by Rams1PlateSince1976 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 2182 Joined: Oct 12 2016 LA Coliseum Pro Bowl Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #11 I have no idea what that is. I will go with 'other'. Might be a reason he is in san Francisco. by Will0120 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 1226 Joined: Feb 05 2016 Vancouver, Canada Commissioner Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #12 This thread is quite the gold mine, keep it coming boys. (man just that my one sentence above has so many possibilities for NSFW puns lol...) by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #13 Elvis liked this post a fraction of the hair-pulling that's going on at a popular niners forum right now, ha ha... seems that half are embarrassed/disappointed as hell while the other half are trying to put lipstick on it, show a brave face, ha ha...> Jimmy G out here f**king with pornstars now, there goes our season.> I'm sure she's a nice young lady. Jimmy enjoyed her company during a meal. > ...he could do better > Why the fxxk does Jimmy G need to bonk a porn star man??!! Come on, the dude can have any hot chick he wants!! I am really disappointed with our franchise QB. > This makes Jimmy a legit MVP candidate now. > Come on, man, there are loads of hot women around the Bay Area lining up to date Jimmy G. I just don't see why he needs to go to such a low level to fxxk a porn star. Next thing we know will be Jimmy G out for 4 games with crabs or some form of VD. Man, I really thought Jimmy G was better than that. Sure everybody needs a bit of action, but go and date a hot chick that we will be jealous of and not some porn star for cry out loud! > These are your standards. Don't make them his. > Jimmy still undefeated. > He can do whatever he wants. It is his life and he is single. I wouldn't mind a bj from her, just saying. Good for him. That's my QB! > I have no problems with celebrities or anyone banging porn stars. I do have a problem with women who get implants this large. > At least date a hot pornstar...> The guy is the franchise QB of the San Francisco 49ers and he is fxxking porn stars?! GTFO!! Is embarrassing!! He is the face of the franchise and it comes with the territory. What is wrong with super models? He can date anyone he wants, but yet he had to pick a porn star? Do you honestly think Jed York is over the moon right now?! Get real, bro!! > Tons of hawt wimmen..and u date a pornstar..I don't get it..but that's him > Not trippin, Jimmy can beat herpes. > Don't hate if you have not had sex with a porn star > Lol people acting like he proposed. He's probably just trying to get that professional treatment. > so many broken hearts in here.> All of my Italian buddies are saying that this is what happens when you give them money. > Jimmy clearly doing some charity work before TC starts.> Tom Brady dated and married Gisele Bundchen. Russell Wilson dated and married Ciara. Aaron Rodgers dated Olivia Munn. And Jimmy G, the highest paid and best looking of the bunch had to go after a porn star. LOL> Wasn't Gronk banging some hot porn star. > Gronk banged a porn star and no one cares...js > cuz she was hot. not some fat 45 y/o ... /page1521/ 1 by RamsFanSince82 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 5851 Joined: Aug 20 2015 So. Cal. Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #14 dieterbrock wrote:Anyone else google her vids?Asking for a friendThis isn't a link to he videos, lol but here's some PG-13 pics, so your friend can do some research. Too much plastic surgery is ruining her face. by AvengerRam 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 8873 Joined: Oct 03 2017 Lake Mary, Florida Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #15 TOPIC AUTHOR Last edited by AvengerRam on Jul 19 2018, edited 1 time in total. Will0120, azramsfan93, Hacksaw liked this post He misunderstood when his offensive coordinator said he should spend his offseason with wide receivers and tight ends. 3 by 69RamFan 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 3512 Joined: Oct 15 2016 LA CA by way of NY/NJ Superstar Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #16 aeneas1 wrote:a fraction of the hair-pulling that's going on at a popular niners forum right now, ha ha... seems that half are embarrassed/disappointed as hell while the other half are trying to put lipstick on it, show a brave face, ha ha...> Jimmy G out here f**king with pornstars now, there goes our season.> I'm sure she's a nice young lady. Jimmy enjoyed her company during a meal. > ...he could do better > Why the fxxk does Jimmy G need to bonk a porn star man??!! Come on, the dude can have any hot chick he wants!! I am really disappointed with our franchise QB. > This makes Jimmy a legit MVP candidate now. > Come on, man, there are loads of hot women around the Bay Area lining up to date Jimmy G. I just don't see why he needs to go to such a low level to fxxk a porn star. Next thing we know will be Jimmy G out for 4 games with crabs or some form of VD. Man, I really thought Jimmy G was better than that. Sure everybody needs a bit of action, but go and date a hot chick that we will be jealous of and not some porn star for cry out loud! > These are your standards. Don't make them his. > Jimmy still undefeated. > He can do whatever he wants. It is his life and he is single. I wouldn't mind a bj from her, just saying. Good for him. That's my QB! > I have no problems with celebrities or anyone banging porn stars. I do have a problem with women who get implants this large. > At least date a hot pornstar...