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Is this right?

PostPosted:9 years 2 months ago
by max
This from waterfield on herd board...

I wouldn't rely on posters unless one of them is me. My understanding from everything I read is that the toxic cleanup has been done, been inspected and tested, and been given the OK by the regulatory people who must give the OK. If no team comes to Carson they are already down the path of shopping, restaurants, theaters, apartments and even homes.

Apparently Carson is ready to go, no more cleanup necessary. I had a different impression before his post. Anyone have good info on this?

Re: Is this right?

PostPosted:9 years 2 months ago
by Hacksaw
max wrote:This from waterfield on herd board...

I wouldn't rely on posters unless one of them is me. My understanding from everything I read is that the toxic cleanup has been done, been inspected and tested, and been given the OK by the regulatory people who must give the OK. If no team comes to Carson they are already down the path of shopping, restaurants, theaters, apartments and even homes.

Apparently Carson is ready to go, no more cleanup necessary. I had a different impression before his post. Anyone have good info on this?

waterfield is sorely misinformed. or is that a delusion he's having.

Re: Is this right?

PostPosted:9 years 2 months ago
by BuiltRamTough
Hacksaw wrote:
max wrote:This from waterfield on herd board...

I wouldn't rely on posters unless one of them is me. My understanding from everything I read is that the toxic cleanup has been done, been inspected and tested, and been given the OK by the regulatory people who must give the OK. If no team comes to Carson they are already down the path of shopping, restaurants, theaters, apartments and even homes.

Apparently Carson is ready to go, no more cleanup necessary. I had a different impression before his post. Anyone have good info on this?

waterfield is sorely misinformed. or is that a delusion he's having.

Exactly lol

Re: Is this right?

PostPosted:9 years 2 months ago
by den-the-coach
max wrote:This from waterfield on herd board...

I wouldn't rely on posters unless one of them is me. My understanding from everything I read is that the toxic cleanup has been done, been inspected and tested, and been given the OK by the regulatory people who must give the OK. If no team comes to Carson they are already down the path of shopping, restaurants, theaters, apartments and even homes.

Apparently Carson is ready to go, no more cleanup necessary. I had a different impression before his post. Anyone have good info on this?

Waterfield keeps posting pro St. Louis so he does not get upset if they don't move back to LA., He's posted that over and over again...Also bubba has the most insight to Carson and LesBaker had a great post a couple weeks ago about building on a Landfill and the complications...Waterfield is misinformed and he's several weeks behind the information.

Re: Is this right?

PostPosted:9 years 2 months ago
by max
den-the-coach wrote:
max wrote:This from waterfield on herd board...

I wouldn't rely on posters unless one of them is me. My understanding from everything I read is that the toxic cleanup has been done, been inspected and tested, and been given the OK by the regulatory people who must give the OK. If no team comes to Carson they are already down the path of shopping, restaurants, theaters, apartments and even homes.

Apparently Carson is ready to go, no more cleanup necessary. I had a different impression before his post. Anyone have good info on this?

Waterfield keeps posting pro St. Louis so he does not get upset if they don't move back to LA., He's posted that over and over again...Also bubba has the most insight to Carson and LesBaker had a great post a couple weeks ago about building on a Landfill and the complications...Waterfield is misinformed and he's several weeks behind the information.

Makes sense den.

I was getting this weird vibe from waterfield. It did seem that he was doing the non-jinx thing.

Re: Is this right?

PostPosted:9 years 2 months ago
by TomSlick
With the exception of the Bullet Train and the Bay Bridge (government sponsored boondoggle projects), California EPA tests are very time consuming. No way Carson is ready to roll.

Now if the government wanted to build a stadium in Carson, it would have been approved yesterday by the CA EPA.

Re: Is this right?

PostPosted:9 years 2 months ago
by bubbaramfan
Thx guys. I was tempted to post over there and set him straight. It would have been my first post there. But I didn't want to get into a pissing contest with someone who ignores the facts. I read what goes on there, but too many knucklehead to post anything.
Regarding Carson and Fred Roggin, I called his show Friday, and told the screener I lived in Carson and was at the townhall meeting. I told her I was there to question the mayor and the three guests,(Mark Fabriani, Caromon Policy and Tim Romer whois the spokesman for
Goldmann-'Sachs. I wanted to question them about the remediation mandated by the Caif. State Board of Health and the EPA. I was on hold for over an hour, and she came back to me and said she had spoken to Fred and he really wanted to talk to me about that on air, but there wasn't enough time. He told me to call back on Wednesday and he would put me to the front of the line. I talked at length to the screener. She said Fred agrees that its a sham and it needs to put on air, and a caller from Carson telling it all would be better, because he's been being called a Carson homer and coming from a Carson resident won't make it look like he's being on the side of Carson. Stay tuned, bubbaramfan is going public.

Re: Is this right?

PostPosted:9 years 2 months ago
by Elvis
I don't know waterfield and Carson may be ready to take the next step. But that next step is not building a stadium. They have to finish remediation, put a cover on the land, install methane wells and then see if the land is suitable to build a stadium at that point...

Re: Is this right?

PostPosted:9 years 2 months ago
by Pancake
Great thing about Carson if it gets built is that you go in to watch a football game and come out a member of the Xmen.

Re: Is this right?

PostPosted:9 years 2 months ago
by Hacksaw
Pancake wrote:Great thing about Carson if it gets built is that you go in to watch a football game and come out a member of the Xmen.

lol or turn into the Joker. BTW I never noticed what your cartoon avi was doing. ROTF..