by BuiltRamTough 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 5357 Joined: May 15 2015 Los Angeles Hall of Fame Live construction cam launched for Inglewood (SoFi Stadium) POST #1 TOPIC AUTHOR Last edited by BuiltRamTough on May 06 2018, edited 1 time in total. Rambunctious liked this post Here is the direct feed. Much easier to use then the Rams website. ... ruction%20 We Not Me RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #2 Rambunctious, elmendorf liked this post Sweet. People were asking about this last year and now it's here... RFU Season Ticket Holder 2 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #3 Rambunctious liked this post This is cool. GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS 1 by ramsfan1977 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 1319 Joined: Nov 02 2015 New Jersey Pro Bowl Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #4 Does anyone have a clue what the process is as far as construction phases? I am not an engineer that's for sure. I have watched the cam for a few days now and I see these large machines driving into and out of the center of the bowl created during excavation over and over. by dieterbrock 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 11512 Joined: Mar 31 2015 New Jersey Hall of Fame Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #5 ramsfan1977 wrote:Does anyone have a clue what the process is as far as construction phases? I am not an engineer that's for sure. I have watched the cam for a few days now and I see these large machines driving into and out of the center of the bowl created during excavation over and over.You've been watching for a few days? Man, you must be tired by ramsfan1977 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 1319 Joined: Nov 02 2015 New Jersey Pro Bowl Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #6 dieterbrock wrote:You've been watching for a few days? Man, you must be tiredLol. I meant for a few minutes each day for the past few. by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #7 SWAdude liked this post ramsfan1977 wrote:Does anyone have a clue what the process is as far as construction phases? I am not an engineer that's for sure. I have watched the cam for a few days now and I see these large machines driving into and out of the center of the bowl created during excavation over and over.Probably looking for his keys.@Hacksaw knows this stuff, hopefully he'll chime in... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #8 KNUCKLEHEAD, BuiltRamTough, Elvis and 2 others liked this post Elvis wrote:@Hacksaw knows this stuff, hopefully he'll chime in...I build buildings on a much smaller scale, but In general, not including prefab orders, engineering changes, inspections, staking etc., and not having access to plans,,,, The graders and earth-movers are still relocating the soil. It is really taking shape. A meteor hitting that spot would have been much faster but the downside is prohibitive.Next, cranes drilling caissons, cranes hoisting pre-built forms, welders and cement mixers/boom pumpers...What's left,,*complete excavation grading, shoring, compaction, *separate excavation for column bases and other footings, drilling caissons to bedrock,*foundation forming and reinforcing steel,*subterranean (sub-t) waterproofing at perimeter and under field, drainage and pump vaults for stadium and lake,*installation of infrastructure (ie: conduits, pipework, waste / utility supply, mechanical supply and all other under-grounding,*pumping concrete for foundation, column bases, structural footings and retaining walls, (could include some of the inner bowl, field base and sub-t access to and for sub-t habitable spaces (ie: 3 locker rooms, loading dock's, elevator shafts, escalators, lake, etc.),*fabrication and installation of steel framework for structure as per plan including escalators, elevator, roof, etc.,*ETFE roof installation, (this is a typical early stage time to install the roof to protect the environment beneath it.), *more concrete forming and pours for interior structural walls not related to the roof or waterproofing.*pull wires and connect water, sewer, gas, propane, fiber optic, telecom etc to city services, *back-fill where applicable and regrade exterior including lake, *complete connector roadways for controlled access, initial striping, *construct interior walls and general framing,*fenestration (glass/windows) where applicable (int/ext), *interior, exterior finishes and flat work finishes, columns, paint, *terminate / trim out all telecom, electrical connections at the end locations / fixtures / scoreboards / press boxes , roof billboard etc. *stub out water and waste lines.