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Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 10 months ago
by Elvis
Oxnard doesn't budge the meter:

That's a tough one. I'm not so sure that if the Rams leave there will be any alternative. At least an immediate alternative. So I guess for these purposes I'll stick to 44-56.
by jthomas 11:17 AM

But he did say this:

Good morning Jim,

Simple yes no answer is fine. Do you think there is staff within the Rams organization that knows right now where this team will call home next year?
by Warner to Bruce 11:11 AM

No. But they obviously know where they plan to be, and it's not here.
by jthomas 11:11 AM

Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 10 months ago
by Elvis
Meter holding steady. Rams want to move at 100% though:

I'd say 35/65 stay/move, you?
by Don August 25 at 11:45 AM

I'm still at 44/56.
by jthomas August 25 at 11:45 AM

Are the Rams relocating?
by Evil Calvin August 25 at 11:45 AM

They sure are planning to.
by jthomas August 25 at 11:45 AM

Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 10 months ago
by Hacksaw
JT thinks somebody is going to stop them with 44% probability? Didn't he read Hokahey stating that Pcock has done all he can do? And why haven't we heard about any real commitments from StL corps and others? You'd think they'd let everyone know about it to help the momentum.

I can't believe I have typed Hokahey this many times in 1 week.

Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 10 months ago
by dieterbrock
Love to see an update on this, saw a post elsewhere where JT is saying its over

Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 10 months ago
by TSFH Fan
After Wendy's handed out free tix that no one seemed to use:

Brendan Marks posted on September 04, 2015 11:23
What're your odds the Rams leave?

"It still hasn't changed. I still think it's 44-56 they stay. What might move the needle is we have more developments on if they have all the land assembled for the stadium. I still think there are hold-outs. If they get this financing squared away, they still got some lose ends there."

http://www.insidestl.com/insideSTLcom/S ... urley.aspx

Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 9 months ago
by Elvis
JT sure is a lot more pessimistic in interviews than his meter indicates...

Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 9 months ago
by bluecoconuts
Elvis wrote:JT sure is a lot more pessimistic in interviews than his meter indicates...

His editors will likely get mad at him if he goes any lower. Just keep it high enough to make sure the hits still come in, too low and they lose revenue.

Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 9 months ago
by Elvis
bluecoconuts wrote:
Elvis wrote:JT sure is a lot more pessimistic in interviews than his meter indicates...

His editors will likely get mad at him if he goes any lower. Just keep it high enough to make sure the hits still come in, too low and they lose revenue.

True. And though we think it's skewed towards St. Louis, his readers are pretty freaked that he has it worse than 50/50 they stay...

Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 9 months ago
by Elvis
No change, repeat no change:

What are you odds the Rams stay?
by Grant 12:17 PM

Still at 44-56.
by jthomas 12:17 PM

Re: JT Meter

PostPosted:8 years 9 months ago
by RedAlice
Elvis wrote:
bluecoconuts wrote:
Elvis wrote:JT sure is a lot more pessimistic in interviews than his meter indicates...

His editors will likely get mad at him if he goes any lower. Just keep it high enough to make sure the hits still come in, too low and they lose revenue.

True. And though we think it's skewed towards St. Louis, his readers are pretty freaked that he has it worse than 50/50 they stay...

I normally freely tweet. I am waiting this week.

We are home dudes, we are home.