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 by HAL 9000
4 years 9 months ago
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This game, more than any other, has me worried. The Rams were really exposed for many weaknesses. Goff, o-line, running game, defense, play calling, you name it. Usually it’s one or the other. Yesterday’s game was the entire package.

Goff and McVay have been somewhat exposed ever since the Bronco game last year, some would say the Lion game, in any case, defenses have figured out McVays play calling which in turn has drastically affected Goffs once promising career and to an extent Gurleys as well. Goff has reverted back to, dare I say, Fisher era Goff? Yikes!! And Gurley has become mostly non effective.

The good news is we don’t have to wait too long to find out if the Rams can turn the ship around or will we continue to see a steady decline, possibly missing the playoffs?

I believe McVay will turn the ship around.

*Fingers Crossed*

 by ramsfan1977
4 years 9 months ago
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The funny thing about all this is that 4 years ago we would expect to lose. Now we are pissed to the point of anger when we don't win. I think it is a bump in the road of a 12-4 , 11-5 season. The culture has been changed and losing is not tolerated in that locker-room.

 by bremillard
4 years 9 months ago
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Will know a whole lot more by the end of the Niners game. The one thing that's seems for sure is Gurley is not the same back he was for the first 2/3's of the 2018 season. What happened to the defense yesterday is mind blowing. I sure didn't see that coming.

 by ramsman34
4 years 9 months ago
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Hard to say. There seems to be more than one leak in the dam. Gurley look fantastic on that first TD run. I think it’s time they use him like he is meant to be used while simply giving 5-7 of his overall touches to brown/Henderson. The D was the biggest let down. More so than the turnovers to me. They had NO answers.

 by ramsfan1977
4 years 9 months ago
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Elvis wrote:We'll see. McVay's Rams have a great track record of bouncing back after a loss. This would be a good time for it...

I am guessing you might see Gurley get 15-20 carries. One to protect there below average pass pro Oline. Two, to give the Defense a blow because they must be tapped with a short week.

 by ramsman34
4 years 9 months ago
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And, if McCurrentlyBaffled wants to set up the run with the pass, he needs to do so a lot earlier in the game. A LOT earlier.

 by snackdaddy
4 years 9 months ago
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HAL 9000 wrote:Goff has reverting back to, dare I say, Fisher era Goff? Yikes!! And Gurley has become mostly non effective.

I wouldn't go that far. Turnover ratio is comparable. But Goff has over 1200 yards in 4 games. He needed 7 games to reach 1000 with Fisher. And Goff's offense is still scoring over 27 points per game. They could barely reach double figures under Fisher.

He's still moving the ball decently. Not as well as the first half of last year, but not bad either. And they're putting up some points. Again, down a bit from last year but not bad.

The big thing is the turnovers due to too many attempts and not enough protection. Do better in those two areas and he'll improve.

 by snackdaddy
4 years 9 months ago
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snackdaddy wrote:I wouldn't go that far. Turnover ratio is comparable. But Goff has over 1200 yards in 4 games. He needed 7 games to reach 1000 with Fisher. And Goff's offense is still scoring over 27 points per game. They could barely reach double figures under Fisher.

He's still moving the ball decently. Not as well as the first half of last year, but not bad either. And they're putting up some points. Again, down a bit from last year but not bad.

The big thing is the turnovers due to too many attempts and not enough protection. Do better in those two areas and he'll improve. And it would help if the defense didn't put them 2 or 3 scores behind and force the offense to play catch up.

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9 posts Jul 08 2024