*more interior finishes (ie: set up locker rooms, kitchens, bars - counter-tops, restaurants, luxury suites, stadium seating etc.), *trim out plumbing water and all other utility services, *exterior / interior landscape, irrigation, filters, water features, guard rails, etc. *install turf, stripe, new uniforms and we should be ready to go win us some games in our new house.... GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS 5 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #9 Such a beautiful backround for a sunny SoCal stadium site, but what I find interesting @SWAdude are the outbound planes heading east.. There must have been Santa Ana wind conditions that day, right? Or are they looping back that close?Also a series of boom cranes tethered seems like a rather expensive way to hold up a large construction fence. Must have been windy.. GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #10 Rambunctious liked this post I flew out of LAX about two weeks ago and we took off going East, rare, but it happens.Flew back at night but got a glimpse of the site and all i can really say is: it's big.BTW, our Southwest pilot was a real cut up, very funny, and i couldn't help think: I wonder if i know this guy... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 Reply 1 / 155 1 155 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 1543 posts Feb 10 2025 FOLLOW US @RAMSFANSUNITED Who liked this post
by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #2 Rambunctious, elmendorf liked this post Sweet. People were asking about this last year and now it's here... RFU Season Ticket Holder 2 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #3 Rambunctious liked this post This is cool. GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS 1 by ramsfan1977 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 1319 Joined: Nov 02 2015 New Jersey Pro Bowl Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #4 Does anyone have a clue what the process is as far as construction phases? I am not an engineer that's for sure. I have watched the cam for a few days now and I see these large machines driving into and out of the center of the bowl created during excavation over and over. by dieterbrock 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 11512 Joined: Mar 31 2015 New Jersey Hall of Fame Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #5 ramsfan1977 wrote:Does anyone have a clue what the process is as far as construction phases? I am not an engineer that's for sure. I have watched the cam for a few days now and I see these large machines driving into and out of the center of the bowl created during excavation over and over.You've been watching for a few days? Man, you must be tired by ramsfan1977 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 1319 Joined: Nov 02 2015 New Jersey Pro Bowl Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #6 dieterbrock wrote:You've been watching for a few days? Man, you must be tiredLol. I meant for a few minutes each day for the past few. by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #7 SWAdude liked this post ramsfan1977 wrote:Does anyone have a clue what the process is as far as construction phases? I am not an engineer that's for sure. I have watched the cam for a few days now and I see these large machines driving into and out of the center of the bowl created during excavation over and over.Probably looking for his keys.@Hacksaw knows this stuff, hopefully he'll chime in... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #8 KNUCKLEHEAD, BuiltRamTough, Elvis and 2 others liked this post Elvis wrote:@Hacksaw knows this stuff, hopefully he'll chime in...I build buildings on a much smaller scale, but In general, not including prefab orders, engineering changes, inspections, staking etc., and not having access to plans,,,, The graders and earth-movers are still relocating the soil. It is really taking shape. A meteor hitting that spot would have been much faster but the downside is prohibitive.Next, cranes drilling caissons, cranes hoisting pre-built forms, welders and cement mixers/boom pumpers...What's left,,*complete excavation grading, shoring, compaction, *separate excavation for column bases and other footings, drilling caissons to bedrock,*foundation forming and reinforcing steel,*subterranean (sub-t) waterproofing at perimeter and under field, drainage and pump vaults for stadium and lake,*installation of infrastructure (ie: conduits, pipework, waste / utility supply, mechanical supply and all other under-grounding,*pumping concrete for foundation, column bases, structural footings and retaining walls, (could include some of the inner bowl, field base and sub-t access to and for sub-t habitable spaces (ie: 3 locker rooms, loading dock's, elevator shafts, escalators, lake, etc.),*fabrication and installation of steel framework for structure as per plan including escalators, elevator, roof, etc.,*ETFE roof installation, (this is a typical early stage time to install the roof to protect the environment beneath it.), *more concrete forming and pours for interior structural walls not related to the roof or waterproofing.*pull wires and connect water, sewer, gas, propane, fiber optic, telecom etc to city services, *back-fill where applicable and regrade exterior including lake, *complete connector roadways for controlled access, initial striping, *construct interior walls and general framing,*fenestration (glass/windows) where applicable (int/ext), *interior, exterior finishes and flat work finishes, columns, paint, *terminate / trim out all telecom, electrical connections at the end locations / fixtures / scoreboards / press boxes , roof billboard etc. *stub out water and waste lines.*more interior finishes (ie: set up locker rooms, kitchens, bars - counter-tops, restaurants, luxury suites, stadium seating etc.), *trim out plumbing water and all other utility services, *exterior / interior landscape, irrigation, filters, water features, guard rails, etc. *install turf, stripe, new uniforms and we should be ready to go win us some games in our new house.... GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS 5 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #9 Such a beautiful backround for a sunny SoCal stadium site, but what I find interesting @SWAdude are the outbound planes heading east.. There must have been Santa Ana wind conditions that day, right? Or are they looping back that close?Also a series of boom cranes tethered seems like a rather expensive way to hold up a large construction fence. Must have been windy.. GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #10 Rambunctious liked this post I flew out of LAX about two weeks ago and we took off going East, rare, but it happens.Flew back at night but got a glimpse of the site and all i can really say is: it's big.BTW, our Southwest pilot was a real cut up, very funny, and i couldn't help think: I wonder if i know this guy... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 Reply 1 / 155 1 155 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 1543 posts Feb 10 2025 FOLLOW US @RAMSFANSUNITED Who liked this post
by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #3 Rambunctious liked this post This is cool. GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS 1 by ramsfan1977 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 1319 Joined: Nov 02 2015 New Jersey Pro Bowl Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #4 Does anyone have a clue what the process is as far as construction phases? I am not an engineer that's for sure. I have watched the cam for a few days now and I see these large machines driving into and out of the center of the bowl created during excavation over and over. by dieterbrock 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 11512 Joined: Mar 31 2015 New Jersey Hall of Fame Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #5 ramsfan1977 wrote:Does anyone have a clue what the process is as far as construction phases? I am not an engineer that's for sure. I have watched the cam for a few days now and I see these large machines driving into and out of the center of the bowl created during excavation over and over.You've been watching for a few days? Man, you must be tired by ramsfan1977 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 1319 Joined: Nov 02 2015 New Jersey Pro Bowl Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #6 dieterbrock wrote:You've been watching for a few days? Man, you must be tiredLol. I meant for a few minutes each day for the past few. by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #7 SWAdude liked this post ramsfan1977 wrote:Does anyone have a clue what the process is as far as construction phases? I am not an engineer that's for sure. I have watched the cam for a few days now and I see these large machines driving into and out of the center of the bowl created during excavation over and over.Probably looking for his keys.@Hacksaw knows this stuff, hopefully he'll chime in... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #8 KNUCKLEHEAD, BuiltRamTough, Elvis and 2 others liked this post Elvis wrote:@Hacksaw knows this stuff, hopefully he'll chime in...I build buildings on a much smaller scale, but In general, not including prefab orders, engineering changes, inspections, staking etc., and not having access to plans,,,, The graders and earth-movers are still relocating the soil. It is really taking shape. A meteor hitting that spot would have been much faster but the downside is prohibitive.Next, cranes drilling caissons, cranes hoisting pre-built forms, welders and cement mixers/boom pumpers...What's left,,*complete excavation grading, shoring, compaction, *separate excavation for column bases and other footings, drilling caissons to bedrock,*foundation forming and reinforcing steel,*subterranean (sub-t) waterproofing at perimeter and under field, drainage and pump vaults for stadium and lake,*installation of infrastructure (ie: conduits, pipework, waste / utility supply, mechanical supply and all other under-grounding,*pumping concrete for foundation, column bases, structural footings and retaining walls, (could include some of the inner bowl, field base and sub-t access to and for sub-t habitable spaces (ie: 3 locker rooms, loading dock's, elevator shafts, escalators, lake, etc.),*fabrication and installation of steel framework for structure as per plan including escalators, elevator, roof, etc.,*ETFE roof installation, (this is a typical early stage time to install the roof to protect the environment beneath it.), *more concrete forming and pours for interior structural walls not related to the roof or waterproofing.*pull wires and connect water, sewer, gas, propane, fiber optic, telecom etc to city services, *back-fill where applicable and regrade exterior including lake, *complete connector roadways for controlled access, initial striping, *construct interior walls and general framing,*fenestration (glass/windows) where applicable (int/ext), *interior, exterior finishes and flat work finishes, columns, paint, *terminate / trim out all telecom, electrical connections at the end locations / fixtures / scoreboards / press boxes , roof billboard etc. *stub out water and waste lines.*more interior finishes (ie: set up locker rooms, kitchens, bars - counter-tops, restaurants, luxury suites, stadium seating etc.), *trim out plumbing water and all other utility services, *exterior / interior landscape, irrigation, filters, water features, guard rails, etc. *install turf, stripe, new uniforms and we should be ready to go win us some games in our new house.... GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS 5 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #9 Such a beautiful backround for a sunny SoCal stadium site, but what I find interesting @SWAdude are the outbound planes heading east.. There must have been Santa Ana wind conditions that day, right? Or are they looping back that close?Also a series of boom cranes tethered seems like a rather expensive way to hold up a large construction fence. Must have been windy.. GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #10 Rambunctious liked this post I flew out of LAX about two weeks ago and we took off going East, rare, but it happens.Flew back at night but got a glimpse of the site and all i can really say is: it's big.BTW, our Southwest pilot was a real cut up, very funny, and i couldn't help think: I wonder if i know this guy... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 Reply 1 / 155 1 155 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 1543 posts Feb 10 2025 FOLLOW US @RAMSFANSUNITED Who liked this post
by ramsfan1977 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 1319 Joined: Nov 02 2015 New Jersey Pro Bowl Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #4 Does anyone have a clue what the process is as far as construction phases? I am not an engineer that's for sure. I have watched the cam for a few days now and I see these large machines driving into and out of the center of the bowl created during excavation over and over. by dieterbrock 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 11512 Joined: Mar 31 2015 New Jersey Hall of Fame Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #5 ramsfan1977 wrote:Does anyone have a clue what the process is as far as construction phases? I am not an engineer that's for sure. I have watched the cam for a few days now and I see these large machines driving into and out of the center of the bowl created during excavation over and over.You've been watching for a few days? Man, you must be tired by ramsfan1977 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 1319 Joined: Nov 02 2015 New Jersey Pro Bowl Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #6 dieterbrock wrote:You've been watching for a few days? Man, you must be tiredLol. I meant for a few minutes each day for the past few. by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #7 SWAdude liked this post ramsfan1977 wrote:Does anyone have a clue what the process is as far as construction phases? I am not an engineer that's for sure. I have watched the cam for a few days now and I see these large machines driving into and out of the center of the bowl created during excavation over and over.Probably looking for his keys.@Hacksaw knows this stuff, hopefully he'll chime in... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #8 KNUCKLEHEAD, BuiltRamTough, Elvis and 2 others liked this post Elvis wrote:@Hacksaw knows this stuff, hopefully he'll chime in...I build buildings on a much smaller scale, but In general, not including prefab orders, engineering changes, inspections, staking etc., and not having access to plans,,,, The graders and earth-movers are still relocating the soil. It is really taking shape. A meteor hitting that spot would have been much faster but the downside is prohibitive.Next, cranes drilling caissons, cranes hoisting pre-built forms, welders and cement mixers/boom pumpers...What's left,,*complete excavation grading, shoring, compaction, *separate excavation for column bases and other footings, drilling caissons to bedrock,*foundation forming and reinforcing steel,*subterranean (sub-t) waterproofing at perimeter and under field, drainage and pump vaults for stadium and lake,*installation of infrastructure (ie: conduits, pipework, waste / utility supply, mechanical supply and all other under-grounding,*pumping concrete for foundation, column bases, structural footings and retaining walls, (could include some of the inner bowl, field base and sub-t access to and for sub-t habitable spaces (ie: 3 locker rooms, loading dock's, elevator shafts, escalators, lake, etc.),*fabrication and installation of steel framework for structure as per plan including escalators, elevator, roof, etc.,*ETFE roof installation, (this is a typical early stage time to install the roof to protect the environment beneath it.), *more concrete forming and pours for interior structural walls not related to the roof or waterproofing.