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 by ramsww
9 months 3 weeks ago
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Elvis wrote:Maybe read the first post in this thread?

Exactly my point. 13 DAYS AGO when we had a chance to sign someone (anyone) and get them up to speed. It’s obviously not going to happen now so it is what it is. 4, 5, 6 seconds in the pocket for Gino Smith to find his targets. I even think Young and AD will have one sack each. That ain’t gonna feed the bulldog.

 by ramsman34
9 months 3 weeks ago
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Anyway, setting my pom poms down for a moment to write this… IF they add Burns by some miracle, it really doesn’t detract from their new model as he is still a young, ascending player. He would make this defense legit. Add a monster NT also and the D goes from ? To monster.

Neither are likely to happen basic on current economics.

It Ramona to be seen what the current cast can and will do. I am cautiously optimistic - have been all off season. There are some reasons to be pumped and some to be concerned and/or clueless about.

We will see Sunday.

 by Hacksaw
9 months 3 weeks ago
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I'd feel better if BB was under contract here or Ebukam or SJD or Gaines or AShawn were still here.

 by Elvis
9 months 3 weeks ago
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ramsww wrote:Exactly my point. 13 DAYS AGO when we had a chance to sign someone (anyone) and get them up to speed. It’s obviously not going to happen now so it is what it is. 4, 5, 6 seconds in the pocket for Gino Smith to find his targets. I even think Young and AD will have one sack each. That ain’t gonna feed the bulldog.

You said they would sign 1 or maybe even 2 edge players. Could still happen, 5 days till kickoff.

You also said edge players are up to speed on day one. Now it takes like 2 weeks?

C'mon man, own your own words. It's not too much to ask...

 by snackdaddy
9 months 3 weeks ago
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Hall of Fame

ramsww wrote:Have to agree. I hate throw away years. This looks like one, meaning 0-16 is fine with Stan. McVay’s job is safe. I wouldn’t bet on Snead as he really created this, credit and all for a Lombardi. Regardless, at the end of 2023, thirty-one teams will fall short of the goal. At least we put one in the case for Los Angeles.

They are not going 0-16. Or 0-17. When I say throw away year I believe its because they don't believe they can contend. To me a throwaway year is not sacrificing next year to make the team better this year.

It isn't a throwaway season on the field. They will do everything they can with what they have to win games. And they will win some. They just aren't going to improve this year's hand. All in is not an option now.

As far as Snead, he's not going anywhere. He was one of the architects of a championship team. He's proven he can do it. He'll get the chance to try again.

 by Elvis
9 months 3 weeks ago
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If you take the Rams anywhere close to at their word, this is a bit of a reset year, doing it on purpose. The idea that either McVay or Snead could be on the hot seat going into next year seems almost impossible to me...

 by Elvis
9 months 3 weeks ago
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azramsfan93 wrote:He has a good point. Being Debbie Downer and Negative Nancy translates to you not being a fan (short for fanatic, remember), but actually being an armchair analyst with zero credentials and a desire to say "I told you so" if it happens.... and no downside if it doesn't because you will return to claim fandom and be happy.

I have been watch posters like you come and go for as long as there has been internet affinity groups - and I go back to usenet (well before Marc Andreesen released the Netscape browser....)

It's boring. Take the year off if you have no hope.

ramsww is a bad example because he does a lot of straight up trolling but i don't think a fan or fanatic has to be an optimist.

Here's at least one definition: "a person who is extremely enthusiastic about and devoted to some interest or activity"

I also don't think we should be judging or attacking each other because of what kind of fan a poster happens to be.

Whether you're a Pollyanna, a Debbie Downer or somewhere in between, just about all of us here are legitimate fans and should be treated as such...

 by ramsww
9 months 3 weeks ago
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Elvis wrote:You said they would sign 1 or maybe even 2 edge players. Could still happen, 5 days till kickoff.

You also said edge players are up to speed on day one. Now it takes like 2 weeks?

C'mon man, own your own words. It's not too much to ask...

This is just nonsense and you know it. Up to speed Day ONE means they're putting on pads and and getting reps DAY ONE not being signed the day before opening day. IF they wanted to sign one of several available pass rushers however marginal their immediate contribution, they could still do it. I don't think they want to (JMO) as I've heard no chatter, see no action and feel no interest in doing it from the Rams. 5 days is plenty of time if they signed someone today and YES a player in shape and up to speed on playing the position could simply be turned loose on obvious passing downs DAY ONE. I NEVER mentioned Burns and still don't see that or ANY high priced FA or Trade. I was talking about bodies, even 2-3 players who could muster 3-4 sacks a year not expecting an elite player. Never said it.

I never said they can't beat the Seahags with or without Kupp but the rumor is today Kupp is headed it IR and Bosa signed a 170m dollar contract so we'll be seeing him in week 2. Pardon me for foreseeing the shit show. I posted my opinion on McVay using 12 man and Tu Tu being the FOCUS not a decoy. Use Jefferson and Robinson to run off the DBs and throw to 2 TEs and Tu Tu all day. I'm always there rooting for the Rams but if you feel I'm pissing on your parade get an umbrealla.

 by ramsww
9 months 3 weeks ago
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United States of America   LA Coliseum

Elvis wrote:ramsww is a bad example because he does a lot of straight up trolling but i don't think a fan or fanatic has to be an optimist.

Here's at least one definition: "a person who is extremely enthusiastic about and devoted to some interest or activity"

I also don't think we should be judging or attacking each other because of what kind of fan a poster happens to be.

Whether you're a Pollyanna, a Debbie Downer or somewhere in between, just about all of us here are legitimate fans and should be treated as such...

WHERE HAVE I TROLLED ANY POSTER?? Talk about snowflakes....

 by Elvis
9 months 3 weeks ago
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United States of America   Los Angeles

ramsww wrote:This is just nonsense and you know it. Up to speed Day ONE means they're putting on pads and and getting reps DAY ONE

I seriously doubt that's what up to speed means to anybody. You're saying "up to speed" means ready to start getting up to speed? That's nonsense.

I don't think they want to (JMO) as I've heard no chatter, see no action and feel no interest in doing it from the Rams.

Okay but this whole thread is you declaring the Rams will sign an edge, maybe 2.

Maybe there's a lesson to be learned here about stating stuff you can't possibly know as fact?

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105 posts Jul 03 2024