> The guy is the franchise QB of the San Francisco 49ers and he is fxxking porn stars?! GTFO!! Is embarrassing!! He is the face of the franchise and it comes with the territory. What is wrong with super models? He can date anyone he wants, but yet he had to pick a porn star? Do you honestly think Jed York is over the moon right now?! Get real, bro!! > Tons of hawt wimmen..and u date a pornstar..I don't get it..but that's him > Not trippin, Jimmy can beat herpes. > Don't hate if you have not had sex with a porn star > Lol people acting like he proposed. He's probably just trying to get that professional treatment. > so many broken hearts in here.> All of my Italian buddies are saying that this is what happens when you give them money. > Jimmy clearly doing some charity work before TC starts.> Tom Brady dated and married Gisele Bundchen. Russell Wilson dated and married Ciara. Aaron Rodgers dated Olivia Munn. And Jimmy G, the highest paid and best looking of the bunch had to go after a porn star. LOL> Wasn't Gronk banging some hot porn star. > Gronk banged a porn star and no one cares...js > cuz she was hot. not some fat 45 y/o ... /page1521/You got me dying over here,,,,,,, Maybe when we play the Niners,,,, the RAM FANs should wear a Mia Mask over their faces to distract him..... holding and waving a dildo in their hands.... chanting "MIA"!!!!!! by moklerman 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 7680 Joined: Apr 17 2015 Bakersfield, CA Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #17 My first impression is that it's some sort of publicity thing. Reality a date with Jimmy G...something along those lines. If it's true love then more power to them but it's certainly an oddity. Jimmy G could probably have any woman he wanted in the Bay area and beyond. Why he'd choose someone 15 years his senior and with a less than sparkling background is puzzling.I still don't believe it's a real date/relationship. 1 by moklerman 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 7680 Joined: Apr 17 2015 Bakersfield, CA Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #18 69RamFan wrote:You got me dying over here,,,,,,, Maybe when we play the Niners,,,, the RAM FANs should wear a Mia Mask over their faces to distract him..... holding and waving a dildo in their hands.... chanting "MIA"!!!!!! Unfortunately, you may get the attention of our two new cheerleaders. by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #19 you go guy... by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #20 seems like jimmy likes a fuller woman, his last girlfriend apparently.. Reply 2 / 10 1 2 10 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 93 posts Mar 11 2025 FOLLOW US @RAMSFANSUNITED Who liked this post
by Will0120 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 1226 Joined: Feb 05 2016 Vancouver, Canada Commissioner Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #12 This thread is quite the gold mine, keep it coming boys. (man just that my one sentence above has so many possibilities for NSFW puns lol...) by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #13 Elvis liked this post a fraction of the hair-pulling that's going on at a popular niners forum right now, ha ha... seems that half are embarrassed/disappointed as hell while the other half are trying to put lipstick on it, show a brave face, ha ha...> Jimmy G out here f**king with pornstars now, there goes our season.> I'm sure she's a nice young lady. Jimmy enjoyed her company during a meal. > ...he could do better > Why the fxxk does Jimmy G need to bonk a porn star man??!! Come on, the dude can have any hot chick he wants!! I am really disappointed with our franchise QB. > This makes Jimmy a legit MVP candidate now. > Come on, man, there are loads of hot women around the Bay Area lining up to date Jimmy G. I just don't see why he needs to go to such a low level to fxxk a porn star. Next thing we know will be Jimmy G out for 4 games with crabs or some form of VD. Man, I really thought Jimmy G was better than that. Sure everybody needs a bit of action, but go and date a hot chick that we will be jealous of and not some porn star for cry out loud! > These are your standards. Don't make them his. > Jimmy still undefeated. > He can do whatever he wants. It is his life and he is single. I wouldn't mind a bj from her, just saying. Good for him. That's my QB! > I have no problems with celebrities or anyone banging porn stars. I do have a problem with women who get implants this large. > At least date a hot pornstar...