*pull wires and connect water, sewer, gas, propane, fiber optic, telecom etc to city services, *back-fill where applicable and regrade exterior including lake, *complete connector roadways for controlled access, initial striping, *construct interior walls and general framing,*fenestration (glass/windows) where applicable (int/ext), *interior, exterior finishes and flat work finishes, columns, paint, *terminate / trim out all telecom, electrical connections at the end locations / fixtures / scoreboards / press boxes , roof billboard etc. *stub out water and waste lines.*more interior finishes (ie: set up locker rooms, kitchens, bars - counter-tops, restaurants, luxury suites, stadium seating etc.), *trim out plumbing water and all other utility services, *exterior / interior landscape, irrigation, filters, water features, guard rails, etc. *install turf, stripe, new uniforms and we should be ready to go win us some games in our new house.... GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS 5 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #9 Such a beautiful backround for a sunny SoCal stadium site, but what I find interesting @SWAdude are the outbound planes heading east.. There must have been Santa Ana wind conditions that day, right? Or are they looping back that close?Also a series of boom cranes tethered seems like a rather expensive way to hold up a large construction fence. Must have been windy.. GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #10 Rambunctious liked this post I flew out of LAX about two weeks ago and we took off going East, rare, but it happens.Flew back at night but got a glimpse of the site and all i can really say is: it's big.BTW, our Southwest pilot was a real cut up, very funny, and i couldn't help think: I wonder if i know this guy... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 Reply 1 / 155 1 155 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 1543 posts Feb 10 2025 FOLLOW US @RAMSFANSUNITED Who liked this post
by dieterbrock 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 11512 Joined: Mar 31 2015 New Jersey Hall of Fame Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #5 ramsfan1977 wrote:Does anyone have a clue what the process is as far as construction phases? I am not an engineer that's for sure. I have watched the cam for a few days now and I see these large machines driving into and out of the center of the bowl created during excavation over and over.You've been watching for a few days? Man, you must be tired by ramsfan1977 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 1319 Joined: Nov 02 2015 New Jersey Pro Bowl Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #6 dieterbrock wrote:You've been watching for a few days? Man, you must be tiredLol. I meant for a few minutes each day for the past few. by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #7 SWAdude liked this post ramsfan1977 wrote:Does anyone have a clue what the process is as far as construction phases? I am not an engineer that's for sure. I have watched the cam for a few days now and I see these large machines driving into and out of the center of the bowl created during excavation over and over.Probably looking for his keys.@Hacksaw knows this stuff, hopefully he'll chime in... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #8 KNUCKLEHEAD, BuiltRamTough, Elvis and 2 others liked this post Elvis wrote:@Hacksaw knows this stuff, hopefully he'll chime in...I build buildings on a much smaller scale, but In general, not including prefab orders, engineering changes, inspections, staking etc., and not having access to plans,,,, The graders and earth-movers are still relocating the soil. It is really taking shape. A meteor hitting that spot would have been much faster but the downside is prohibitive.Next, cranes drilling caissons, cranes hoisting pre-built forms, welders and cement mixers/boom pumpers...What's left,,*complete excavation grading, shoring, compaction, *separate excavation for column bases and other footings, drilling caissons to bedrock,*foundation forming and reinforcing steel,*subterranean (sub-t) waterproofing at perimeter and under field, drainage and pump vaults for stadium and lake,*installation of infrastructure (ie: conduits, pipework, waste / utility supply, mechanical supply and all other under-grounding,*pumping concrete for foundation, column bases, structural footings and retaining walls, (could include some of the inner bowl, field base and sub-t access to and for sub-t habitable spaces (ie: 3 locker rooms, loading dock's, elevator shafts, escalators, lake, etc.),*fabrication and installation of steel framework for structure as per plan including escalators, elevator, roof, etc.,*ETFE roof installation, (this is a typical early stage time to install the roof to protect the environment beneath it.), *more concrete forming and pours for interior structural walls not related to the roof or waterproofing.