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New Poster, my 2 cents

PostPosted:9 years 9 months ago
by SoCalRam78
Got banned by idiots over at PD because I said Bernie's Raider sale to SK was made up nonsense. He must have been upset after Davis denied wanting to sell or move to St. Louis. I wasn't inflammatory or insulting. Anyway that place stinks and is ruined by 4 local idiots who post non stop about how the Rams will stay plus the format style is antiquated garbage that is hard to read. The best part of Rams moving will be Bernie eating his words.

Here's my analysis.

1. The Rams are moving. SK has been cultivating this since 2010 and his first shot was buying the Dodgers and doing it at Chavez Ravine. Once that fell through, he was all in on Inglewood. Bias aside, this dwarfs the other proposals in terms of site, stadium and surrounding area. No one can argue otherwise, it's also the most expensive. The Rams want nothing to do with the St. Louis plan and would have moved if Goodell didn't kibosh 2015. The NFL wants a beautiful site in LA, and I doubt the NFL will choose against a facility of that magnitude.

2. Carson is fabricated reactionary BS solely as a result of number 1 above. Neither the Raiders or Chargers actually want to move they just want to have new stadiums and leverage. SK actually wants to move. He wants to be owner in the number 2 market with the gem stadium. Moreover, this site is 12-18 months from being shovel ready, and so wont be open until 2020 at the earliest. I'm sure having the Raiders and Chargers play in college stadium for 4 seasons is ideal for the NFL. Not. The Rams would play in one for two years. And LA doesn't want the Raiders back.

3. The progress of the St. Louis stadium is being overrated by the local writers at the PD, namely Bernie. They think their part of the deal is a slam dunk, but nobody has signed of on anything, no proposal has been made to politicians and they will meet backlash.

4. SD offer is being underrated by the same writers because it's easy to bash on California for public funding, but a framework is there. The offer will probably need to be more, but it's a good start.

5. SK's plan is for a two team stadium, and ultimately Oakland and SD will have some form of leverage to move as second tenants.

Re: New Poster, my 2 cents

PostPosted:9 years 9 months ago
by Elvis
Hi and welcome to our forum. I think you're pretty much spot on with your analysis but only time will tell for sure.

It's funny, a lot of us left the PD years ago because the trolling was so rampant. And now because of the L.A. business there's a second exodus going on with all the L.A. people getting banned.

I pop in at the PD once in a while but besides all the craziness, just the sheer volume of ads, popups and ad trackers makes the place just about unusable for me. That's not to say there aren't (or at least didn't used to be) a lot of good posters there. I know there are/were.

Certainly if/when the Rams do move, they'll shut Rams Talk down. These are interesting times for all Rams fans...

Re: New Poster, my 2 cents

PostPosted:9 years 9 months ago
by den-the-coach
SoCalRam78 wrote:
5. SK's plan is for a two team stadium, and ultimately Oakland and SD will have some form of leverage to move as second tenants.

Excellent post my good man and I would give much more than two cent. It's obvious to most, however, some need to believe otherwise and the media always plays a part. All of us here know that bottom line this is the best for the franchise and that's truly what it's all about.

I'm looking forward to saying the Los Angeles Rams again, in fact, my wife keeps telling me that's what I'm saying in my sleep...Guess that's better than calling out Lola.

Re: New Poster, my 2 cents

PostPosted:9 years 9 months ago
by BuiltRamTough
SoCalRam78 wrote:Got banned by idiots over at PD because I said Bernie's Raider sale to SK was made up nonsense. He must have been upset after Davis denied wanting to sell or move to St. Louis. I wasn't inflammatory or insulting. Anyway that place stinks and is ruined by 4 local idiots who post non stop about how the Rams will stay plus the format style is antiquated garbage that is hard to read. The best part of Rams moving will be Bernie eating his words.

Here's my analysis.

1. The Rams are moving. SK has been cultivating this since 2010 and his first shot was buying the Dodgers and doing it at Chavez Ravine. Once that fell through, he was all in on Inglewood. Bias aside, this dwarfs the other proposals in terms of site, stadium and surrounding area. No one can argue otherwise, it's also the most expensive. The Rams want nothing to do with the St. Louis plan and would have moved if Goodell didn't kibosh 2015. The NFL wants a beautiful site in LA, and I doubt the NFL will choose against a facility of that magnitude.

2. Carson is fabricated reactionary BS solely as a result of number 1 above. Neither the Raiders or Chargers actually want to move they just want to have new stadiums and leverage. SK actually wants to move. He wants to be owner in the number 2 market with the gem stadium. Moreover, this site is 12-18 months from being shovel ready, and so wont be open until 2020 at the earliest. I'm sure having the Raiders and Chargers play in college stadium for 4 seasons is ideal for the NFL. Not. The Rams would play in one for two years. And LA doesn't want the Raiders back.

3. The progress of the St. Louis stadium is being overrated by the local writers at the PD, namely Bernie. They think their part of the deal is a slam dunk, but nobody has signed of on anything, no proposal has been made to politicians and they will meet backlash.

4. SD offer is being underrated by the same writers because it's easy to bash on California for public funding, but a framework is there. The offer will probably need to be more, but it's a good start.

5. SK's plan is for a two team stadium, and ultimately Oakland and SD will have some form of leverage to move as second tenants.


Re: New Poster, my 2 cents

PostPosted:9 years 9 months ago
by bubbaramfan
Welcome aboard SoCal. Spot on 1st post. I live just 4 blocks from the Carson site, and I've been saying all along its just a ploy. Nice point about the "two team", The NFL can still use LA as a threat as it has ever since the Rams moved.
PD forum is a joke, I go there to get a laugh.

Re: New Poster, my 2 cents

PostPosted:9 years 9 months ago
by Hacksaw
Cardinals fans were unhappy at losing their team, and Bill Bidwill, fearing for his safety, stayed away from several of the 1987 home games. Their last home game was on December 13, 1987 (a 27-24 victory over the New York Giants in front of 29,623 fans on a late Sunday afternoon"

I hope this year doesn't turn out to be more of the same.
It makes too much sense for the Rams to be back in LA and in as much as it isn't a done deal, the risk to the NFL to move a bit slower (1 team at a time) and more assuredly (foolproof / exquisite stadium plan) make all of this look very realistic. The owners desire is the icing.

GO RAMS err,,,, I mean COME home and GO Rams

Re: New Poster, my 2 cents

PostPosted:9 years 9 months ago
by den-the-coach
Hacksaw wrote:Cardinals fans were unhappy at losing their team, and Bill Bidwill, fearing for his safety, stayed away from several of the 1987 home games. Their last home game was on December 13, 1987 (a 27-24 victory over the New York Giants in front of 29,623 fans on a late Sunday afternoon"

I hope this year doesn't turn out to be more of the same.

And that's why the two games are on the road on the west coast!
I’m coming home
I’m coming home
tell the World I’m coming home
Let the rain wash away all the pain of yesterday
I know my kingdom awaits and they’ve forgiven my mistakes
I’m coming home, I’m coming home
tell the World I’m coming