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 by Elvis
4 months 6 days ago
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United States of America   Los Angeles

 by Elvis
4 months 6 days ago
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Looks like Colby Parkinson will be counting $3.5 mil against the cap, Rams currently have $21 mil in space with with Curl, Jimmy G. and Rozeboom still not accounted for...

 by snackdaddy
4 months 4 days ago
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We still don't know what they signed Jimmy GQ for? Along with Kurl and Parkinson I wouldn't think there's a whole lot left. Just as well. Not much left in FA with positions we need.

 by rams74
4 months 4 days ago
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snackdaddy wrote:We still don't know what they signed Jimmy GQ for? Along with Kurl and Parkinson I wouldn't think there's a whole lot left. Just as well. Not much left in FA with positions we need.

As I recall, it was a $4.5M base, with incentives up to $12M. Not sure what his cap number is, though.

 by Elvis
4 months 4 days ago
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United States of America   Los Angeles

rams74 wrote:As I recall, it was a $4.5M base, with incentives up to $12M. Not sure what his cap number is, though.

Exactly. I'd guess it's gonna be that 4.5 number but we'll see...

 by ramsman34
4 months 4 days ago
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Sooo how much space after signing Murtch?

 by Elvis
4 months 4 days ago
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United States of America   Los Angeles

The cap trackers haven't accounted for Jimmy G., Curl or Rozenboom yet, let alone Murch. $10 mil maybe when the dust settles?

 by Elvis
4 months 1 day ago
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Curl's cap hit this year is $4.3 mil putting the Rams at roughly $17 mil with Jimmy G., Murch and Rozeboom still to be accounted for.

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51 posts Jul 26 2024