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5 years 3 months ago
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But other than shipping off Kemp, Puig and Wood, it looks like they're not making any major changes.

Remember when Puig was all the rage? The guy still hasn't hit 30 homers or driven in 100 runs. And since his rookie season, he hasn't hit .300. Man did that go south in a hurry!!! Sorta like Gary Sanchez last year. The only difference is he's hit 33 and he's getting another chance with the Yankees.

 by snackdaddy
5 years 3 months ago
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PARAM wrote:Remember when Puig was all the rage? The guy still hasn't hit 30 homers or driven in 100 runs. And since his rookie season, he hasn't hit .300. Man did that go south in a hurry!!! Sorta like Gary Sanchez last year. The only difference is he's hit 33 and he's getting another chance with the Yankees.

Yeah, Puig teased a lot with his 5 tool ability. But he never came close to reaching his potential. His career high RBI total is 74. Not exactly a clutch hitter with runners in scoring position. I don't have a problem with trading him. Its not like he didn't have plenty of opportunities to reach his potential. By now I gotta think it ain't gonna happen.

Sanchez missed a share of games in 2018. I think he missed almost half the season. I don't follow the Yanks but that tells me he had injury problems last season that probably never gave him a chance to get anything going. I gotta think a healthy season and he could return to his 2017 season numbers. Besides, for catchers anything they provide on offense is a bonus. Their value is as a receiver as much as a hitter.

5 years 3 months ago
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snackdaddy wrote:Their value is as a receiver as much as a hitter.

Well in all fairness some question his value as a receiver. Personally, I think it's overblown. He's got a howitzer and calls a good game. He just needs more focus blocking balls he should know have the probability to be in the dirt. I think keeping him is a good idea.

 by snackdaddy
5 years 2 months ago
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PARAM wrote:Well in all fairness some question his value as a receiver. Personally, I think it's overblown. He's got a howitzer and calls a good game. He just needs more focus blocking balls he should know have the probability to be in the dirt. I think keeping him is a good idea.

Well, he's off to a good start with 6 HR's. Teams usually value a catcher's defense more than hitting. If you have a guy who can knock 30 HR's that really adds to the offense. Even if his batting average isn't good.

Bellinger's off to a hot start too. 18 RBI's in 10 games. The whole team is off to a good start. Its way early but when you win games early it gives you a cushion when the inevitable losing streak happens.

5 years 2 months ago
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snackdaddy wrote:Well, he's off to a good start with 6 HR's. Teams usually value a catcher's defense more than hitting. If you have a guy who can knock 30 HR's that really adds to the offense. Even if his batting average isn't good.

Bellinger's off to a hot start too. 18 RBI's in 10 games. The whole team is off to a good start. Its way early but when you win games early it gives you a cushion when the inevitable losing streak happens.

Yeah they're tied for the ML home run lead. If he gets hot and has a good year....with Judge, and Stanton, and Voit, and Torres, etc. etc. they will hit a lot of homers and win a lot of games. It usually plays different in the postseason though.

 by snackdaddy
5 years 2 months ago
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Remember when I said the hot start gives you a cushion for the inevitable losing streak? Well, they got both the hot start and losing streak in already getting swept in 4 games by the Cardinals.

Its still way early. I remember them struggling all the way through May last season and making a run eventually. I always felt you never know how good or bad your team is till mid June.

I gotta think the Dodgers will be in the pennant chase all season. I don't see them running away with anything or getting out of reach of a playoff spot. Too bad the Giants don't seem to be a legit contender. Its always more fun to battle them all the to the end.

 by aeneas1
5 years 2 months ago
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love mlb and my pittsburgh pirates but, shit, the payroll thing sure is tough to swallow for fans of small market teams, like me - 2019 mlb payrolls:


 by dieterbrock
5 years 2 months ago
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aeneas1 wrote:love mlb and my pittsburgh pirates but, shit, the payroll thing sure is tough to swallow for fans of small market teams, like me - 2019 mlb payrolls:


And amazingly enough, the last on the list Tampa Rays have the 2nd best record in baseball. Go figure

 by aeneas1
5 years 2 months ago
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dieterbrock wrote:And amazingly enough, the last on the list Tampa Rays have the 2nd best record in baseball. Go figure

and my buccos are in 2nd place just a game out! yeah baby!

 by snackdaddy
5 years 2 months ago
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A lot of World Series and playoff teams among the top ten in that list. Its amazing some of the teams at the bottom of the payroll list can compete. But how many can do it year after year? I think there needs to be a salary cap. Paying 300 or 400 million dollars to players like Machado and Harper is crazy. How sustainable is that in the long run?

Teams like Oakland, Pittsburgh, etc. can turn out good players but they will only lose them when they're eligible to become free agents. End up trading them so they can pick up prospects and do it all over again. Some years they make it to the playoffs but they can't compete with big markets to stay there.

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816 posts Jun 17 2024