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 by Elvis
6 years 5 months ago
 Total posts:   38917  
 Joined:  Mar 28 2015
United States of America   Los Angeles

This is a tough loss/season to process: What a great season. What a disappointing last game.

Regardless it was an awesome year here at RFU and i got to meet many of our members, their friends and family at @LARams_1963 tailgate, training camp and elsewhere.

Just wanted to say thanks to everyone for all of their contributions...


 by ramsrams
6 years 5 months ago
 Total posts:   1179  
 Joined:  Feb 06 2016
Canada   Mississauga, ON
Pro Bowl

And, thanks to you, very cool board.

Mean that.

 by snackdaddy
6 years 5 months ago
 Total posts:   9721  
 Joined:  May 30 2015
United States of America   Merced California
Hall of Fame

Yes, it was a great season for the team and this forum. Looking forward to many great seasons here. :)

 by Neil039
6 years 5 months ago
 Total posts:   2664  
 Joined:  Feb 02 2016
United States of America   LA Coliseum

This is the hard part of the year. Slow with the Rams out, draft months away, free agency 2 months away, and the stadium 2 years away.

Thanks Elvis, Hacksaw Xs 2, and all the posters for the reads. Looking forward to an outstanding 2018 season.

 by Hacksaw
6 years 5 months ago
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United States of America   AT THE BEACH

The team did great. We're back on the map. Got the playoff drought behind us. Got a great new coach. Even the uni's are moving in the right direction.

We are going to be in the same boat as 30 other teams within a month. Only one fan base is smiling at the end. We rams fans have all been here before and more often than imaginable. The difference this time is we went out with dignity.

Now let's turn our heads to the improvement of our team from where we are now. The NFCW got tougher with the late emergence of SF. The Hags might have another run in them. AZ who know's but I want redemption this time next year.

Most of all, it's been great sharing the whole experience with all of you!!


 by RedAlice
6 years 5 months ago
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United States of America   Dallas, Texas
Hall of Fame

Well said Hacksaw.

And to add, we all get to enjoy the off season with each other here.

Go Rams.

 by BrendanOC6
6 years 5 months ago
 Total posts:   89  
 Joined:  Jun 22 2016
United States of America   OC
Practice Squad

Great season and Great board. I highly recommend fans come out to UC Irvine for practice next season. It is a great fan experience. Let's all become draft experts until then

 by RedAlice
6 years 5 months ago
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United States of America   Dallas, Texas
Hall of Fame

BrendanOC6 wrote:Great season and Great board. I highly recommend fans come out to UC Irvine for practice next season. It is a great fan experience. Let's all become draft experts until then


 by ramsman34
6 years 5 months ago
 Total posts:   8684  
 Joined:  Apr 16 2015
United States of America   Back in LA baby!

Year two in the book. This is my only Rams fan site - the only one a peruse, daily and multiple times/day.

Great job by all the mods and a special tip o' the rams cap to Elvis.

 by Stranger
6 years 5 months ago
 Total posts:   3213  
 Joined:  Aug 12 2015
United States of America   Norcal

Our team is playing in January. Howabout that? Wild stuff.

Fun times. Great Board. Exceptional Fanbase.

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18 posts Jul 08 2024