and I have a feeling that this supposed love affair with Dean Spanos is a bit over blown.
And frankly, to those who shout that ESK hasn't 'exhausted all his possibilities in StL or even tried to negotiate in good faith, I say what more has Spanos really done other than to ask for pie in the sky and refuse anything less. Ok for a longer time period and he has been on more committees, but is that really enough to blow off Inglewood for the Carson Charaider? Methane, toxic waste and all. And are there financials as 'solid as ESK's? No way to all of the above.

And Davis is only going to be the chump that helps his arch rival team get what they want and go along for the ride. That doesn't make sense unless it's your only option. And it's not. And why again does their stadium need to be resolved now. There is still a vacant locker room available in Inglewood.

So finally to your point, there is enough smoke to realize that the Chargers might really want to come to LA so you are correct that they need to sit and negotiate, but Stan should not bend over to Spanos who is not or shouldn't be driving the car. He didn't fill the tank or buy the car, Stan did.

Let's not let all the noise dampen our spirits of fuel fear. Possession is 9/10ths of the law and StL is in possession. But we can't for get that the owner clearly prefers his plan to bring the team back to LA and that is the great equalizer,,, along with his wealth.

Man it's getting harder and harder to go to the StL Rams sites as the deck is stacked against us pro LA guys.


 by den-the-coach
9 years 4 weeks ago
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United States of America   Fifty-four Forty or Fight

Hacksaw wrote:
Let's not let all the noise dampen our spirits of fuel fear. Possession is 9/10ths of the law and StL is in possession. But we can't for get that the owner clearly prefers his plan to bring the team back to LA and that is the great equalizer,,, along with his wealth.

Man it's getting harder and harder to go to the StL Rams sites as the deck is stacked against us pro LA guys.


Great analogy of Stan driving the car also I concur it's getting more and more difficult to comment on the stadium issue topics on the STL sites...Lately I've been just putting up comments about other tidbits. I have no horse in this race and maybe I'm being unsympathetic, however, I never felt right about the Rams leaving Los Angeles in the first place and rooting for the Dodgers, Lakers & Kings it would make me whole again.

But let's be upfront here the whole reason that Kroenke was able to break the lease is because the Rams are not playing in a top tier stadium and if they stay in St. Louis and the Riverfront Stadium is built, it still won't be an upper tier stadium the City of Champions stadium venue will be the number one venue in the NFL and the toast of tinseltown...Almost Home!

 by Hacksaw
9 years 4 weeks ago
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United States of America   AT THE BEACH

den-the-coach wrote:
Hacksaw wrote:
Let's not let all the noise dampen our spirits of fuel fear. Possession is 9/10ths of the law and StL is in possession. But we can't for get that the owner clearly prefers his plan to bring the team back to LA and that is the great equalizer,,, along with his wealth.

Man it's getting harder and harder to go to the StL Rams sites as the deck is stacked against us pro LA guys.

Great analogy of Stan driving the car also I concur it's getting more and more difficult to comment on the stadium issue topics on the STL sites...Lately I've been just putting up comments about other tidbits. I have no horse in this race and maybe I'm being unsympathetic, however, I never felt right about the Rams leaving Los Angeles in the first place and rooting for the Dodgers, Lakers & Kings it would make me whole again.

But let's be upfront here the whole reason that Kroenke was able to break the lease is because the Rams are not playing in a top tier stadium and if they stay in St. Louis and the Riverfront Stadium is built, it still won't be an upper tier stadium the City of Champions stadium venue will be the number one venue in the NFL and the toast of tinseltown...Almost Home!

I love your videos and photos, but they pale in comparison to your humanity. Props to you coach..

The guys in StL are clearly growing more an more uneasy as so much dialogue has them losing their team. They just can't compete with Los Angeles. I remember telling hokahey years ago that I wish I could tie a rope around the Gateway Arch and pull St Louis out west right up next to LA so we could all enjoy the Rams, the Hollywood sign, the Arch and the sunshine together. This is going to suck for someone and I don't like that part at all.
And no wonder they don't want them to leave. No one will fill that void again.

We are up against StL and Carson in this. Everyone else is up against Stan. I beginning to get a kick out of our owner much to the chagrin of our friends in stL.

As you said, StL opened up this can of worms by using no foresight and now what could have been a sweeter deal for them may just go Bidwell.

Stan has a number of options on different levels depending on what occurs elsewhere, but for this thing to get locked up, and as you and other intelligent men have said, he and Dean need to get together. Spanos will likely be the reluctant one and the one who may want more than he deserves, so Stan need to spell out his intentions, show his meddle and let Deano know that he means business.

den, the Rams deal in LA is just to perfect and I will be shocked if the NFL owners put the kibosh on it.

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100 posts Jul 03 2024