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7 years 3 months ago
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St. Loser Fan wrote:"If you want to keep your NFL team that wants a new stadium, figure out a way to take taxpayer money from schools, roads, police etc and give it to rich men so they can become richer."

Well yeah that is if you haven't planned for the eventuality and are attempting a last minute, last ditch desperation effort. Now if you get a team, like say the West Coast and you give them a sweetheart lease to lure them away from their home of 49 years, with provisions to keep the stadium in the top 25 percentile, and you know there's no way you're going to satisfy the demands on that lease, then you need to start planning from day one to secure financing to build a new place before the lease is up. I realize that's a long sentence but grammatically correct and relatively easy to follow. Now if you know all that and don't plan from the beginning you either believe, 1), the NFL isn't going to allow them to move, or 2) you don't really care as long as you got that 20+ year rental. Now I'm not sure but the amount of time St. Louis had to prepare, plan and make their team happy was much more than adequate. The only problem is the fans aren't involved in the machinations of the process but are the ones who get screwed in the end. And that sucks but if it were me, I'd make damn sure the elected officials responsible for allowing the team to leave would not be back in their job past the next election.

 by Hacksaw
7 years 3 months ago
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Elvis wrote:

And I thought 30-2 was good. Pretty convincing vote outcome.

Sorry for Oakland fan.

 by BobCarl
7 years 3 months ago
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 by St. Loser Fan
7 years 3 months ago
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PARAM wrote:Well yeah that is if you haven't planned for the eventuality and are attempting a last minute, last ditch desperation effort. Now if you get a team, like say the West Coast and you give them a sweetheart lease to lure them away from their home of 49 years, with provisions to keep the stadium in the top 25 percentile, and you know there's no way you're going to satisfy the demands on that lease, then you need to start planning from day one to secure financing to build a new place before the lease is up. I realize that's a long sentence but grammatically correct and relatively easy to follow. Now if you know all that and don't plan from the beginning you either believe, 1), the NFL isn't going to allow them to move, or 2) you don't really care as long as you got that 20+ year rental. Now I'm not sure but the amount of time St. Louis had to prepare, plan and make their team happy was much more than adequate. The only problem is the fans aren't involved in the machinations of the process but are the ones who get screwed in the end. And that sucks but if it were me, I'd make damn sure the elected officials responsible for allowing the team to leave would not be back in their job past the next election.

I understand all that. Contrary to what you people on the coast think; we're not all rural rubes who are clueless about everything. We screwed up and paid the price. End of story: just don't expect us to be happy about it.

BTW: the mayor of St. Louis decided not to run again, the governor of Missouri is out office and the St. Louis County executive was voted out. Hope that's good enough for you.

 by Elvis
7 years 3 months ago
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St. Loser Fan wrote:Contrary to what you people on the coast think; we're not all rural rubes who are clueless about everything.

Surely you see the self-contradicting ridiculousness of this statement?

7 years 3 months ago
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St. Loser Fan wrote:I understand all that. Contrary to what you people on the coast think; we're not all rural rubes who are clueless about everything. We screwed up and paid the price. End of story: just don't expect us to be happy about it.

BTW: the mayor of St. Louis decided not to run again, the governor of Missouri is out office and the St. Louis County executive was voted out. Hope that's good enough for you.

First off, I met a considerable number of St. Louisans while attending Rams games. Contrary to what you believe about East coasters, I had no such misconception about those folks. In fact, I liked practically every one I met. I never expected you folks to be happy about it but I hoped you would direct your anger at the right folks. After reading about the politicians, I commend you guys. Make that I'm proud of you guys (and gals).

 by RamsFanSince82
7 years 3 months ago
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Elvis wrote:I was wondering about that myself. As far as i know we don't know who the two no votes were (or maybe we do and i forgot).

Lamar Hunt and Mike Brown (Bengals owner) were the two owners that voted "no".

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139 posts Jul 05 2024