2025 Season Win Totals
PostPosted:4 weeks 13 hours ago
Any guesses on where Vegas will put the number for the Rams?
2023 Vegas had it at 6.5 and Rams won 10.
2024 Vegas hat it at 8.5 and Rams won 10.
2025: 9.5? 10.5? Gotta think it'll be around 10.
Not how many games you think Rams will win but what will the Vegas line be?
There are probably already numbers out there...
2023 Vegas had it at 6.5 and Rams won 10.
2024 Vegas hat it at 8.5 and Rams won 10.
2025: 9.5? 10.5? Gotta think it'll be around 10.
Not how many games you think Rams will win but what will the Vegas line be?
There are probably already numbers out there...