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Field Conditions Saturday

PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by Flash
Horny Mcbae wrote:Why would Rams fans wish for New England to win?
Why would any fans outside of New England want the Patriots to win?

Go LOS ANGELES Chargers!!!!!

Yes go! Go back to San Diego!

Field Conditions Saturday

PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by Horny Mcbae
Flash wrote:Yes go! Go back to San Diego!


I see a lot of that online. Do these people actually think that is an option? I mean seriously. They act like if it is when its not even in the realm of possibility. There's a better chance of them going to London in the next 10yrs. Its so cringe worthy to see Rams fans giving time of day to this whole thing. Rich for them to tell some team to "go back" as if they've been here for eternity right. lol.

Field Conditions Saturday

PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by Hacksaw
It about the market share for the Rams. It was nice to have the town to ourselves before and after StL. That said, if there is another team in the league I'd begrudgingly accept as theother LA team, it would be the Chargers. I always kinda sorta liked them from afar.

If they have a change of ownership at some point (soon), I could see them go back with the NFL's blessing.

Why NE? Possibly more important than above, I want those guys in our loooong awaited revenge Superbowl game. Amazing they are still around ...

But I don't want to get ahead of ourselves. We have 2 huge games before that scenario could ever happen..


Field Conditions Saturday

PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by St. Loser Fan
We're supposed to be getting 8 to 10 inches of snow in St. Louis on Saturday. So that's perfect for staying in and watching football.

Just need to make sure the antenna is working in case DirecTV gets buggy.

Field Conditions Saturday

PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by Mr. Sparkle
Looks like they are already starting to do the paint. Looking good!

Field Conditions Saturday

PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by bubbaramfan
Looks like rain Friday night and early Sat morning. Field might be damp for game time. Do they cover the field with a tarp at the Colesium? I've never heard of them doing that for Trojan games.

Field Conditions Saturday

PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by DirtyFacedKid
They do and they will. No way the NFL would let the field turn shitty for a premiere game in Prime Time.

Re: Field Conditions Saturday

PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by snackdaddy
Field conditions can affect both teams. If the field is not optimal I actually think it hurts the Cowboys more as they play on turf. What would hurt us more is if its windy and rainy. I don't think that will be an issue.

Field Conditions Saturday

PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by Elvis
bubbaramfan wrote:Looks like rain Friday night and early Sat morning. Field might be damp for game time. Do they cover the field with a tarp at the Colesium? I've never heard of them doing that for Trojan games.

Yes, here's a picture of the field tarped a few days ago:


Field Conditions Saturday

PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by Flash
Elvis wrote:Yes, here's a picture of the field tarped a few days ago:


Has it rained out there yet today?