> The guy is the franchise QB of the San Francisco 49ers and he is fxxking porn stars?! GTFO!! Is embarrassing!! He is the face of the franchise and it comes with the territory. What is wrong with super models? He can date anyone he wants, but yet he had to pick a porn star? Do you honestly think Jed York is over the moon right now?! Get real, bro!! > Tons of hawt wimmen..and u date a pornstar..I don't get it..but that's him > Not trippin, Jimmy can beat herpes. > Don't hate if you have not had sex with a porn star > Lol people acting like he proposed. He's probably just trying to get that professional treatment. > so many broken hearts in here.> All of my Italian buddies are saying that this is what happens when you give them money. > Jimmy clearly doing some charity work before TC starts.> Tom Brady dated and married Gisele Bundchen. Russell Wilson dated and married Ciara. Aaron Rodgers dated Olivia Munn. And Jimmy G, the highest paid and best looking of the bunch had to go after a porn star. LOL> Wasn't Gronk banging some hot porn star. > Gronk banged a porn star and no one cares...js > cuz she was hot. not some fat 45 y/o ... /page1521/ 1 by RamsFanSince82 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 5851 Joined: Aug 20 2015 So. Cal. Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #14 dieterbrock wrote:Anyone else google her vids?Asking for a friendThis isn't a link to he videos, lol but here's some PG-13 pics, so your friend can do some research. Too much plastic surgery is ruining her face. by AvengerRam 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 8873 Joined: Oct 03 2017 Lake Mary, Florida Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #15 TOPIC AUTHOR Last edited by AvengerRam on Jul 19 2018, edited 1 time in total. Will0120, azramsfan93, Hacksaw liked this post He misunderstood when his offensive coordinator said he should spend his offseason with wide receivers and tight ends. 3 by 69RamFan 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 3512 Joined: Oct 15 2016 LA CA by way of NY/NJ Superstar Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #16 aeneas1 wrote:a fraction of the hair-pulling that's going on at a popular niners forum right now, ha ha... seems that half are embarrassed/disappointed as hell while the other half are trying to put lipstick on it, show a brave face, ha ha...> Jimmy G out here f**king with pornstars now, there goes our season.> I'm sure she's a nice young lady. Jimmy enjoyed her company during a meal. > ...he could do better > Why the fxxk does Jimmy G need to bonk a porn star man??!! Come on, the dude can have any hot chick he wants!! I am really disappointed with our franchise QB. > This makes Jimmy a legit MVP candidate now. > Come on, man, there are loads of hot women around the Bay Area lining up to date Jimmy G. I just don't see why he needs to go to such a low level to fxxk a porn star. Next thing we know will be Jimmy G out for 4 games with crabs or some form of VD. Man, I really thought Jimmy G was better than that. Sure everybody needs a bit of action, but go and date a hot chick that we will be jealous of and not some porn star for cry out loud! > These are your standards. Don't make them his. > Jimmy still undefeated. > He can do whatever he wants. It is his life and he is single. I wouldn't mind a bj from her, just saying. Good for him. That's my QB! > I have no problems with celebrities or anyone banging porn stars. I do have a problem with women who get implants this large. > At least date a hot pornstar...> The guy is the franchise QB of the San Francisco 49ers and he is fxxking porn stars?! GTFO!! Is embarrassing!! He is the face of the franchise and it comes with the territory. What is wrong with super models? He can date anyone he wants, but yet he had to pick a porn star? Do you honestly think Jed York is over the moon right now?! Get real, bro!! > Tons of hawt wimmen..and u date a pornstar..I don't get it..but that's him > Not trippin, Jimmy can beat herpes. > Don't hate if you have not had sex with a porn star > Lol people acting like he proposed. He's probably just trying to get that professional treatment. > so many broken hearts in here.> All of my Italian buddies are saying that this is what happens when you give them money. > Jimmy clearly doing some charity work before TC starts.> Tom Brady dated and married Gisele Bundchen. Russell Wilson dated and married Ciara. Aaron Rodgers dated Olivia Munn. And Jimmy G, the highest paid and best looking of the bunch had to go after a porn star. LOL> Wasn't Gronk banging some hot porn star. > Gronk banged a porn star and no one cares...js > cuz she was hot. not some fat 45 y/o ... /page1521/You got me dying over here,,,,,,, Maybe when we play the Niners,,,, the RAM FANs should wear a Mia Mask over their faces to distract him..... holding and waving a dildo in their hands.... chanting "MIA"!!!!!! by moklerman 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 7680 Joined: Apr 17 2015 Bakersfield, CA Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #17 My first impression is that it's some sort of publicity thing. Reality a date with Jimmy G...something along those lines. If it's true love then more power to them but it's certainly an oddity. Jimmy G could probably have any woman he wanted in the Bay area and beyond. Why he'd choose someone 15 years his senior and with a less than sparkling background is puzzling.I still don't believe it's a real date/relationship. 