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 by safer
1 week 6 days ago
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I've kinda become a junkie on Braden Fiske, but physically, he has, by far, the most similar traits to AD, as anyone in this class. NO, I'm not saying as good, but he was the quickest DT in the 40 AND his short drill times were close to, and one was better, than AD's. he was slightly quicker than DT Murphy out of Texas, and he went in the mid teens. He also had more sacks than Murphy last year. He has really good hand usage...and I hope he's reached out to AD to work on becoming elite in that phase of his game. While strong, he is not nearly in AD'S elite class. AD had 13 sacks his senior year at Pitt; Braden had 1/2= 6.5 sacks. But Florida state had a much tougher schedule than Pitt did. We did give up a bunch; more than the charts call for. But with our QB getting late in his career, I think that figured into their planning too. I think he would have gone in the late 1st IF fewer QB's had gone in that round.

 by AltiTude Ram
1 week 6 days ago
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I will jump on this bandwagon as well.

Just to add...I love the COMBO of Verse and Fiske! I hope we see them both take their skills to the next level.

In my opinion, matching the 2 of them together again was the best choice.

Let's hope it plays out for the Rams!

1 week 6 days ago
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safer wrote:We did give up a bunch; more than the charts call for.
......I think he would have gone in the late 1st IF fewer QB's had gone in that round.

If you like a guy, go get him. I don't know when he would gone if less QBs were taken but I feel pretty certain he wouldn't have lasted to #52 the way things unfolded.

On one hand we hear, "draft picks are like lottery tickets"......their true value is dependant on how the pick works out. So we traded a few lottery tickets for a guy we really wanted.

FWIW, Fiske was talked up by A LOT of 'experts' in the media. I like him and don't mind the trade at all

 by ramsman34
1 week 6 days ago
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I think this DL is going to form a great camaraderie. Chris long was talking to MCV about rushing alongside AD. He said he loved having that rapport. Now imagine that all along the line with Agent Zero and the Conductor also working off each other. This DL/pass rush could be scary good.

 by Dare
1 week 6 days ago
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Yup the minute they drafted Fiske I knew this DL had the potential to be scary good. They are all one gap players which would be wonderful if they simply dropped that ultra conservative defend the LOS with two gap and the secondary with passive zone.

It's got to be not just who they have but how they are played. I've never liked Raheem and his very conservative approach. He claimed it was because of the players he had but he had Ramsey and played him 5 to as much as 10 yards off the LOS. Then he complained about a porous defense.

They have the players to play a one gap penetration front like Phillips used to, and man and zone match behind them. With Hampton reportedly coming along and Jackson who IMO was their fall back edge if they went with Byron Murphy. Jackson and Hampton gives them two fast OLBs which makes me wonder if they move Hoecht inside besides Jones. His speed and power is something lacking in Rozeboom.

This is a very talented and deep roster on both sides. Offensively, I think Whittington could be another Nacua type of WR.

On the DL I think Fiske starts before Brown whom I've always felt is a rotational talent. In fact I think Brown's roster spot may be in jeopardy with the drafting of Tyler Davis whom I think is a better player. Brown probably keeps his roster spot this year but moves back on the depth chart. If Davis impresses I think he bumps Brown on the roster.

 by BrooklynRam74
1 week 5 days ago
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So glad we got Fiske. Not only that, so glad we got Corum and Kinchens, which were the picks that likely would have gone in the Fiske trade if we decided against including 2025 2nd Rounder. We are set up for the future if Corum and Kinchens hit, which I believe they will. Wouldn't be surprised if we trade our 2025 1st along the way either.

 by BobCarl
1 week 5 days ago
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safer wrote:....he was the quickest DT in the 40 AND his short drill times were close to, and one was better, than AD's.

I'd love to see the report using modern day metrics.

 by ramsman34
1 week 5 days ago
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Dare wrote:Yup the minute they drafted Fiske I knew this DL had the potential to be scary good. They are all one gap players which would be wonderful if they simply dropped that ultra conservative defend the LOS with two gap and the secondary with passive zone.

It's got to be not just who they have but how they are played. I've never liked Raheem and his very conservative approach. He claimed it was because of the players he had but he had Ramsey and played him 5 to as much as 10 yards off the LOS. Then he complained about a porous defense.

They have the players to play a one gap penetration front like Phillips used to, and man and zone match behind them. With Hampton reportedly coming along and Jackson who IMO was their fall back edge if they went with Byron Murphy. Jackson and Hampton gives them two fast OLBs which makes me wonder if they move Hoecht inside besides Jones. His speed and power is something lacking in Rozeboom.

This is a very talented and deep roster on both sides. Offensively, I think Whittington could be another Nacua type of WR.

On the DL I think Fiske starts before Brown whom I've always felt is a rotational talent. In fact I think Brown's roster spot may be in jeopardy with the drafting of Tyler Davis whom I think is a better player. Brown probably keeps his roster spot this year but moves back on the depth chart. If Davis impresses I think he bumps Brown on the roster.

Rams interior actually have been playing a gap and a half scheme. But I get your point. True 1-gap puts a lot of pressure on your LBs to be gap and edge sound in the run game. That will likely be where the young guys struggle this year early. Offenses like to move gaps in the run game to confuse front 7 players. I think they take their lumps the first 6 games or so, then start to really come on.

 by safer
1 week 5 days ago
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Bob Carl, go on You tube and look for Byron Murphy vs. Braden Fiske-- NFL combine.
Also, you can google 2024 nfl combine results and find their individual stats. He's very quick and excels at getting "on the edge" of oline-men--very good penetrator

1 week 4 days ago
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ramsman34 wrote:I think they take their lumps the first 6 games or so, then start to really come on.

Last year we believed if the offense could carry the load for the first half of the season, the defense would gel and be better the second half of the season. The offense failed miserably over the first half and we still made the postseason. It gives me confidence, we'll be better this year.

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12 posts Jul 03 2024