*pull wires and connect water, sewer, gas, propane, fiber optic, telecom etc to city services, *back-fill where applicable and regrade exterior including lake, *complete connector roadways for controlled access, initial striping, *construct interior walls and general framing,*fenestration (glass/windows) where applicable (int/ext), *interior, exterior finishes and flat work finishes, columns, paint, *terminate / trim out all telecom, electrical connections at the end locations / fixtures / scoreboards / press boxes , roof billboard etc. *stub out water and waste lines.*more interior finishes (ie: set up locker rooms, kitchens, bars - counter-tops, restaurants, luxury suites, stadium seating etc.), *trim out plumbing water and all other utility services, *exterior / interior landscape, irrigation, filters, water features, guard rails, etc. *install turf, stripe, new uniforms and we should be ready to go win us some games in our new house.... GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS 5 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #9 Such a beautiful backround for a sunny SoCal stadium site, but what I find interesting @SWAdude are the outbound planes heading east.. There must have been Santa Ana wind conditions that day, right? Or are they looping back that close?Also a series of boom cranes tethered seems like a rather expensive way to hold up a large construction fence. Must have been windy.. GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #10 Rambunctious liked this post I flew out of LAX about two weeks ago and we took off going East, rare, but it happens.Flew back at night but got a glimpse of the site and all i can really say is: it's big.BTW, our Southwest pilot was a real cut up, very funny, and i couldn't help think: I wonder if i know this guy... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 Reply 1 / 155 1 155 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 1543 posts Feb 10 2025
by ramsfan1977 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 1319 Joined: Nov 02 2015 New Jersey Pro Bowl Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #6 dieterbrock wrote:You've been watching for a few days? Man, you must be tiredLol. I meant for a few minutes each day for the past few. by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #7 SWAdude liked this post ramsfan1977 wrote:Does anyone have a clue what the process is as far as construction phases? I am not an engineer that's for sure. I have watched the cam for a few days now and I see these large machines driving into and out of the center of the bowl created during excavation over and over.Probably looking for his keys.@Hacksaw knows this stuff, hopefully he'll chime in... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #8 KNUCKLEHEAD, BuiltRamTough, Elvis and 2 others liked this post Elvis wrote:@Hacksaw knows this stuff, hopefully he'll chime in...I build buildings on a much smaller scale, but In general, not including prefab orders, engineering changes, inspections, staking etc., and not having access to plans,,,, The graders and earth-movers are still relocating the soil. It is really taking shape. A meteor hitting that spot would have been much faster but the downside is prohibitive.Next, cranes drilling caissons, cranes hoisting pre-built forms, welders and cement mixers/boom pumpers...What's left,,*complete excavation grading, shoring, compaction, *separate excavation for column bases and other footings, drilling caissons to bedrock,*foundation forming and reinforcing steel,*subterranean (sub-t) waterproofing at perimeter and under field, drainage and pump vaults for stadium and lake,*installation of infrastructure (ie: conduits, pipework, waste / utility supply, mechanical supply and all other under-grounding,*pumping concrete for foundation, column bases, structural footings and retaining walls, (could include some of the inner bowl, field base and sub-t access to and for sub-t habitable spaces (ie: 3 locker rooms, loading dock's, elevator shafts, escalators, lake, etc.),*fabrication and installation of steel framework for structure as per plan including escalators, elevator, roof, etc.,*ETFE roof installation, (this is a typical early stage time to install the roof to protect the environment beneath it.), *more concrete forming and pours for interior structural walls not related to the roof or waterproofing.*pull wires and connect water, sewer, gas, propane, fiber optic, telecom etc to city services, *back-fill where applicable and regrade exterior including lake, *complete connector roadways for controlled access, initial striping, *construct interior walls and general framing,*fenestration (glass/windows) where applicable (int/ext), *interior, exterior finishes and flat work finishes, columns, paint, *terminate / trim out all telecom, electrical connections at the end locations / fixtures / scoreboards / press boxes , roof billboard etc. *stub out water and waste lines.