Learn from NFL Execs and Coaches about the process of scouting
The Fall semester will begin on September 14th, 2015. Registration is now open!
https://www.scoutingacademy.com/THE COURSE
Integrated tutorials. Proven techniques. Unparalleled knowledge... All online.
Because we understand that you cannot drop everything and attend a 16-week course, we have designed the curriculum and built an online learning platform to bring the class to you. You will be able to create a flexible class schedule around your life and have full access to the library of information and years of experience that our instructors bring. There should be no reason you cannot invest in your future despite any life events or previous commitments.
With each of the 32 NFL teams operating under different value sets and schematics, we teach trait-by-trait evaluations that arm up-and-coming analysts with a vast array of proficiencies. Our Academy allows you to seamlessly step into the scouting world and execute at a high level.