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Heads Up High Gentlemen.

PostPosted:5 years 4 months ago
by Brady
I know I may not be the the guy some of you wanna hear from... but I want to offer my congratulations on an amazing season, and bright future for your team... and my condolences on the disappointing end. If it's any consolation that wasn't a very satisfying win. I know, I know, you'd gladly exchange the outcome... but win or lose I was hoping for some fireworks.

I've been interacting with some of you for over 10 years... I joined RRF back in 2007. Over that time I've developed a healthy respect for many of you and the team.

While of course, I wanted my Pat's to win... if I'm being honest, I wouldn't have been heartbroken had things gone the other way.

You guys absolutely have a championship in the makings... maybe a piece here or there, or maybe even just needing the experience of this last run to bring it together.

Keep them chins up fellas... and lets do it again next year?

Heads Up High Gentlemen.

PostPosted:5 years 4 months ago
by aeneas1
wow, gee thanks mister! good friggin' grief, get the fuck out of here you clown...

Re: Heads Up High Gentlemen.

PostPosted:5 years 4 months ago
by RedAlice
I don’t find this Pats fan annoying.

Heads Up High Gentlemen.

PostPosted:5 years 4 months ago
by sloramfan
LMAO!!!! nice A1

brady wasn't that annoying, however A1's response was hilarious...

go rams


Heads Up High Gentlemen.

PostPosted:5 years 4 months ago
by RedAlice
A1’s humor being under-appreciated is one of our biggest RFU scandals.


Re: Heads Up High Gentlemen.

PostPosted:5 years 4 months ago
by SWAdude
As much as this was suppose to be a good wish........

The transparency they will certainly defend is elementary.

We are good at taking care of our own.

A decent person would give it time.


Ban this troll.

And I am one that is good with this outcome. I just wished for a better game.

Re: Heads Up High Gentlemen.

PostPosted:5 years 4 months ago
by ramsman34
The best part about Brady. And THE Brady, is soon enough you will fade away. Yes, you will have history and all those records. But once BB an TB are gone, the patsies will flail about, mired in long term mediocrity. And “bahstanians” will be reliving these glory years hoping for some semblance of a return to that glory.

That return will never come. And you, Brady - in This world of what have you done lately - will watch in envy of the new Kings of the kingdom, and drunkenly reminisce about the glory years long since past.

Our future is oh so bright.

Turn out the lights, the party’s over.

Enjoy your off season. But first, Like A1 said, get the fuck outta here.

Heads Up High Gentlemen.

PostPosted:5 years 4 months ago
by RedAlice
The same less than mediocre fact that Rams fans have lived before McVay.

Worse, when Pats become mediocre again - it’s w 6 rings. Two of them against the Rams now.

Rams will rise, as they are - but does that make any of us as fans better than we are right now?

This vitriol is silly.

I’m not sure I get it.

Heads Up High Gentlemen.

PostPosted:5 years 4 months ago
by ramsman34
It’s humor. Guess you missed the extreme sarcasm and irony. Oh well