*more interior finishes (ie: set up locker rooms, kitchens, bars - counter-tops, restaurants, luxury suites, stadium seating etc.), *trim out plumbing water and all other utility services, *exterior / interior landscape, irrigation, filters, water features, guard rails, etc. *install turf, stripe, new uniforms and we should be ready to go win us some games in our new house.... GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS 5 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #9 Such a beautiful backround for a sunny SoCal stadium site, but what I find interesting @SWAdude are the outbound planes heading east.. There must have been Santa Ana wind conditions that day, right? Or are they looping back that close?Also a series of boom cranes tethered seems like a rather expensive way to hold up a large construction fence. Must have been windy.. GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #10 Rambunctious liked this post I flew out of LAX about two weeks ago and we took off going East, rare, but it happens.Flew back at night but got a glimpse of the site and all i can really say is: it's big.BTW, our Southwest pilot was a real cut up, very funny, and i couldn't help think: I wonder if i know this guy... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 Reply 1 / 155 1 155 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 1543 posts Feb 10 2025
by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #7 SWAdude liked this post ramsfan1977 wrote:Does anyone have a clue what the process is as far as construction phases? I am not an engineer that's for sure. I have watched the cam for a few days now and I see these large machines driving into and out of the center of the bowl created during excavation over and over.Probably looking for his keys.@Hacksaw knows this stuff, hopefully he'll chime in... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #8 KNUCKLEHEAD, BuiltRamTough, Elvis and 2 others liked this post Elvis wrote:@Hacksaw knows this stuff, hopefully he'll chime in...I build buildings on a much smaller scale, but In general, not including prefab orders, engineering changes, inspections, staking etc., and not having access to plans,,,, The graders and earth-movers are still relocating the soil. It is really taking shape. A meteor hitting that spot would have been much faster but the downside is prohibitive.Next, cranes drilling caissons, cranes hoisting pre-built forms, welders and cement mixers/boom pumpers...What's left,,*complete excavation grading, shoring, compaction, *separate excavation for column bases and other footings, drilling caissons to bedrock,*foundation forming and reinforcing steel,*subterranean (sub-t) waterproofing at perimeter and under field, drainage and pump vaults for stadium and lake,*installation of infrastructure (ie: conduits, pipework, waste / utility supply, mechanical supply and all other under-grounding,*pumping concrete for foundation, column bases, structural footings and retaining walls, (could include some of the inner bowl, field base and sub-t access to and for sub-t habitable spaces (ie: 3 locker rooms, loading dock's, elevator shafts, escalators, lake, etc.),*fabrication and installation of steel framework for structure as per plan including escalators, elevator, roof, etc.,*ETFE roof installation, (this is a typical early stage time to install the roof to protect the environment beneath it.), *more concrete forming and pours for interior structural walls not related to the roof or waterproofing.*pull wires and connect water, sewer, gas, propane, fiber optic, telecom etc to city services, *back-fill where applicable and regrade exterior including lake, *complete connector roadways for controlled access, initial striping, *construct interior walls and general framing,*fenestration (glass/windows) where applicable (int/ext), *interior, exterior finishes and flat work finishes, columns, paint, *terminate / trim out all telecom, electrical connections at the end locations / fixtures / scoreboards / press boxes , roof billboard etc. *stub out water and waste lines.*more interior finishes (ie: set up locker rooms, kitchens, bars - counter-tops, restaurants, luxury suites, stadium seating etc.), *trim out plumbing water and all other utility services, *exterior / interior landscape, irrigation, filters, water features, guard rails, etc. *install turf, stripe, new uniforms and we should be ready to go win us some games in our new house.... GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS 5 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #9 Such a beautiful backround for a sunny SoCal stadium site, but what I find interesting @SWAdude are the outbound planes heading east.. There must have been Santa Ana wind conditions that day, right? Or are they looping back that close?Also a series of boom cranes tethered seems like a rather expensive way to hold up a large construction fence. Must have been windy.. GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #10 Rambunctious liked this post I flew out of LAX about two weeks ago and we took off going East, rare, but it happens.Flew back at night but got a glimpse of the site and all i can really say is: it's big.BTW, our Southwest pilot was a real cut up, very funny, and i couldn't help think: I wonder if i know this guy... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 Reply 1 / 155 1 155 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 1543 posts Feb 10 2025
