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Polls -- Looks like MO voters want to vote and want to vote NO

PostPosted:9 years 6 months ago
by TSFH Fan
Poll Shows Voters Want to Decide on Public Money for Stadium
http://stlouis.cbslocal.com/2015/08/27/ ... l-stadium/
Associated Press
August 27, 2015 6:38 AM

ST. LOUIS (KMOX) – A new poll says most voters are against using public money for a new riverfront stadium, unless they get to vote on it first.

The survey by Remington Research Group shows 72 percent of likely voters want a vote on the stadium. That’s good news to Fred Lindeceke with the Coalition Against Public Funding for Stadium, even though a court has already said no public vote is needed.

“Right now we are a bunch of angry bystanders,” Lindeceke says. “But maybe people have noticed the number of legislators in the city and in the state who are saying they won’t pay for the bonds.”

The chairman of the Missouri House Budget Committee is also coming out against using public money for the stadium, unless voters or the legislature gets to vote on it first.

Re: Polls -- Looks like MO voters want to vote and want to vote NO

PostPosted:9 years 6 months ago
by TSFH Fan
With as much as the gov in MO wants to avoid an election, you'd think he has some kind of internal polling data.

So there was another poll by the Remington Research Group, seven months ago and discussion about the results came and went real, real fast -- I think it was talked about less than a day on ROD. Remington does not seem to be some fly-by-night operation and they seem to do a variety of polls. Considering all the effort to avoid a vote, I'm thinking this poll might be accurate and close to the gov's internal polls. Without further ado:

http://stlouis.cbslocal.com/2015/01/28/ ... s-stadium/
Q: If you had to choose one, what is your favorite professional sports team in St. Louis?

St. Louis Cardinals…………...75%

St. Louis Rams………………….12%

St. Louis Blues………………….13%

Q: How would you feel if the St. Louis Rams relocated to Los Angeles?

Very disappointed…………………….36%

Somewhat disappointed…………..26%

Not disappointed……………………..17%

Not disappointed at all……………..22%

Q: How important do you believe the St. Louis Rams are to the area’s economy?

Very important………………………….36%

Somewhat important………………..42%

Not important…………………………..14%

Not important at all…………………...7%

Q: Do you believe the St. Louis Rams need a new stadium?



Q: Do you believe subsidizing professional sports teams’ stadiums with tax dollars is a good idea or bad idea?

Good idea……….15%

Bad idea………….70%

Don’t know……..15%

Q: There has been discussion of the NFL’s St. Louis Rams relocating to Los Angeles. In order to keep the team in St. Louis, a plan has been proposed to build a new stadium using approximately $500 million in taxpayer funds. Do you support or oppose a plan using $500 million in taxpayer funds to build a new stadium for the St. Louis Rams in order to keep them in St. Louis?



Don’t Know……….…13%

Re: Polls -- Looks like MO voters want to vote and want to vote NO

PostPosted:9 years 6 months ago
by TSFH Fan
No Public Funding For the Rams Stadium

Re: Polls -- Looks like MO voters want to vote and want to vote NO

PostPosted:9 years 6 months ago
by bubbaramfan
They keep saying 450 mil, when they should be telling everyone they are going to need to raise the whole 985 mil. Stan is NOT going to contribute, and if he doesn't, then there will be no G-4 loan. That is a loan to the team, not the CVC. I'm still waiting for that shoe to drop.

Re: Polls -- Looks like MO voters want to vote and want to vote NO

PostPosted:9 years 6 months ago
by Hacksaw
WOW. The gov wants to fly in the face of the voters?

This poll clearly shows that around 70% of the folks polled in StL like the Rams and think they are good for the city but around that same % of people don't think that the taxpayers should pay for them to play there. Just over 2/3. Sounds like a majority to me.. No wonder Nixon didn't want to go there.

Good thing he isn't running again.