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NFL Loses Sunday Ticket Class Action Suit

PostPosted:1 week 1 day ago
by St. Loser Fan
Don’t be looking for the refund check yet.

Though we could see sooner effects:
-could the YouTubeTV package price drop?
-will we be able to buy single games or purchase a team-only season package?
-plus the other major sports and their packages/purchase options: could those change?

NFL Loses Sunday Ticket Class Action Suit

PostPosted:1 week 1 day ago
by Elvis
Oh i think this deserves its own topic though will probably drag on for a while as the NFL appeals...

Jury enters massive verdict against NFL in ‘Sunday Ticket’ class-action lawsuit

The NFL faces a big jury verdict in the Federal ‘Sunday Ticket’ class-action lawsuit

By Mark Schofield@MarkSchofield Jun 27, 2024

Following nearly a full day of deliberations, which began on Wednesday and concluded on Thursday, the jury in the federal class-action lawsuit against the National Football League and all 32 member teams involving the “Sunday Ticket” service returned with a verdict against the league.

And it is a verdict with a lot of zeros.

The jury found that the NFL and the league’s member teams violated federal antitrust law regarding the “Sunday Ticket” package on DirecTV, which required out-of-market fans to purchase the service if they wanted to see their favorite teams play.

The jury returned a verdict in favor of both classes of plaintiffs on Thursday. With respect to the commercial class of plaintiffs — which represented bars, restaurants, and taverns that purchased “Sunday Ticket” as a means of attracting customers on NFL Sundays — the NFL and the member teams were ordered to pay $96 million in damages.

Regarding the residential class of plaintiffs — individuals who purchased the “Sunday Ticket” package for use at home — the NFL and the member teams were ordered to pay $4.7 billion in damages.

Under federal antitrust laws, that damage amount is tripled, meaning the NFL is on the hook for over $14 billion in damages.

Both classes of plaintiffs, through counsel, alleged a “conspiracy” of sorts which resulted in higher prices paid by consumers. First, that the teams have agreed not to compete with each other when it comes to producing telecasts of their games, instead conveying those rights to the league, and giving the NFL “exclusive” rights to enter into broadcast agreements.

Next, the Plaintiffs allege that the NFL has entered into agreements with broadcast partners — specifically CBS and FOX — to create a “single telecast” for every Sunday afternoon NFL game. Under the agreement, according to Plaintiffs’ theory of the case, those networks are given the “exclusive” right to broadcast a limited number of games free and “over-the-air.”

The third pillar of the conspiracy, according to Plaintiffs’, is that the league then exclusively (there is that word again) licenses to DirecTV the copyrights of those telecasts, which DirecTV then bundles into NFL Sunday Ticket. This means that out-of-market fans who want to watch their favorite teams play are forced into buying the “premium offering” of NFL Sunday Ticket.

The result, according to Plaintiffs? DirecTV was able to “charge supracompetitive prices for Sunday Ticket because fans unwilling to pay for Sunday Ticket cannot, for example, purchase out-of-market games individually or by team.” Plaintiffs assert that absent this agreement — or “conspiracy” as they term it — fans would be able to access all NFL games at “lower prices.”

In a statement, the NFL indicated that they will be appealing the decision:

What might this mean for the league and its fans?

Beyond the dollar amount, which will drive the headlines, many analysts and experts theorize that this decision paves the way for single-team packages. For example, the residential class of plaintiffs, who were purchasing “Sunday Ticket” for use at home, were often fans of an out-of-market NFL team. As an example, consider a New England Patriots fan living in the Baltimore, Maryland market. The only way to watch most Patriots games is to purchase “Sunday Ticket.”

Now, that fan might theoretically have access to a “Patriots Package” as part of “Sunday Ticket.”

For the commercial plaintiffs, this could open the door to a competitive service along with “Sunday Ticket,” which could allow those establishments to pay lower prices to view broadcasts of every NFL game.

There will be more to come on this matter, including the league’s appeal and any post-trial motions, in the days and weeks to come.

NFL Loses Sunday Ticket Class Action Suit

PostPosted:1 week 21 hours ago
by St. Loser Fan

After losing his dreams of the London Jaguars, Mike Florio is celebrating this decision far too much.

NFL Loses Sunday Ticket Class Action Suit

PostPosted:4 days 21 hours ago
by rams1974
Not surprising - Florio has become very "burn down the NFL," there are several reasons behind this but won't bother getting into them here.

NFL Loses Sunday Ticket Class Action Suit

PostPosted:4 days 16 hours ago
by St. Loser Fan
rams1974 wrote:Not surprising - Florio has become very "burn down the NFL," there are several reasons behind this but won't bother getting into them here.

I'm shocked Florio hasn't been let go from NBC Sports. Either because
1) NBC is tired of his schtick
2) someone at the league offices wants him wacked.