1 by moklerman 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 7680 Joined: Apr 17 2015 Bakersfield, CA Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #18 69RamFan wrote:You got me dying over here,,,,,,, Maybe when we play the Niners,,,, the RAM FANs should wear a Mia Mask over their faces to distract him..... holding and waving a dildo in their hands.... chanting "MIA"!!!!!! Unfortunately, you may get the attention of our two new cheerleaders. by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #19 you go guy... by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #20 seems like jimmy likes a fuller woman, his last girlfriend apparently.. Reply 2 / 10 1 2 10 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 93 posts Mar 11 2025 FOLLOW US @RAMSFANSUNITED Who liked this post
by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #13 Elvis liked this post a fraction of the hair-pulling that's going on at a popular niners forum right now, ha ha... seems that half are embarrassed/disappointed as hell while the other half are trying to put lipstick on it, show a brave face, ha ha...> Jimmy G out here f**king with pornstars now, there goes our season.> I'm sure she's a nice young lady. Jimmy enjoyed her company during a meal. > ...he could do better > Why the fxxk does Jimmy G need to bonk a porn star man??!! Come on, the dude can have any hot chick he wants!! I am really disappointed with our franchise QB. > This makes Jimmy a legit MVP candidate now. > Come on, man, there are loads of hot women around the Bay Area lining up to date Jimmy G. I just don't see why he needs to go to such a low level to fxxk a porn star. Next thing we know will be Jimmy G out for 4 games with crabs or some form of VD. Man, I really thought Jimmy G was better than that. Sure everybody needs a bit of action, but go and date a hot chick that we will be jealous of and not some porn star for cry out loud! > These are your standards. Don't make them his. > Jimmy still undefeated. > He can do whatever he wants. It is his life and he is single. I wouldn't mind a bj from her, just saying. Good for him. That's my QB! > I have no problems with celebrities or anyone banging porn stars. I do have a problem with women who get implants this large. > At least date a hot pornstar...> The guy is the franchise QB of the San Francisco 49ers and he is fxxking porn stars?! GTFO!! Is embarrassing!! He is the face of the franchise and it comes with the territory. What is wrong with super models? He can date anyone he wants, but yet he had to pick a porn star? Do you honestly think Jed York is over the moon right now?! Get real, bro!! > Tons of hawt wimmen..and u date a pornstar..I don't get it..but that's him > Not trippin, Jimmy can beat herpes. > Don't hate if you have not had sex with a porn star > Lol people acting like he proposed. He's probably just trying to get that professional treatment. > so many broken hearts in here.> All of my Italian buddies are saying that this is what happens when you give them money. > Jimmy clearly doing some charity work before TC starts.> Tom Brady dated and married Gisele Bundchen. Russell Wilson dated and married Ciara. Aaron Rodgers dated Olivia Munn. And Jimmy G, the highest paid and best looking of the bunch had to go after a porn star. LOL> Wasn't Gronk banging some hot porn star. > Gronk banged a porn star and no one cares...js > cuz she was hot. not some fat 45 y/o ... /page1521/ 1 by RamsFanSince82 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 5851 Joined: Aug 20 2015 So. Cal. Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #14 dieterbrock wrote:Anyone else google her vids?Asking for a friendThis isn't a link to he videos, lol but here's some PG-13 pics, so your friend can do some research. Too much plastic surgery is ruining her face. by AvengerRam 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 8873 Joined: Oct 03 2017 Lake Mary, Florida Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #15 TOPIC AUTHOR Last edited by AvengerRam on Jul 19 2018, edited 1 time in total. Will0120, azramsfan93, Hacksaw liked this post He misunderstood when his offensive coordinator said he should spend his offseason with wide receivers and tight ends. 3 by 69RamFan 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 3512 Joined: Oct 15 2016 LA CA by way of NY/NJ Superstar Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #16 aeneas1 wrote:a fraction of the hair-pulling that's going on at a popular niners forum right now, ha ha... seems that half are embarrassed/disappointed as hell while the other half are trying to put lipstick on it, show a brave face, ha ha...> Jimmy G out here f**king with pornstars now, there goes our season.