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 by AvengerRam
4 years 2 months ago
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Israel   Lake Mary, Florida
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Football has always been a diversion. Escapism.

Now, its a barometer.

As we avoid groups of 10 or more, its difficult to imagine being in a stadium (or watching one on TV) filled with tens of thousands of fans... shoulder to shoulder... ready to cheer on their team.

It will happen. I don't know if it will be in early-September, or some other date, but it will happen.

On that day, maybe we'll take a moment to appreciate the simple pleasure of gathering with a shared purpose of pure fun and entertainment. Hopefully, we'll recognize what a privilege it is to be able to spend an afternoon indulging a passion, rather than worrying about self-preservation. Maybe, we'll recognize how good we have it, and how often we place too much focus on our petty squabbles and differences, rather than our shared prosperity.

It seems far off right now.

I look forward to looking back on this thread and saying to all of you... we made it. We survived. We have our lives back.

That will be a good day.

4 years 2 months ago
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I admire your optimism. I'll believe we're gonna have a football season when they go to camp, whenever that may be. Let's see what happens with MLB first. I do know this much....or believe this much.....whenever it's "safe" people still aren't going to feel safe at first. But to what degree?

 by AvengerRam
4 years 2 months ago
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Israel   Lake Mary, Florida
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snackdaddy wrote:But what about the zombie apocalypse?

It will eradicate all but 49ers fans... who have no brains to eat!

 by actionjack
4 years 2 months ago
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United States of America   Sactown

PARAM wrote:I admire your optimism. I'll believe we're gonna have a football season when they go to camp, whenever that may be. Let's see what happens with MLB first. I do know this much....or believe this much.....whenever it's "safe" people still aren't going to feel safe at first. But to what degree?

Sure it wont happen overnight. At first it might feel awkward to be around larger groups of people, but it wont last long. The good is, IMO people in general will have learned to wash hands more often and have overall better cleaning habits. it will just take some time, but i fully expect on time NFL football this year.

 by Elvis
4 years 2 months ago
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I actually think we're gonna go back to normal pretty quickly once this is over. People have short memories and we're social by nature.

But i also think it's gonna get pretty bad before we get there...

 by Hacksaw
4 years 2 months ago
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Dick84 wrote:Well... only if there’s a vaccine or cure, imo


Here here to @AvengerRam 's sentiment

 by AvengerRam
4 years 2 months ago
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Israel   Lake Mary, Florida
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Don't be surprised if that vaccine comes from the country represented next to my avatar.

4 years 2 months ago
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Cruising this board over the years there are only a few members compared to other sites that contribute. This feels more like a club than a forum. The odds that everyone here survives physically is VERY high. The odds that some who are forever financially affected is all but a certainty. That is sad also. I already know too many who can't see how they recover what they had. Life has already changed for them.

With that reality check, better to be on this side of the dirt for me.

Football doesn't seem as important right now. Except for the Logos and colors. :)

4 years 2 months ago
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United States of America   LA Coliseum
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Dick84 wrote:Well... only if there’s a vaccine or cure, imo

Unfortunately for viruses there are no cures. Just management. Including HIV after all these years.

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20 posts Jun 01 2024