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We Will Sign an Edge Player

PostPosted:10 months 1 week ago
by ramsww
Edge guys are up to speed day one. This is one reason I am sure we will sign one, maybe even 2 before Opening Day. It may be from the waiver wire but I’m sure McVay is not ignoring this and knows the score.

The offense, like last year is a question simply due to not seeing the starters but unlike last year we have real depth at every skill position. We have, seen the D and even adding AD and Jones won’t scare anybody. Opponents are already drawing up triple teams on Donald. We didn’t have the money for Clowney and Quinn took himself out but I’m sure we’ll add some talent here in the next 2 weeks.

We Will Sign an Edge Player

PostPosted:10 months 1 week ago
by ramsman34
Care to guess “who”? Because there is next to nothing in the FA market and teams aren’t going to cut any decent edge player.

You could be right. Or they could be rolling with who they have for now.

Unless you are talking trade.

We Will Sign an Edge Player

PostPosted:10 months 1 week ago
ramsman34 wrote:Care to guess “who”? Because there is next to nothing in the FA market and teams aren’t going to cut any decent edge player.

You could be right. Or they could be rolling with who they have for now.

Unless you are talking trade.

McVay said early on, we have a lot of young guys competing for the position. We're going to roll with them. That could be coach speak or it could be fact. The thing is, edge is a vital position on the defense and consequently an expensive position. So we may sign an edge player if one is released on the cutdown to 53. I guess it's possible we sign an edge but will we consider it a significant signing? Released on cutdown. Many options to choose from. Rams not affording a large contract. This "guaranteed" signing and the significance should be anticipated with a grain of salt.....if at all.

Re: We Will Sign an Edge Player

PostPosted:10 months 1 week ago
by snackdaddy
I have a feeling as far as the start of the season what we see is what we get. If they think they have a shot at the playoffs halfway through the season then I could see them looking at improving that position. But what if that position is the reason they aren't contending? Kind of a conundrum there.

We Will Sign an Edge Player

PostPosted:10 months 1 week ago
by ramsman34
Other than gaining “vet experience” (whatever that is worth) I just don’t see a difference maker shaking free at cut downs. The Rams have bodies, youth, athleticism at the position. Like The Daddy said, if they are in contention by the trade deadline, despite who is at edge currently, they could try to trade for a difference maker. Don’t see them just throwing bodies at the position right now. They have the 3 rookies, Hoecht and Hardy, K Thomas and Van Valk. They prob keep 4 with 1-2 to the PS. Just don’t see them adding a vet unless someone really solid and proven gets released.

VanValkenberg intrigues me. And his name kicks ass. Lol

We Will Sign an Edge Player

PostPosted:10 months 1 week ago
by ramsww
ramsman34 wrote:Care to guess “who”? Because there is next to nothing in the FA market and teams aren’t going to cut any decent edge player.

You could be right. Or they could be rolling with who they have for now.

Unless you are talking trade.

It’s going to be tough. I guess Van Noy went back to the Pats. Carlos Dunlap, Melvin Ingram? Too much money for little gas left in the tank? Quinn as damaged goods? VERY cheap and ride out the court case(s) ?? I’m not saying Hardy, Young, Thomas or Hoecht can’t contribute…as long as AD is good with triple teams all year. We simply have to take a risk on someone else’s Terrell Lewis (failed experiment) and hope for the best. We don’t seem to be coaching up squat at Edge. We just need an Ebukam or we will have to blitz leaving our DBs exposed.

Re: We Will Sign an Edge Player

PostPosted:10 months 1 week ago
by Hacksaw
Its always exasperating talking about guys we need to add who we already had.

Re: We Will Sign an Edge Player

PostPosted:10 months 1 week ago
by ramsman34
They were too expensive for the current ledger sheet.

We Will Sign an Edge Player

PostPosted:10 months 1 week ago
Hacksaw wrote:Its always exasperating talking about guys we need to add who we already had.

Not just that but we're talking about "taking a risk on somebody else's T Lew"? Does that make any sense whatsoever? We're talking about "AD getting triple teamed"? If we rush 4, they can triple team AD. That leaves 3 DL on 2 OL or keep a TE in. I'll take that all day WITH a T Lew!!! Fact in the matter is, WE (meaning, us fans) don't know what we have at Edge. We know who we have at Edge but we have no freaking idea how they're going to develop as the season passes. Could be we won't need an Edge player by midseason. Young is a rookie. Mathis is a rookie. Hampton is a rookie. We (and I mean some of us) know how they're going to develop and how fast? Man I am dying for the season to start so we can watch football and discuss rather than randomly speculate our asses off.

We Will Sign an Edge Player

PostPosted:10 months 1 week ago
by ramsman34
PARAM wrote:Not just that but we're talking about "taking a risk on somebody else's T Lew"? Does that make any sense whatsoever? We're talking about "AD getting triple teamed"? If we rush 4, they can triple team AD. That leaves 3 DL on 2 OL or keep a TE in. I'll take that all day WITH a T Lew!!! Fact in the matter is, WE (meaning, us fans) don't know what we have at Edge. We know who we have at Edge but we have no freaking idea how they're going to develop as the season passes. Could be we won't need an Edge player by midseason. Young is a rookie. Mathis is a rookie. Hampton is a rookie. We (and I mean some of us) know how they're going to develop and how fast? Man I am dying for the season to start so we can watch football and discuss rather than randomly speculate our asses off.

Exactly how I feel. Also, don’t think for one second if the Rams staff didn’t “know” more than we do they wouldn’t have signed someone already or trade for someone soon. Perhaps Boom is the trade bait and something is brewin. I think the coaches believe in who they have and want them to develop. They kept Young out of the Raider game and I bet they do the same against the donkeys.

Thankfully we have 2 weeks from Sunday to see for real.