> I'm sure she's a nice young lady. Jimmy enjoyed her company during a meal. > ...he could do better > Why the fxxk does Jimmy G need to bonk a porn star man??!! Come on, the dude can have any hot chick he wants!! I am really disappointed with our franchise QB. > This makes Jimmy a legit MVP candidate now. > Come on, man, there are loads of hot women around the Bay Area lining up to date Jimmy G. I just don't see why he needs to go to such a low level to fxxk a porn star. Next thing we know will be Jimmy G out for 4 games with crabs or some form of VD. Man, I really thought Jimmy G was better than that. Sure everybody needs a bit of action, but go and date a hot chick that we will be jealous of and not some porn star for cry out loud! > These are your standards. Don't make them his. > Jimmy still undefeated. > He can do whatever he wants. It is his life and he is single. I wouldn't mind a bj from her, just saying. Good for him. That's my QB! > I have no problems with celebrities or anyone banging porn stars. I do have a problem with women who get implants this large. > At least date a hot pornstar...> The guy is the franchise QB of the San Francisco 49ers and he is fxxking porn stars?! GTFO!! Is embarrassing!! He is the face of the franchise and it comes with the territory. What is wrong with super models? He can date anyone he wants, but yet he had to pick a porn star? Do you honestly think Jed York is over the moon right now?! Get real, bro!! > Tons of hawt wimmen..and u date a pornstar..I don't get it..but that's him > Not trippin, Jimmy can beat herpes. > Don't hate if you have not had sex with a porn star > Lol people acting like he proposed. He's probably just trying to get that professional treatment. > so many broken hearts in here.> All of my Italian buddies are saying that this is what happens when you give them money. > Jimmy clearly doing some charity work before TC starts.> Tom Brady dated and married Gisele Bundchen. Russell Wilson dated and married Ciara. Aaron Rodgers dated Olivia Munn. And Jimmy G, the highest paid and best looking of the bunch had to go after a porn star. LOL> Wasn't Gronk banging some hot porn star. > Gronk banged a porn star and no one cares...js > cuz she was hot. not some fat 45 y/o ... /page1521/You got me dying over here,,,,,,, Maybe when we play the Niners,,,, the RAM FANs should wear a Mia Mask over their faces to distract him..... holding and waving a dildo in their hands.... chanting "MIA"!!!!!! by moklerman 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 7680 Joined: Apr 17 2015 Bakersfield, CA Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #17 My first impression is that it's some sort of publicity thing. Reality a date with Jimmy G...something along those lines. If it's true love then more power to them but it's certainly an oddity. Jimmy G could probably have any woman he wanted in the Bay area and beyond. Why he'd choose someone 15 years his senior and with a less than sparkling background is puzzling.I still don't believe it's a real date/relationship. 1 by moklerman 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 7680 Joined: Apr 17 2015 Bakersfield, CA Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #18 69RamFan wrote:You got me dying over here,,,,,,, Maybe when we play the Niners,,,, the RAM FANs should wear a Mia Mask over their faces to distract him..... holding and waving a dildo in their hands.... chanting "MIA"!!!!!! Unfortunately, you may get the attention of our two new cheerleaders. by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #19 you go guy... by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #20 seems like jimmy likes a fuller woman, his last girlfriend apparently.. Reply 2 / 10 1 2 10 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 93 posts Mar 11 2025 FOLLOW US @RAMSFANSUNITED Who liked this post
by RamsFanSince82 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 5851 Joined: Aug 20 2015 So. Cal. Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #14 dieterbrock wrote:Anyone else google her vids?Asking for a friendThis isn't a link to he videos, lol but here's some PG-13 pics, so your friend can do some research. Too much plastic surgery is ruining her face. by AvengerRam 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 8873 Joined: Oct 03 2017 Lake Mary, Florida Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #15 TOPIC AUTHOR Last edited by AvengerRam on Jul 19 2018, edited 1 time in total. Will0120, azramsfan93, Hacksaw liked this post He misunderstood when his offensive coordinator said he should spend his offseason with wide receivers and tight ends. 3 by 69RamFan 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 3512 Joined: Oct 15 2016 LA CA by way of NY/NJ Superstar Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #16 aeneas1 wrote:a fraction of the hair-pulling that's going on at a popular niners forum right now, ha ha... seems that half are embarrassed/disappointed as hell while the other half are trying to put lipstick on it, show a brave face, ha ha...> Jimmy G out here f**king with pornstars now, there goes our season.