(Cue Joe Pesci's character getting made in Goodfellas)

Re: NFL Loses Sunday Ticket Class Action Suit

PostPosted:3 days 21 hours ago
by St. Loser Fan

Re: NFL Loses Sunday Ticket Class Action Suit

PostPosted:3 days 20 hours ago
by snackdaddy
Would be nice to buy a cheaper package with only one team. Right now if you want to watch your team you have to buy a package for all the games.

NFL Loses Sunday Ticket Class Action Suit

PostPosted:1 day 19 hours ago
by rams1974
St. Loser Fan wrote:I'm shocked Florio hasn't been let go from NBC Sports. Either because
1) NBC is tired of his schtick
2) someone at the league offices wants him wacked.

(Cue Joe Pesci's character getting made in Goodfellas)

Oh, he's gotten in trouble. I don't have facts on this, but he posted a column that the Rams/Saints NFCC was obviously rigged - you better believe the NFL was all over that. Also got in trouble when he posted RIGGED! to Twitter when the Chiefs beat the Bengals 2022 AFCC (late hit on Mahomes OOB let KC kick a FG to win). I emailed him to ask just how stupid was he and if he had been drinking. One of the few times I didn't get a reply ...

He generates tons of clicks, so I'm not surprised. He has really toned himself down with personal attacks on people and teams in the last couple of years, though the whole Falcons / Cousins penalty tantrum was a fun blast from the past. I genuinely think he started seeing a therapist about his anger issues.

His deal is that he is beginning to see that the Vikings will probably not win a Super Bowl in his lifetime and his loyalty will go unrewarded. Couple that with the Rams winning 2 (this genuinely annoys him), he wouldn't mind seeing the NFL burn down. Kinda sad because in the 2000s he was their biggest champion, a "NFL is the best and no one can unseat them" kinda guy.

Sorry this is wordy, I just think he's a real interesting character ...

NFL Loses Sunday Ticket Class Action Suit

PostPosted:1 day 11 hours ago
by BrooklynRam74
rams1974 wrote:Oh, he's gotten in trouble. I don't have facts on this, but he posted a column that the Rams/Saints NFCC was obviously rigged - you better believe the NFL was all over that. Also got in trouble when he posted RIGGED! to Twitter when the Chiefs beat the Bengals 2022 AFCC (late hit on Mahomes OOB let KC kick a FG to win). I emailed him to ask just how stupid was he and if he had been drinking. One of the few times I didn't get a reply ...

He generates tons of clicks, so I'm not surprised. He has really toned himself down with personal attacks on people and teams in the last couple of years, though the whole Falcons / Cousins penalty tantrum was a fun blast from the past. I genuinely think he started seeing a therapist about his anger issues.

His deal is that he is beginning to see that the Vikings will probably not win a Super Bowl in his lifetime and his loyalty will go unrewarded. Couple that with the Rams winning 2 (this genuinely annoys him), he wouldn't mind seeing the NFL burn down. Kinda sad because in the 2000s he was their biggest champion, a "NFL is the best and no one can unseat them" kinda guy.

Sorry this is wordy, I just think he's a real interesting character ...

He definitely had that "Viking Superiority " thing over the Rams while he grew up (as I did) in the 70's. Beating us in 74, 76, 77 (while losing in 78). To go on to see his team NEVER WIN a Super Bowl, let alone get to one, while the Rams since have been to FIVE, and won TWO, must be doing quite the proverbial number on Mike.

NFL Loses Sunday Ticket Class Action Suit

PostPosted:1 day 11 hours ago
by rams1974
I'll tempt fate and indulge this sidebar before we get nudged to be back on topic .. ;)

It used to boggle my mind for the longest time why certain people in the media had this animus towards the Rams, when they really hadn't won anything. Keith Olbermann hated on them a lot in his day too.

I think it's like, in the 70s and 80s, the Rams had these really good teams, and they also carried themselves like "yeah, we're hot sh$t Hollywood, we're better than all of you," and it REALLY rubbed the east coast / blue collar types the wrong way. Florio is one dude who is squarely in that category.

So when the Rams hit the 90s, self-destructed their franchise, moved to small market St. Louis, a lot of those people thought, yeah, you had that coming, now you stink and you play in football Siberia (sorry StLLF, but that's what they thought), that is where you belong.

So for the Rams to go and win a SB; then move BACK to LA, and begin rebuilding their brand, and win another SB; it literally breaks the mind of these oldtimers, especially Florio. He finds it beyond unfair, and his inner child that thought "someday the Vikings will win one and I'll be there for it!!" now sees it probably won't happen (I have the actuarial tables to prove it!) and he just wants the NFL to burn down now.

The good news is we are reaching a time period where all these oldtimers will be put out to pasture, that will be a big media lodestone removed from this franchise and it should be up and away for the next couple decades, as long as they maintain the commitment they have today.

OK, back on topic now :)