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Huge crash at the GP of Bahrain....

PostPosted:3 years 6 months ago
On the opening lap, Roman Grojean driving a Haas hit a guardrail practically head on at 150 mph. The car split in two, burst into flames and he managed to get out of the wreck. He survived thanks to the technical advancements over the years, the newest (2 years?) is the "halo" on the cockpit. I saw a driver (Helmet Koenig) lose his life at Watkins Glen in 1974 in an eerie similar accident. What is ironic is during the practice session Friday, the commentators were discussing comments made by one team's principle owner that "no driver should make more than 10 mil per year" and they were saying he doesn't get in a car full of fuel, lithium batteries and drive it 220 mph, so it's easy for him to say. In a multi-billion dollar sport, a totally ridiculous statement to be made by one of the leaders. Kudos to the safety car drivers/doctor. The race has been delayed about an hour while they extract the car from the damaged guard rail. All the other drivers, team crews and others, standing around the pits have seen the replay and look like they're in shock, as well one might expect.