> I'm sure she's a nice young lady. Jimmy enjoyed her company during a meal. > ...he could do better > Why the fxxk does Jimmy G need to bonk a porn star man??!! Come on, the dude can have any hot chick he wants!! I am really disappointed with our franchise QB. > This makes Jimmy a legit MVP candidate now. > Come on, man, there are loads of hot women around the Bay Area lining up to date Jimmy G. I just don't see why he needs to go to such a low level to fxxk a porn star. Next thing we know will be Jimmy G out for 4 games with crabs or some form of VD. Man, I really thought Jimmy G was better than that. Sure everybody needs a bit of action, but go and date a hot chick that we will be jealous of and not some porn star for cry out loud! > These are your standards. Don't make them his. > Jimmy still undefeated. > He can do whatever he wants. It is his life and he is single. I wouldn't mind a bj from her, just saying. Good for him. That's my QB! > I have no problems with celebrities or anyone banging porn stars. I do have a problem with women who get implants this large. > At least date a hot pornstar...> The guy is the franchise QB of the San Francisco 49ers and he is fxxking porn stars?! GTFO!! Is embarrassing!! He is the face of the franchise and it comes with the territory. What is wrong with super models? He can date anyone he wants, but yet he had to pick a porn star? Do you honestly think Jed York is over the moon right now?! Get real, bro!! > Tons of hawt wimmen..and u date a pornstar..I don't get it..but that's him > Not trippin, Jimmy can beat herpes. > Don't hate if you have not had sex with a porn star > Lol people acting like he proposed. He's probably just trying to get that professional treatment. > so many broken hearts in here.> All of my Italian buddies are saying that this is what happens when you give them money. > Jimmy clearly doing some charity work before TC starts.> Tom Brady dated and married Gisele Bundchen. Russell Wilson dated and married Ciara. Aaron Rodgers dated Olivia Munn. And Jimmy G, the highest paid and best looking of the bunch had to go after a porn star. LOL> Wasn't Gronk banging some hot porn star. > Gronk banged a porn star and no one cares...js > cuz she was hot. not some fat 45 y/o ... /page1521/You got me dying over here,,,,,,, Maybe when we play the Niners,,,, the RAM FANs should wear a Mia Mask over their faces to distract him..... holding and waving a dildo in their hands.... chanting "MIA"!!!!!! by moklerman 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 7680 Joined: Apr 17 2015 Bakersfield, CA Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #17 My first impression is that it's some sort of publicity thing. Reality a date with Jimmy G...something along those lines. If it's true love then more power to them but it's certainly an oddity. Jimmy G could probably have any woman he wanted in the Bay area and beyond. Why he'd choose someone 15 years his senior and with a less than sparkling background is puzzling.I still don't believe it's a real date/relationship. 1 by moklerman 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 7680 Joined: Apr 17 2015 Bakersfield, CA Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #18 69RamFan wrote:You got me dying over here,,,,,,, Maybe when we play the Niners,,,, the RAM FANs should wear a Mia Mask over their faces to distract him..... holding and waving a dildo in their hands.... chanting "MIA"!!!!!! Unfortunately, you may get the attention of our two new cheerleaders. by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #19 you go guy... by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #20 seems like jimmy likes a fuller woman, his last girlfriend apparently.. Reply 2 / 10 1 2 10 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 93 posts Mar 11 2025 FOLLOW US @RAMSFANSUNITED Who liked this post
by AvengerRam 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 8873 Joined: Oct 03 2017 Lake Mary, Florida Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #15 TOPIC AUTHOR Last edited by AvengerRam on Jul 19 2018, edited 1 time in total. Will0120, azramsfan93, Hacksaw liked this post He misunderstood when his offensive coordinator said he should spend his offseason with wide receivers and tight ends. 3 by 69RamFan 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 3512 Joined: Oct 15 2016 LA CA by way of NY/NJ Superstar Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #16 aeneas1 wrote:a fraction of the hair-pulling that's going on at a popular niners forum right now, ha ha... seems that half are embarrassed/disappointed as hell while the other half are trying to put lipstick on it, show a brave face, ha ha...> Jimmy G out here f**king with pornstars now, there goes our season.