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Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 5 months ago
by RamsFanSince82
It's obvious that his meter is broke and has been broke for a long time. When the Rams move to LA, he'll be working High School and college games in Misery, so he's holding out hope for a miracle.

Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 5 months ago
by RamsFanSince82
Stranger wrote:
Hacksaw wrote:We may see a click if these meetings leak anything pro LA

I think we're also going to see more celebs and TV personalities start to voice their opinions now. Like Gretta van Sustren yesterday.

Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 5 months ago
by Elvis
I like Jim Thomas a lot.

He's been my main source of Rams news ever since they moved to St. Louis.

He also was the first to do a Q&A with RFU: viewtopic.php?f=3&t=70&p=287

He hasn't been a big homer. When everyone else was calling us trolls for thinking Kroenke wanted to move the team, Jim had it at better than 50/50 the Rams would leave. That's certainly not what his readers in St. Louis wanted to hear from the Rams beat reporter. He's always had it pretty close to 50/50.

His main reason for hope was the Task Force. Now that the NFL has rejected their offer it will be interesting to see what his take is. He usually updates his odds during his chats on Tuesdays...

Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 5 months ago
by Hacksaw
Elvis wrote:His main reason for hope was the Task Force. Now that the NFL has rejected their offer it will be interesting to see what his take is. He usually updates his odds during his chats on Tuesdays...

Well this is likely the last update then....

Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 5 months ago
by RamsFanSince82
I'm not a fan of JT's writing at all. He rarely provides any interesting, entertaining or new information in his articles. I prefer Waggoner and Myles Simmons.

As far as his relocation "meter". If he had it at less that 50% odds that the Rams are moving to LA, he wouldn't have any credibility at all. Right now, he basically has it at a coin flip (52% move to LA) and it's less than his number in May (56%). That's a joke that he has it that low when the riverfront fantasy is dead. I know he keeps it that low (52/48), so he doesn't get too much criticism on either side, but it's still too low. Anyways, it doesn't really matter. Him and his meter won't matter in a few days.

Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 5 months ago
by ramsman34
JT Meter...
Rendered irrelevant

Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 5 months ago
by Elvis
Well Jim hasn't updated his but i'm udating our JT Meter:


Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 5 months ago
by Hacksaw
Elvis wrote:Well Jim hasn't updated his but i'm udating our JT Meter:

ramsman34 wrote:JT Meter...
Rendered irrelevant


Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 5 months ago
by den-the-coach
For the record I never had an issue with Jim Thomas, we've exchanged various communications over the years and it's always been cordial. Some felt he never gave breaking sports news pertaining to the Rams, but he was always right and I appreciated the old school philosophy of getting the story right as opposed to being first.

It has to be a tough time for him the one thing I did disagree with him on was the top tier stadium clause. Yes the St. Louis task force put together a stadium plan, but even that stadium would not be a top tier stadium and per the lease that is what Kroenke signed up for and what he wanted in the end.

In Stan's world if you're not going to provide me a top tier venue then I will build one myself and if I have to spend my own money to do so I choose to do that in Los Angeles and IMO there is nothing wrong with that, but like many other business decisions some people get hurt. I wish Jim Thomas the very best and I truly hope the Los Angeles Ram beat writer for the LA Times will be Sam Farmer.

Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 5 months ago
by Elvis
I agree Den, always liked and appreciated JT.

Like Farmer he's a reporter, not a columnist. It's his job to have his facts right. And JT did a damn good job of getting his fact right, not 100%, but his integrity and reporting chops were never an issue with me. And in this new age where you have to interact with your readers, he did a pretty good job of that too.

As a fan, i occasionally would send him an email asking a question about the Rams and he always answered me. He was the the first to do a Q&A here when we had like 4 members, good reporter, good dude...