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 by aeneas1
5 years 9 months ago
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Dick84 wrote:Both Goff's college coach and Mayfield's have said that the people who say that don't know what they're talking about.

and the fans that blindly parrot them know even less.

 by /zn/
5 years 9 months ago
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aeneas1 wrote:and the fans that blindly parrot them know even less.

So there's guys on the other side of the debate too hunh. (At least) 2 different sets of analysis and evals. With blind parrots on all sides.

Imagine that.

Which group is right and why? Is it the college coaches defending their own reps as interested parties? Or other guys? Why right or wrong in each case?

Again though. The first time an Air Raid qb plays well as a rookie--as many qbs from other systems have in the last few years--my response will be, finally look...here's one.

And I might add here are a couple of pro coaches who couldn't get much out of rookie Air Raid qbs

Kubiak (Keenum, 2012 & 2013...didn't play in 2012, qb rating of 78.2 when he did in 2013).

Reid with Pederson as the qb coach (Foles 2012, qb rating of 78.2)


 by dieterbrock
5 years 9 months ago
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/zn/ wrote:So there's guys on the other side of the debate too hunh. (At least) 2 different sets of analysis and evals. With blind parrots on all sides.

Imagine that.

Which group is right and why? Is it the college coaches defending their own reps as interested parties? Or other guys? Why right or wrong in each case?

Again though. The first time an Air Raid qb plays well as a rookie--as many qbs from other systems have in the last few years--my response will be, finally look...here's one.

And I might add here are a couple of pro coaches who couldn't get much out of rookie Air Raid qbs

Kubiak (Keenum, 2012 & 2013...didn't play in 2012, qb rating of 78.2 when he did in 2013).

Reid with Pederson as the qb coach (Foles 2012, qb rating of 78.2)


Keenum was an undrafted FA, not because he was an “air raid” qb because he lacked nfl intangibles. He didn’t touch the field as a rookie, not because of his pedigree, Schaub was a pro bowl caliber qb and when he hit the field in his 2nd year he was an instant success.
And your true colors show in using Nick Foles as an example. Truly shows how little you watch/comprehend football.
You look at his stat lines and make an assumption on how he played.
Fact is, the Eagles were extremely happy with how Foles played as a rookie. He was a bright spot in what was a dismal season.
Now I get it, you just read some nonsense and then regurgitate it over and over as gospel. Fact is, both Keenum and Foles are examples of young qb making positive impact immediately.

 by /zn/
5 years 9 months ago
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dieterbrock wrote:Bingo.

Lol. Everyone has their favorite article. Sometimes it doesn't even matter if it's completely off-topic.

Meanwhile show me an Air Raid qb who plays well his first year in the league and I will say "okay there's one!" Not, show me coaches taking plays from college or even high school. Heck they were already doing that with Brady and spread concepts years ago. Still doesn't mean that Air Raid qbs are suddenly more ready to play when they come into the league.

One of the first who at least lasted in the league as a #2 (Foles) didn;t even play well for Reid and Pederson as a rookie. Though you can always claim it's because they didn't run high school plays. And then declare victory. 8-)

 by dieterbrock
5 years 9 months ago
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/zn/ wrote:Lol. Everyone has their favorite article. Sometimes it doesn't even matter if it's completely off-topic.

Meanwhile show me an Air Raid qb who plays well his first year in the league and I will say "okay there's one!" Not, show me coaches taking plays from college or even high school. Heck they were already doing that with Brady and spread concepts years ago. Still doesn't mean that Air Raid qbs are suddenly more ready to play when they come into the league.

One of the first who at least lasted in the league as a #2 (Foles) didn;t even play well for Reid and Pederson as a rookie. Though you can always claim it's because they didn't run high school plays. And then declare victory. 8-)

Nick Foles did play well, you clearly didn't watch the games. So did Keenum in his first few starts, again, you clearly didn't watch the games. Marcus Mariota game from a spread with less pro concepts than the air raid, and he was succesfull
What makes you a joke, is that instead of just manning up and admitting you were wrong, you keep adding non sequitors. And every example that debunks the theory, you dismiss by moving the goal posts again.
Its really funny to witness.
You sound like a weatherman who predicts that there is a 40% chance of snow in Miami. Technically he's correct when it doesn't snow but still looks like a buffoon for the prediction

 by Hacksaw
5 years 9 months ago
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Air Raid guys might not be as prepared for the old style pro offenses, but the game is changing so the old adage looks to be wearing thin.

 by aeneas1
5 years 9 months ago
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not sure that nfl teams will ever move to the large oline gaps ncaa spread offenses use, or let their qbs take off with the ball as often as some college programs allow, but the nfl has always been about change, it has always evolved, contrary to how some articles paint the league, i.e. stuck in it's own way of doing things, refusing to budge... hell the impact that the afl had on the nfl was tremendous, and the short passing game in lieu of running the ball, which has contributed greatly to driving up qb ratings, has been going for many years now.

anyway, so much of the nonsense spewed about spread and/or air-raid qbs never made sense back then, and it doesn't make sense today, it never came close to holding any water. that said, i do think there are far too many dinosaur coaches in the nfl, at all levels, guys who have been around for a very long time but who haven't actually been exposed to a lot of different concepts, guys who instead just regurgitate what they learned back in the day, guys who have a vested interest in claiming that anything that they don't do, anything that falls outside of what they've learned, is gimmick.

 by Hacksaw
5 years 9 months ago
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That almost sounds Fisheresque.

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