> I'm sure she's a nice young lady. Jimmy enjoyed her company during a meal. > ...he could do better > Why the fxxk does Jimmy G need to bonk a porn star man??!! Come on, the dude can have any hot chick he wants!! I am really disappointed with our franchise QB. > This makes Jimmy a legit MVP candidate now. > Come on, man, there are loads of hot women around the Bay Area lining up to date Jimmy G. I just don't see why he needs to go to such a low level to fxxk a porn star. Next thing we know will be Jimmy G out for 4 games with crabs or some form of VD. Man, I really thought Jimmy G was better than that. Sure everybody needs a bit of action, but go and date a hot chick that we will be jealous of and not some porn star for cry out loud! > These are your standards. Don't make them his. > Jimmy still undefeated. > He can do whatever he wants. It is his life and he is single. I wouldn't mind a bj from her, just saying. Good for him. That's my QB! > I have no problems with celebrities or anyone banging porn stars. I do have a problem with women who get implants this large. > At least date a hot pornstar...> The guy is the franchise QB of the San Francisco 49ers and he is fxxking porn stars?! GTFO!! Is embarrassing!! He is the face of the franchise and it comes with the territory. What is wrong with super models? He can date anyone he wants, but yet he had to pick a porn star? Do you honestly think Jed York is over the moon right now?! Get real, bro!! > Tons of hawt wimmen..and u date a pornstar..I don't get it..but that's him > Not trippin, Jimmy can beat herpes. > Don't hate if you have not had sex with a porn star > Lol people acting like he proposed. He's probably just trying to get that professional treatment. > so many broken hearts in here.> All of my Italian buddies are saying that this is what happens when you give them money. > Jimmy clearly doing some charity work before TC starts.> Tom Brady dated and married Gisele Bundchen. Russell Wilson dated and married Ciara. Aaron Rodgers dated Olivia Munn. And Jimmy G, the highest paid and best looking of the bunch had to go after a porn star. LOL> Wasn't Gronk banging some hot porn star. > Gronk banged a porn star and no one cares...js > cuz she was hot. not some fat 45 y/o ... /page1521/You got me dying over here,,,,,,, Maybe when we play the Niners,,,, the RAM FANs should wear a Mia Mask over their faces to distract him..... holding and waving a dildo in their hands.... chanting "MIA"!!!!!! by moklerman 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 7680 Joined: Apr 17 2015 Bakersfield, CA Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #17 My first impression is that it's some sort of publicity thing. Reality a date with Jimmy G...something along those lines. If it's true love then more power to them but it's certainly an oddity. Jimmy G could probably have any woman he wanted in the Bay area and beyond. Why he'd choose someone 15 years his senior and with a less than sparkling background is puzzling.I still don't believe it's a real date/relationship. 1 by moklerman 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 7680 Joined: Apr 17 2015 Bakersfield, CA Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #18 69RamFan wrote:You got me dying over here,,,,,,, Maybe when we play the Niners,,,, the RAM FANs should wear a Mia Mask over their faces to distract him..... holding and waving a dildo in their hands.... chanting "MIA"!!!!!! Unfortunately, you may get the attention of our two new cheerleaders. by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #19 you go guy... by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #20 seems like jimmy likes a fuller woman, his last girlfriend apparently.. Reply 2 / 10 1 2 10 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 93 posts Mar 11 2025
by 69RamFan 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 3512 Joined: Oct 15 2016 LA CA by way of NY/NJ Superstar Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #16 aeneas1 wrote:a fraction of the hair-pulling that's going on at a popular niners forum right now, ha ha... seems that half are embarrassed/disappointed as hell while the other half are trying to put lipstick on it, show a brave face, ha ha...> Jimmy G out here f**king with pornstars now, there goes our season.> I'm sure she's a nice young lady. Jimmy enjoyed her company during a meal. > ...he could do better > Why the fxxk does Jimmy G need to bonk a porn star man??!! Come on, the dude can have any hot chick he wants!! I am really disappointed with our franchise QB. > This makes Jimmy a legit MVP candidate now. > Come on, man, there are loads of hot women around the Bay Area lining up to date Jimmy G. I just don't see why he needs to go to such a low level to fxxk a porn star. Next thing we know will be Jimmy G out for 4 games with crabs or some form of VD. Man, I really thought Jimmy G was better than that. Sure everybody needs a bit of action, but go and date a hot chick that we will be jealous of and not some porn star for cry out loud! > These are your standards. Don't make them his. > Jimmy still undefeated. > He can do whatever he wants. It is his life and he is single. I wouldn't mind a bj from her, just saying. Good for him. That's my QB! > I have no problems with celebrities or anyone banging porn stars. I do have a problem with women who get implants this large. > At least date a hot pornstar...