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Week 2: Rams @ Colts, GAMEDAY Thread;

PostPosted:2 years 8 months ago
by Hacksaw

Damn, can't score with a first and goal from the one. Ridiculous.

Is Reich ever going to learn to take the damn points?

I can’t think of a worst way to end that drive

He is getting better and better at shitting the bed with each game though.

Reich HAS to give up the play calling!! He SUCKS !!!

This team is just bad

And you know the Rams will end this drive with a TD.

Stafford is gonna pick is apart all day

We get stuffed on 4 straight downs from the 1-yard line and the Rams take the ball and move down the field with ease for a TD.

46-17 Rams !!
Maybe I was wrong!

Too easy for the Rams. D really sucked on that series

Someone might want to cover that Kupp guy

Welp, we wasted no time in letting the Rams respond. All of that MO is just sucked up and redistributed back to the Rams just like that.

Four plays and the Rams take the lead, FOUR FUCKING PLAYS !!!!!!!!!!!

And not to belabor the point, but totally to belabor the point, it would be a tie game if Reich liked points.

Aaron Danold and Kupp are killing us.

If Aaron Donald didn't exist, and was replaced by a defensive player even 80% of his abilities, we'd be winning this game.
He's a nightmare.

Tie ballgame. Colts have held their own against one of the elite teams in the league.

Wentz is gonna bring us right back

Fucking O-line got Wentz hurt. Damn it.

Eason warming up....we're screwed!

Wentz looks very upset on the sideline. Not good.

Still don't think we're on their level as a whole, but this week provides encouragement regardless of the outcome. We've just had the misfortune of starting the season against two top 5-7 teams, which is likely going to result in an 0-2 start.

That field goal Reich decided to not take would look real nice now

Defense folding the last two drives when we needed them the most.

And this game relies on Jacob Fucking Eason against one of the best defensive fronts/pass-rushes in the NFL.

Well thats game. Donald gonna feast

Ramsey. Ball Game! Why can't we have nice things.

Well, Wentz’s injury history in Indy just began!!

If Reich takes the points on that first drive, they are up 7. If Davenport doesn't get blown up on that shuffle pass, they are up even more.
Overall, they maybe don't deserve the lead. But they have played just as well as the Rams have.

I think Eason is gonna get the win and accolades..
You been drinking or something?

Good Gawd. I was stupid enough to actually get excited thinking we were going to turn it around and pull out the win. Still hoping but Eason's INT was a kick in the groin.

Well if the Titans lose to the Seahawks the AFC South will be 1-7 and looks to be the worst division in football

Frank Reich says QB Carson Wentz “rolled his ankle up pretty good” but doesn’t have much further in terms of specifics. Adds Wentz tried to go back in but “there was no chance.” Stiffened up pretty quickly.

QB Carson Wentz says he doesn’t believe he broke his ankle — thinks he sprained it. “Getting a scan as soon as I can.”

LG Quenton Nelson called the Colts’ offensive line play in the red zone “unacceptable” multiple times. It’s pretty clear he’s pissed. Starts up front, and they’re not winning up front.

This team is booboo. Mentally weak, physically soft....coaches are apologists and flus coaches to "not look bad" and ends up looking like toasted %.....

Someone take the offense away from Frank.
Defense is sieve when they play scared to get beat deep.

Reich cost them this game period. This team played their guts out and they deserve better. They got Wentz killed now he probably won’t even play next week. That revolving tackle door was stupid.

Colts OL sucks. That is all.

Wentz has played phenomenal especially given the horrible play calling and trash Oline play. Sadly the injury bug doesn't seem to ever leave this guy. Philly fans told us

Frank with another rough week calling plays inside the 5.
Wentz injury looked bad
O line outside of Nelson looked bad.
No pass rush.
Cooper Kupp clearly used an invisibility potion of some kind.
We should have won that game

Please take the play calling away from Reich. This is embarrasing.

I feel bad for Carson. A pro of him coming here is he didn't have to do it all himself. Well, the coaches expected him to and he paid the price.

Reich is supposed to be Carson’s savior and he got him killed.

Week 2: Rams @ Colts, GAMEDAY Thread;

PostPosted:2 years 8 months ago
by ramsman34
Elvis wrote:I was just taking a little license to make a joke...

No way. You are so literal my friend. 😎

Week 2: Rams @ Colts, GAMEDAY Thread;

PostPosted:2 years 8 months ago
by Lancer
This one seemed to be a tale at the end zone for both teams.

Didn't understand the complaints by Colts fans on play calls; on significant plays the game plan functioned for them, they dictated to us well on 3rd down -- good planning by their staff.

Next up! :)

Re: Week 2: Rams @ Colts, GAMEDAY Thread;

PostPosted:2 years 8 months ago
by Elvis

Re: Week 2: Rams @ Colts, GAMEDAY Thread;

PostPosted:2 years 8 months ago
by St. Loser Fan

Re: Week 2: Rams @ Colts, GAMEDAY Thread;

PostPosted:2 years 8 months ago
by Hacksaw
That roll up looked nasty. If Wentz plays this coming weekend he's getting props from me for toughness. His game is predicated on his mobility though so I can't see him being nearly as effective playing one dimensional.

Week 2: Rams @ Colts, GAMEDAY Thread;

PostPosted:2 years 8 months ago
by actionjack
Hacksaw wrote:That roll up looked nasty. If Wentz plays this coming weekend he's getting props from me for toughness. His game is predicated on his mobility though so I can't see him being nearly as effective playing one dimensional.

I found it odd that he was standing on the sidelines the whole time, not getting treatment or staying off the ankle....hmmmm