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Mayor blames ‘haters’ for putting out misinformation on Carson stadium site

PostPosted:9 years 6 months ago
by Elvis
http://thebeast980.com/2015/09/01/mayor ... dium-site/

Mayor blames ‘haters’ for putting out misinformation on Carson stadium site
September 1, 2015 9:07 AM

Carson Mayor Albert Robles talked with The Home Team to explain what the city is doing to convince the NFL that it is the better choice to house a franchise as a council meeting is scheduled for this evening in which Carmen Policy, the city’s advocate for the project, will provide updates about the latest developments with the NFL owners.

Tim Romer of Goldman Sachs, who put the financing package together for Levi Stadium in Santa Clara and is working on the financing package for the stadium in Carson, will also have a report to present.

In terms of a time frame to find out when the NFL will make a decision, Robles says:

What we’ve been told officially is that it will happen at the beginning of next year, but I’ve read press accounts that it will basically happen at the end of this year.

Former Raider Mike Haynes and representatives from the San Diego Chargers will attend a pep rally in Carson on Thursday.
The mayor also discussed questions about the Carson site, the remediation of it and more,

Those haters, if you will, that don’t want the stadium to come to Carson, or don’t like the Chargers and the Raiders, keep providing this misinformation that’s not accurate.

Audio at the link...

Re: Mayor blames ‘haters’ for putting out misinformation on Carson stadium site

PostPosted:9 years 6 months ago
by Elvis
Free pizza alert:

Re: Mayor blames ‘haters’ for putting out misinformation on Carson stadium site

PostPosted:9 years 6 months ago
by The Ripper
I love how Robles said that it was just a dump but on the Roggin he said it was toxic. This seems to show that he was wrong.

Cal Compact Landfill
20400 Main Street, Carson, CA 90745
Tanks & Spills Details for Cal Compact Landfill
ID # T10000005544
Type: Site
Status: Open - Inactive
Status Date: 1/6/2014
RegionalWaterBoardCase#: 95-075

Tank related leaks and spills are caused by mismanaged or poorly designed underground and above ground storage tanks and containers designed to hold a variety of potential polluters. They may pose a risk to human health and/or the environment.

http://www.homefacts.com/environmentalh ... 29647.html

Re: Mayor blames ‘haters’ for putting out misinformation on Carson stadium site

PostPosted:9 years 6 months ago
by TSFH Fan
Elvis wrote:Free pizza alert:

Instead of recycling the Kiefer Sutherland voiceover video, I hope they show something more descriptive, like this:

Re: Mayor blames ‘haters’ for putting out misinformation on Carson stadium site

PostPosted:9 years 6 months ago
by Hacksaw
He needs to call 1-800-555-WAAH. Then he needs to schedule an appointment with liars anonymous.

Re: Mayor blames ‘haters’ for putting out misinformation on Carson stadium site

PostPosted:9 years 6 months ago
by Stranger
The Ripper wrote:I love how Robles said that it was just a dump but on the Roggin he said it was toxic. This seems to show that he was wrong.

Cal Compact Landfill
20400 Main Street, Carson, CA 90745
Tanks & Spills Details for Cal Compact Landfill
ID # T10000005544
Type: Site
Status: Open - Inactive
Status Date: 1/6/2014
RegionalWaterBoardCase#: 95-075

Tank related leaks and spills are caused by mismanaged or poorly designed underground and above ground storage tanks and containers designed to hold a variety of potential polluters. They may pose a risk to human health and/or the environment.

http://www.homefacts.com/environmentalh ... 29647.html


Re: Mayor blames ‘haters’ for putting out misinformation on Carson stadium site

PostPosted:9 years 6 months ago
by bubbaramfan
If the Carson site is shovel ready, then show us the certifications the EPA and the Calif. State Board of Health have to issue showing ALL the Remediations have been done. Mayor Robles, Carmon Policy and the media continue to mislead the public. Those documents will be filed at Carson city hall for public viewing by those agencies after the remideations are completed. They have yet to be filed. The Carson site is NOT shovel ready. They claim it will be by the end of the year, but as of today, nothing is being done on site.

Re: Mayor blames ‘haters’ for putting out misinformation on Carson stadium site

PostPosted:9 years 6 months ago
by Hacksaw
bubbaramfan wrote:The Carson site is NOT shovel ready. They claim it will be by the end of the year, but as of today, nothing is being done on site.

This just in... The Charaiders have begun work... http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/ ... o-Face.gif

Re: Mayor blames ‘haters’ for putting out misinformation on Carson stadium site

PostPosted:9 years 6 months ago
by bubbaramfan
How'd that get by me? :o

Re: Mayor blames ‘haters’ for putting out misinformation on Carson stadium site

PostPosted:9 years 6 months ago
by BuiltRamTough
Hacksaw wrote:
bubbaramfan wrote:The Carson site is NOT shovel ready. They claim it will be by the end of the year, but as of today, nothing is being done on site.

This just in... The Charaiders have begun work... http://gifrific.com/wp-content/uploads/ ... o-Face.gif