> The guy is the franchise QB of the San Francisco 49ers and he is fxxking porn stars?! GTFO!! Is embarrassing!! He is the face of the franchise and it comes with the territory. What is wrong with super models? He can date anyone he wants, but yet he had to pick a porn star? Do you honestly think Jed York is over the moon right now?! Get real, bro!! > Tons of hawt wimmen..and u date a pornstar..I don't get it..but that's him > Not trippin, Jimmy can beat herpes. > Don't hate if you have not had sex with a porn star > Lol people acting like he proposed. He's probably just trying to get that professional treatment. > so many broken hearts in here.> All of my Italian buddies are saying that this is what happens when you give them money. > Jimmy clearly doing some charity work before TC starts.> Tom Brady dated and married Gisele Bundchen. Russell Wilson dated and married Ciara. Aaron Rodgers dated Olivia Munn. And Jimmy G, the highest paid and best looking of the bunch had to go after a porn star. LOL> Wasn't Gronk banging some hot porn star. > Gronk banged a porn star and no one cares...js > cuz she was hot. not some fat 45 y/o ... /page1521/You got me dying over here,,,,,,, Maybe when we play the Niners,,,, the RAM FANs should wear a Mia Mask over their faces to distract him..... holding and waving a dildo in their hands.... chanting "MIA"!!!!!! by moklerman 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 7680 Joined: Apr 17 2015 Bakersfield, CA Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #17 My first impression is that it's some sort of publicity thing. Reality a date with Jimmy G...something along those lines. If it's true love then more power to them but it's certainly an oddity. Jimmy G could probably have any woman he wanted in the Bay area and beyond. Why he'd choose someone 15 years his senior and with a less than sparkling background is puzzling.I still don't believe it's a real date/relationship. 1 by moklerman 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 7680 Joined: Apr 17 2015 Bakersfield, CA Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #18 69RamFan wrote:You got me dying over here,,,,,,, Maybe when we play the Niners,,,, the RAM FANs should wear a Mia Mask over their faces to distract him..... holding and waving a dildo in their hands.... chanting "MIA"!!!!!! Unfortunately, you may get the attention of our two new cheerleaders. by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #19 you go guy... by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #20 seems like jimmy likes a fuller woman, his last girlfriend apparently.. Reply 2 / 10 1 2 10 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 93 posts Mar 11 2025
by moklerman 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 7680 Joined: Apr 17 2015 Bakersfield, CA Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #17 My first impression is that it's some sort of publicity thing. Reality a date with Jimmy G...something along those lines. If it's true love then more power to them but it's certainly an oddity. Jimmy G could probably have any woman he wanted in the Bay area and beyond. Why he'd choose someone 15 years his senior and with a less than sparkling background is puzzling.I still don't believe it's a real date/relationship. 1 by moklerman 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 7680 Joined: Apr 17 2015 Bakersfield, CA Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #18 69RamFan wrote:You got me dying over here,,,,,,, Maybe when we play the Niners,,,, the RAM FANs should wear a Mia Mask over their faces to distract him..... holding and waving a dildo in their hands.... chanting "MIA"!!!!!! Unfortunately, you may get the attention of our two new cheerleaders. by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #19 you go guy... by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #20 seems like jimmy likes a fuller woman, his last girlfriend apparently.. Reply 2 / 10 1 2 10 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 93 posts Mar 11 2025
by moklerman 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 7680 Joined: Apr 17 2015 Bakersfield, CA Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #18 69RamFan wrote:You got me dying over here,,,,,,, Maybe when we play the Niners,,,, the RAM FANs should wear a Mia Mask over their faces to distract him..... holding and waving a dildo in their hands.... chanting "MIA"!!!!!! Unfortunately, you may get the attention of our two new cheerleaders. by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #19 you go guy... by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #20 seems like jimmy likes a fuller woman, his last girlfriend apparently.. Reply 2 / 10 1 2 10 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 93 posts Mar 11 2025
by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #19 you go guy... by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #20 seems like jimmy likes a fuller woman, his last girlfriend apparently.. Reply 2 / 10 1 2 10 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 93 posts Mar 11 2025
by aeneas1 6 years 7 months ago Total posts: 16894 Joined: Sep 13 2015 Norcal Hall of Fame Jimmy G dates Porn Star POST #20 seems like jimmy likes a fuller woman, his last girlfriend apparently.. Reply 2 / 10 1 2 10 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business