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 by Elvis
9 months 3 weeks ago
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United States of America   Los Angeles

ramsww wrote:WHERE HAVE I TROLLED ANY POSTER?? Talk about snowflakes....

Declaring stuff to be factual that you can't know is a form of trolling. So is your penchant for personal attacks on other posters. A lot of what you post seems to be an effort to stir shit up. That's pretty much what trolling is.

I'm gonna give you 30 days to think about whether or not you're a good fit here...

 by ramsww
9 months 3 weeks ago
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United States of America   LA Coliseum

Anything some people don't agree with is considered trolling. I've offered a few opinions, repeated rumors from Ramswire, Ramsturf, etc. made my case for some moves I thought the Rams should make (long past) and predicted the absolute shit show after the Buffalo game on opening day 2022 which, oh my, I guess that's trolling. Come on guys. I've never claimed to be right all the time and OFTEN offered mea culpas here but trolling? really?

Have a great year. I'll be watching and rooting for the Rams. I don't want to hurt anyone's delicate feelings.

 by azramsfan93
9 months 3 weeks ago
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Pro Bowl

Elvis wrote:ramsww is a bad example because he does a lot of straight up trolling but i don't think a fan or fanatic has to be an optimist.

Good point, and I agree. Some fans will be naturally more pessimistic than others. It bothers me most when they declare "the team is screwed" before they have seen a single snap played. There will be plenty of time to complain and question once bad things happen, if they happen. No one knows what will transpire this year, and no one I know is expecting another Super Bowl, but McVay is excited and optimistic so I will give them the chance to show me what they can do.

Whether you're a Pollyanna, a Debbie Downer or somewhere in between, just about all of us here are legitimate fans and should be treated as such...

Showing concern and worrying is natural given the circumstances the Rams have created. Bashing the team relentlessly before anything is actually known is tiresome, especially when it is based solely on one's personal opinion of moves the team should make - nothing else.

 by FredsDryer
9 months 3 weeks ago
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AD needs to go full blowup mode and make Smith fear him like Wilson did. Wilson smoked us many times but Donald was the one guy he always talked about. Smith is standing strong in the pocket and taking the hit so I say Donald should make sure that Smith feels that. I flipping love Aaron Donald, the Rams should clone him if they already haven't.
The only help we can get is via trade and that would require some restructuring of the bills to make one worth a player decent enough to actually help.

 by ramsman34
9 months 3 weeks ago
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United States of America   Back in LA baby!

30 days might be a little harsh. But the dude does stir shit up. Lol.

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105 posts Jul 03 2024