by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #8 KNUCKLEHEAD, BuiltRamTough, Elvis and 2 others liked this post Elvis wrote:@Hacksaw knows this stuff, hopefully he'll chime in...I build buildings on a much smaller scale, but In general, not including prefab orders, engineering changes, inspections, staking etc., and not having access to plans,,,, The graders and earth-movers are still relocating the soil. It is really taking shape. A meteor hitting that spot would have been much faster but the downside is prohibitive.Next, cranes drilling caissons, cranes hoisting pre-built forms, welders and cement mixers/boom pumpers...What's left,,*complete excavation grading, shoring, compaction, *separate excavation for column bases and other footings, drilling caissons to bedrock,*foundation forming and reinforcing steel,*subterranean (sub-t) waterproofing at perimeter and under field, drainage and pump vaults for stadium and lake,*installation of infrastructure (ie: conduits, pipework, waste / utility supply, mechanical supply and all other under-grounding,*pumping concrete for foundation, column bases, structural footings and retaining walls, (could include some of the inner bowl, field base and sub-t access to and for sub-t habitable spaces (ie: 3 locker rooms, loading dock's, elevator shafts, escalators, lake, etc.),*fabrication and installation of steel framework for structure as per plan including escalators, elevator, roof, etc.,*ETFE roof installation, (this is a typical early stage time to install the roof to protect the environment beneath it.), *more concrete forming and pours for interior structural walls not related to the roof or waterproofing.*pull wires and connect water, sewer, gas, propane, fiber optic, telecom etc to city services, *back-fill where applicable and regrade exterior including lake, *complete connector roadways for controlled access, initial striping, *construct interior walls and general framing,*fenestration (glass/windows) where applicable (int/ext), *interior, exterior finishes and flat work finishes, columns, paint, *terminate / trim out all telecom, electrical connections at the end locations / fixtures / scoreboards / press boxes , roof billboard etc. *stub out water and waste lines.*more interior finishes (ie: set up locker rooms, kitchens, bars - counter-tops, restaurants, luxury suites, stadium seating etc.), *trim out plumbing water and all other utility services, *exterior / interior landscape, irrigation, filters, water features, guard rails, etc. *install turf, stripe, new uniforms and we should be ready to go win us some games in our new house.... GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS 5 by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #9 Such a beautiful backround for a sunny SoCal stadium site, but what I find interesting @SWAdude are the outbound planes heading east.. There must have been Santa Ana wind conditions that day, right? Or are they looping back that close?Also a series of boom cranes tethered seems like a rather expensive way to hold up a large construction fence. Must have been windy.. GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #10 Rambunctious liked this post I flew out of LAX about two weeks ago and we took off going East, rare, but it happens.Flew back at night but got a glimpse of the site and all i can really say is: it's big.BTW, our Southwest pilot was a real cut up, very funny, and i couldn't help think: I wonder if i know this guy... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 Reply 1 / 155 1 155 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 1543 posts Feb 10 2025
by Hacksaw 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 24523 Joined: Apr 15 2015 AT THE BEACH Moderator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #9 Such a beautiful backround for a sunny SoCal stadium site, but what I find interesting @SWAdude are the outbound planes heading east.. There must have been Santa Ana wind conditions that day, right? Or are they looping back that close?Also a series of boom cranes tethered seems like a rather expensive way to hold up a large construction fence. Must have been windy.. GO RAMS !!! GO DODGERS !!! GO LAKERS !!!THE GREATEST SHOW ON TURF,, WAS by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #10 Rambunctious liked this post I flew out of LAX about two weeks ago and we took off going East, rare, but it happens.Flew back at night but got a glimpse of the site and all i can really say is: it's big.BTW, our Southwest pilot was a real cut up, very funny, and i couldn't help think: I wonder if i know this guy... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 Reply 1 / 155 1 155 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business 1543 posts Feb 10 2025
by Elvis 7 years 11 months ago Total posts: 40547 Joined: Mar 28 2015 Los Angeles Administrator Live construction cam launched for Inglewood POST #10 Rambunctious liked this post I flew out of LAX about two weeks ago and we took off going East, rare, but it happens.Flew back at night but got a glimpse of the site and all i can really say is: it's big.BTW, our Southwest pilot was a real cut up, very funny, and i couldn't help think: I wonder if i know this guy... RFU Season Ticket Holder 1 Reply 1 / 155 1 155 Display: All posts1 day7 days2 weeks1 month3 months6 months1 year Sort by: AuthorPost timeSubject Sort by: AscendingDescending Jump to: Forum Rams/NFL Other Sports Rams Fans United Q&A's Board Business