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mr. donald

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by aeneas1
reason enough to watch the 4-8 rams...

mr. donald

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by Hacksaw
I go just to see those ugly gold skinny horns in person and the players wearing them getting runaround like keystone cops.


mr. donald

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by dieterbrock
He's so far and away my favorite player on the team right now and I don't care how much $$ he wants, he needs to get paid.
I would trade any/every other player on the team without losing sleep. Him? Not a chance

Re: mr. donald

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by actionjack
yes sign this guy ASAP, dont let him get to his walk year. Just stop making dumb arse personal fouls

Re: mr. donald

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by aeneas1
suh is getting paid what, $19 million a year?

Re: mr. donald

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by Hacksaw
who are we going to be able to afford? it's just about that time again

mr. donald

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by Haden
Unless the Rams get a quality coach, there is no way he will stay with this loser team unless franchised. Like Janoris he will leave to a better organization. Only the losers stay here.

mr. donald

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by actionjack
99.9% of the time players go where the money is

mr. donald

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by aeneas1

mr. donald

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by Neil039
aeneas1 wrote:https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Z8hi93dhhXs

Thank god Fisher doesn't do this....imagine 2 hours of Keenum tape from a 60 minute game?