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Re: Fully Operational Death Star - All Purpose Yankees Thread

PostPosted:4 years 3 months ago
by Horny Mcbae
Pretty devastating news about Seve. We need that minor league arsenal of arms Cash has assembled to come through for us until Pax and German come back.

Fully Operational Death Star - All Purpose Yankees Thread

PostPosted:4 years 3 months ago
by snackdaddy
Horny Mcbae wrote:Pretty devastating news about Seve. We need that minor league arsenal of arms Cash has assembled to come through for us until Pax and German come back.

Yeah, that news has to sting. The addition of Gerritt Cole has to help. Would help if Stanton could stay healthy most the year. I certainly hope Yankee fans give the Assterisks a lot of grief when they play in New York. And I hope security doesn't take away the signs. Whatever grief those cheaters get is well deserved. They got off easy.

Fully Operational Death Star - All Purpose Yankees Thread

PostPosted:4 years 3 months ago
Horny Mcbae wrote:Pretty devastating news about Seve. We need that minor league arsenal of arms Cash has assembled to come through for us until Pax and German come back.

Yeah. The bright side is maybe after getting TJS he's a new man. Would have been nice if they found it last year. I wonder, with all the health problems he's had, might it have been this all along? A result of mis-diagnosis?

Oh well. Cole, Tanaka, Happ and some youngsters. Sounds like the Rams!!

Fully Operational Death Star - All Purpose Yankees Thread

PostPosted:4 years 3 months ago
by dieterbrock
The Yankees Keystone cops medical staff are at it again.
Now Judge is out indefinitely with the dreaded "more tests" going on, Stanton spends all off season lifting bulldozers off the ground but gets a groin pull tying his shoes.
Opening day outfield of Gardner, Tauchman and Frazier is looking more and more likely.
Until one of them gets hurt of course.
Its insane. Sevy and Paxton both out and they let Cole throw 98 in his first outing.
Mr Magoo running the medical department? Or George Costanza?

Re: Fully Operational Death Star - All Purpose Yankees Thread

PostPosted:4 years 3 months ago
by snackdaddy
Didn't the Yankees have a lot of injuries last year and still won 103 games? I wouldn't worry too much this time of year. I like the chances of a Dodgers/Yankees series this time. We both got robbed by the Assterisks.

Fully Operational Death Star - All Purpose Yankees Thread

PostPosted:4 years 3 months ago
snackdaddy wrote:I like the chances of a Dodgers/Yankees series this time. We both got robbed by the Assterisks.

Hopefully!!!! If that happens they should have Altuve and Bregman throw out the first ball. But have somebody in both dugouts banging on a garbage can!!!!

Fully Operational Death Star - All Purpose Yankees Thread

PostPosted:4 years 3 months ago
by Horny Mcbae
dieterbrock wrote:The Yankees Keystone cops medical staff are at it again.
Now Judge is out indefinitely with the dreaded "more tests" going on, Stanton spends all off season lifting bulldozers off the ground but gets a groin pull tying his shoes.
Opening day outfield of Gardner, Tauchman and Frazier is looking more and more likely.
Until one of them gets hurt of course.
Its insane. Sevy and Paxton both out and they let Cole throw 98 in his first outing.
Mr Magoo running the medical department? Or George Costanza?

I’m actually pretty high on Clint. Folks (and I mean the Yankees) need to pipe down about his personality. No everyone has to be or can be like Judge and Jeter. And it’s not like he’s getting DUI’s or beating up women, he’s just a little different. He has legendary (cashman’s words) bat speed and he was raking last season when he got the chance. The defensive issues are also a little overblown.

Watch him light it up as a Mariner or a Athletic once he gets traded.

Fully Operational Death Star - All Purpose Yankees Thread

PostPosted:4 years 3 months ago
by Horny Mcbae
snackdaddy wrote:Didn't the Yankees have a lot of injuries last year and still won 103 games? I wouldn't worry too much this time of year. I like the chances of a Dodgers/Yankees series this time. We both got robbed by the Assterisks.

We had a record 30 players on the IL last season. But you can’t expect the same kind of resilience as last season. DJ and a lot of others carried us. Can’t expect it to happen again. We have to get our main guys healthy and then keep them healthy.

This is the issue with people who have bodies like Judge playing a sport which puts a lot of stress and torque on the top half of the body. Can he actually have a long career healthy career. Right now it’s a lot of ?????

Fully Operational Death Star - All Purpose Yankees Thread

PostPosted:4 years 3 months ago
by dieterbrock
Horny Mcbae wrote:I’m actually pretty high on Clint. Folks (and I mean the Yankees) need to pipe down about his personality. No everyone has to be or can be like Judge and Jeter. And it’s not like he’s getting DUI’s or beating up women, he’s just a little different. He has legendary (cashman’s words) bat speed and he was raking last season when he got the chance. The defensive issues are also a little overblown.

Watch him light it up as a Mariner or a Athletic once he gets traded.

I liked this post even though I HATE the last comment. Because I know that’s true.
I’m a big Clint supporter as well.
And criticism of his “personality” drives me insane. Since when is aloof a bad thing?? When is being disappointed about losing your starting spot because you got hurt trying to extend a play a bad thing?
This kid has dove head first in to a wall, puts his body in harms way to try and make plays and he gets criticized? Meanwhile we have numerous guys getting hurt off the field, and seemingly stay out of criticism way.
Clint carried the team last year early in the season, and no doubt that bat speed is a joy to behold.
Silver lining in this black cloud of injury is he and Andujar should get penalty of at bats

Re: Fully Operational Death Star - All Purpose Yankees Thread

PostPosted:4 years 3 months ago
by dieterbrock
Oh right, we forgot. He fractured a rib!
Didn’t heal in 5 months but let’s give it 2 weeks, should be good to go.