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 by BrooklynRam74
7 months 1 week ago
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Good non-sign by us....

Report: Arrest warrant issued for Von Miller in domestic violence case - NBC Sports
https://www.nbcsports.com/nfl/profootba ... lence-case

 by snackdaddy
7 months 1 week ago
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Dat ain't good. NFL has zero tolerance for domestic violence. For his sake he better hope its a misunderstanding or news getting blown out of proportion. His reputation would be ruined.

 by actionjack
7 months 1 week ago
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Dang, he will be out of the NFL like Robert Quinn if true.....

 by Joe Pendleton
7 months 1 week ago
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.. apparently the victim was pregnant (yes, he is the "baby daddy")! if true, dude is toast (what an idiot , and good riddance:)

7 months 1 week ago
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I could see a time when you might think a woman deserves a smack but actually doing it is cowardly and dumb. It's the thought that doesn't count. Only scumbags punch a woman.

 by Haden
7 months 6 days ago
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Miller is washed. Glad we don’t have him! We got the very last he had to offer. Looks like he has even less to offer outside of football. Scumbag!

 by ramsww
7 months 23 hours ago
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This is a pathetic statement. Maybe anyone in THAT room. How far have we lowered the bar for entertainment? Anyone in this room could be arrested for bitch slapping a pregnant woman. Shit happens.... Yeah I'm pretty sure she's disappointed too and probably missing a couple of teeth as well.

“No one wants their name associated with any accusation like that, so that’s a natural disappointment. I’m sure he’s disappointed,” Bills general manager Brandon Beane said. “But things happen sometimes, and again, we have to remember people, we have to give them their fair due process. That can happen to anyone in this room. And I would hope we would all wait and let that play out before we rush to judgment.”

 by Joe Pendleton
7 months 22 hours ago
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Brandon Beane.. you are a pathetic little man

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9 posts Jul 08 2024