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Is it just me, or is Farr insufferable?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by max
Every time I listen to this guy, I can't wait for him to STFU.

It's not that he's totally worthless, although he does say some absurd things, it's more that he assaults you with over dramatic garbage.

Has anyone listened to Farr and Myles Simmons on their podcast? What do you think? Just curious if it's just me.

Is it just me, or is Farr insufferable?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by BuiltRamTough
I have but it's a goffy show and Myles voice is annoying.

Half the time they don't even talk football. That show is not for people like us.

Is it just me, or is Farr insufferable?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by max
BuiltRamTough wrote:I have but it's a goffy show and Myles voice is annoying.

Half the time they don't even talk football. That show is not for people like us.

That's fair. I took it off my podcast list. Not for people like us, got it.

Is it just me, or is Farr insufferable?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by Hacksaw_64
max wrote:Every time I listen to this guy, I can't wait for him to STFU.

It's not that he's totally worthless, although he does say some absurd things, it's more that he assaults you with over dramatic garbage.

Has anyone listened to Farr and Myles Simmons on their podcast? What do you think? Just curious if it's just me.


He can be bad but imo there are far worse. And saying there are far worse shouldn't be the benchmark. I think in general sport media broadcasting seems to be going downhill. While there are a few quality guys in the field there are far more hacks and @ssclowns.

Our local sports broadcasters/media covering LA seem to be following the national trend. The LA Times sports section once a bastion of good sports writing talent, is a shell of its former self. And even when the Times was stacked with good writers like Allen Malmud, Jim Murray, and Gene Wojciechowski many people felt the need to go to the competing Herald Examiner for sports coverage.

After having unrivaled world class iconic voices like Vin Scully, Chick Hearn, or the Kings Bob Miller I know I am certainly spoiled, but I know what it sounds like when its done right.

There's nothing worse than getting annoyed with a broadcaster. Is it me or are guys today killing the broadcast by being attention seeking wh@res? The guys I mentioned above while they had unique personalities were able to be almost invisible and seemlessly weave commentary without throwing themselves center stage and taking the listener/viewer hostage.

Some sports local radio guys that are difficult to listen to for me are Petros Papadakis and Marcellus Wiley. And as much as I love Dickerson the player, I'm not enthralled with him on the radio. Its kinda funny I think the best Rams guy on local radio now is Eric Davis and he's a friggen ex-9r. His partner Kirk Morrison seems to be getting a little better, but he likes to overly impose his "opinions", rather than stick to analysis. I think Farr does the same thing sometimes. I still think Faulk offers some of the most insightful analysis. But like a lot of these guys he can get in the way of a broadcast.

I don't think its just here its everywhere. Just tune in to ESPN during the day. Other than Mike and Mike in the morning, which I think is great the rest is pretty bad. Steven A. Smith and Skip Bayless are perfect examples of two guys who's egos are so big they believe they are or at least equal to what they are covering. Never once do they have a take that isn't obviously personally agenda driven. Jon Gruden has gone from maybe once being somewhat interesting to being a a cartoon parody. His constant one-way gushing schtick lost any true relevance long ago. Phil Simms makes me want to commit homicide. If I were ESPN, Fox or CBS I and looking at the drop in ratings I would be scouring the globe for young hungry new talent and make a total purge in broadcast/analyst teams. These overpaid dinosaurs I believe are a big part of the problem. Does anybody actually care what Terry Bradshaw or Michael Strahan has to say? They certainly aren't funny. For what they get paid they should be both top notch interesting and the next Eddie Murphy.

Its one of the most common complaints I here from knowledgeable fans watching a game. I just don't think the media execs realize just how bad of a taint they are putting on a slam dunk product. They have it all wrong.

Is it just me, or is Farr insufferable?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by Hacksaw
Hacksaw_64 wrote:"After having unrivaled world class iconic voices like Vin Scully, Chick Hearn, or the Kings Bob Miller"....


Is it just me, or is Farr insufferable?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by max
I was just re-reading Paul Zimmerman's classic book, The New Thinking Man's Guide to Pro Football. 1984.

They don't write them like that anymore.

Is it just me, or is Farr insufferable?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by Hacksaw
Would that book be obsolete by now? Is there a new thinking in football?

Been a long time but Zim was good.

Is it just me, or is Farr insufferable?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by Hacksaw_64
Hacksaw wrote:THE END

This is the end, beautiful friend

Is it just me, or is Farr insufferable?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by tavian
max wrote:Every time I listen to this guy, I can't wait for him to STFU.

It's not that he's totally worthless, although he does say some absurd things, it's more that he assaults you with over dramatic garbage.

Has anyone listened to Farr and Myles Simmons on their podcast? What do you think? Just curious if it's just me.

I personally am a huge Farr fan,but to each his own.

Is it just me, or is Farr insufferable?

PostPosted:7 years 8 months ago
by 69RamFan
I myself, enjoy listening to Farr,

He gives you insight that these Reporters can't even come close to give you.

Would you rather have Farr giving you info about the team,

or listening to Myles Simmon whiney little voice,,, :lol: :lol: :lol: