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Where does Fisher rank among Rams coaches since George Allen?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by max
My view...

Those better than Fisher:

Equal to Fisher:

Worse than Fisher:

Where does Fisher rank among Rams coaches since George Allen?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by Hacksaw
It's true Allen had them humming along, then Tommy. 2 years after Knox comes in a we ground out a lot of wins again. Clear drop off during the Prothro years.
Malavasi didn't end well either. You might consider an adjustment there. :?:


Where does Fisher rank among Rams coaches since George Allen?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by JackPMiller
Martz was better, due to he got us to a Super Bowl, and and did go into Seattle to defeat the Seahawks in a Wildcard game. Brooks went 8-8, and Spags in his first season was within one game of making the playoffs. Fisher has never been close. So. I'll put Fisher equal with Brooks and Spags. And Martz better.

Where does Fisher rank among Rams coaches since George Allen?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by moklerman
No kidding, Martz was WAY better. His worst year was 7-9. That's Fisher's "best" year. Martz had a .624 winning %. Fisher .442. It's not even close. People blamed Martz for not having a dynasty and not winning the Super Bowl every year. Fisher can't even get to .500 or make the playoffs, much less win a Super Bowl.

Where does Fisher rank among Rams coaches since George Allen?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by sloramfan

your credibility just took a really big hit...

martz equal to fisher?... geeze wtf are you smoking?

in proper order, and the SB win is the ONLY reason vermiel tops the list (because he was a pretty crappy evaluator ...


that is my proper list, in order, of coaching ability...

for those that forget so quickly.. we seemed to never be out of a game that martz coached...

his record as coach speaks for itself...

go rams


Where does Fisher rank among Rams coaches since George Allen?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by Hacksaw_64
I liked Martz better. Can't say the same about Robinson or Ray Malavasi. I like Fisher better than both, but that's not saying much.

Spags and Linehan had to be the all-time worst HC's, Brooks included.

Where does Fisher rank among Rams coaches since George Allen?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by dieterbrock
1 Martz
2 Vermeil
3 Robinson
4 Malavasi
5 Fisher
6 Vitt
7 Brooks
8 Linehan
9 Knox 2.0
10 Spags

Where does Fisher rank among Rams coaches since George Allen?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by max
Ha. I knew this thread would be interesting.

I just threw things down with the intent of showing how bad Fisher is.

All I really know for sure is that Vermeil is the best HC the Rams have ever had from the mid 60's on.

And there is no doubt in my mind that Vermeil beats Belichick in that SB, even with the cheating.

Where does Fisher rank among Rams coaches since George Allen?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by Hacksaw
dieterbrock wrote:1 Martz
2 Vermeil
3 Robinson
4 Malavasi
5 Fisher
6 Vitt
7 Brooks
8 Linehan
9 Knox 2.0
10 Spags

Where's George Allen? Martz was the best offensive coach but I can't put him above DV. .
Knox and Robinson were effective. Knox 2 not so much.
I'd say you put Fisher in the proper spot just below Malavasi & Robinson.

Where does Fisher rank among Rams coaches since George Allen?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by Neil039
Tough to grade when my memory only goes back to Knox, first go around.

Read all the Martz stuff, bet he'd put points on the board even with this crew. I always look at players and coaches with one question....could they win or be competitive in a different area. Vermeil would get my nod as top coach, as he is a motivator(slash crying lover lol).