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What are the odds Fisher is back next year?

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by Elvis
Seems like pretty much zero chance at this point but realistically, 10%? 20%?

Re: What are the odds Fisher is back next year?

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by BuiltRamTough
Depends on the next 5 games tbh. If they don't show up then he's gone.

I also think it depends on who is available to replace him. Stan might like Fisher but he might like Jim Harbaugh more.

What are the odds Fisher is back next year?

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by dieterbrock
My opinion is that he should be fired immediately and let one of the assistants hold the interim title. I am no fan of Boras but I think we could get a better understanding of what he offers as an OC without Fisher around.
The stunt he pulled with GRob should cost him his job IMO

But how I voted? I voted "Better than 50/50" because I just have a terrible feeling that Fisher has Kroenke snowed

Re: What are the odds Fisher is back next year?

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by BuiltRamTough
According to all the beat writers in LA. They think Fisher is safe.

According to the big hitters like Ian Rappport, Peter King, Mark Clayton and many more. They all think Fisher is safe.

Stan is a patient man. If you look at history, he keeps coaches around a long time.

What are the odds Fisher is back next year?

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by SteakandEggs
BuiltRamTough wrote:According to all the beat writers in LA. They think Fisher is safe.

According to the big hitters like Ian Rappport, Peter King, Mark Clayton and many more. They all think Fisher is safe.

Stan is a patient man. If you look at history, he keeps coaches around a long time.


Hope they are wrong ...

What are the odds Fisher is back next year?

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by maxxx power
Keep in mind that Stan is a big fan of "The Patriot Way." That means keeping a coach around for a while, establishing a process and sticking to that process for a long time. Unfortunately, Fisher has not proven nearly as good as Belichick in assessing and drafting talent, building a solid coaching staff, and most importantly, winning.

What are the odds Fisher is back next year?

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by TomSlick
Let's look at how Fisher will handle his end-of-the-season meeting with Stan...

1. "Good morning, Stan-ster. Hey, that's a real nice tie you got there."
2. "Goff just wasn't as ready as we would have liked. However, I'm grooming him and I think next year he will do big things for us."
3. "Yeah, no worries, I know that Cignetti and Boras had the skillset to be outstanding OCs, but they each lacked confidence in their abilities. Damn shame. But, yeah, like I was saying, I'll bring in a top gun OC for 2017 and we'll really get this thing going."
4. "Wow! Thanks, Stan! A 10 year extension! I won't let you down, Stan-ster."

What are the odds Fisher is back next year?

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by haroldjackson29
BuiltRamTough wrote:Depends on the next 5 games tbh. If they don't show up then he's gone.

I also think it depends on who is available to replace him. Stan might like Fisher but he might like Jim Harbaugh more.

it doesnt depend on crappola, He's gone no matter what happens the next 5 games. Odds are they win their last 2 home games and he'll still be gone. Its over.

they are getting a high profile media babe coach now

Re: What are the odds Fisher is back next year?

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by max
There is only one way Fisher ISN'T back. The fans and media must make it totally untenable for the Rams to bring him back. Right now Demoff is talking like Fisher is coming back.

Re: What are the odds Fisher is back next year?

PostPosted:7 years 6 months ago
by actionjack
Hard to imagine the Rams winning more than 1 or 2 games out of the next 5, so at best 6-10. Fishers first season with the Rams 7-9.
That is five years of going nowhere. An offensive line and running back that have regressed and statically one of the worst offenses during his tenure. I dont care what the talking heads are saying, LA appears to be already past the honeymoon stage. There is no way he makes it, unless Stan cares nothing about winning and people in the stands.