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 by Phil
4 years 11 months ago
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The new uniforms will be shit. Guaranteed.

Real teams don't need to rebrand. This is Bush league.

The stadium will be awesome, though.

 by AvengerRam
4 years 11 months ago
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Phil wrote:The new uniforms will be shit. Guaranteed.

Real teams don't need to rebrand. This is Bush league.

The stadium will be awesome, though.

Would you feel that way if they just returned to the classic blue and yellow unis?

 by rather
4 years 11 months ago
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aeneas1 wrote:the change to the "st. louis" uniforms was all georgia, she spearheaded the thing, wanted to change the colors to welcome in the new millennium, she at first leaned heavily towards a "ucla" look (powder blue / gold), a color scheme that she apparently loved, but settled on millennium blue (because she thought the name was a cosmic sign) and new century gold, but never once thought about changing the horns... so is stan involved in this thing at all? hmm...

I always thought Millennium Blue was just a made up name? Like they could have gone with any shade blue and called it Millennium Blue. Anywho yeah those unis screamed Georgia. I always that the helmet looked good but the home unis were just too much. Their road unis looked great .. too bad they were befouled not too much later ..

 by Flash
4 years 11 months ago
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Phil wrote:The new uniforms will be shit. Guaranteed.

Real teams don't need to rebrand. This is Bush league.

The stadium will be awesome, though.

Maybe they see this and wonder could they do to improve..

https://theramswire.usatoday.com/2018/0 ... -rankings/

Rams finish 31st in fan and brand study for 2018

Moving is never easy, especially for an NFL team. It requires planning, uprooting families and attempting to carry a fanbase to a brand new city, and sometimes, a completely different state.

That’s the process the Rams had to deal with two years ago when they moved from St. Louis to sunny Los Angeles, angering hundreds of thousands of fans in Missouri. As great of a city as L.A. is, the move didn’t sit well with some players, either.

The first season in Los Angeles was a disaster on the field as the Rams finished 4-12, fired their head coach and had a rookie quarterback who some were already (wrongfully) calling a bust. The result? A lack of fans in Year 2 with the Rams struggling to fill the massive Coliseum last season.

Richard Mackson-USA TODAY Sports

The dwindling interest was exaggerated by some, but there’s no denying that fans weren’t exactly dying to go to Rams games in 2017. The numbers back that up, too.

Michael Lewis does an annual report on fans and brand popularity across the NFL and this year’s study shows how poorly the Rams finished.

According to his research, Los Angeles was 31st in terms of brand. It was an average of “fan equity,” “social equity” and “road equity,” each of which help determine the most and least popular franchises in the league.

Here’s how each is described.

Fan Equity looks at home revenues relative to expected revenue based on team performance and market characteristics. The goal of the metric is to measure over or under performance relative to other teams in the league. In other words, statistical models are used to create an apples-to-apples type comparison to avoid distortions due to long-term differences in market size or short-term differences in winning rates.

Social Media Equity is also an example of a “premium” based measure of brand equity. It differs from the Fan Equity in that it focuses on how many fans a team has online rather than fans’ willingness to pay higher prices. Similar to Fan Equity, Social Media Equity is also constructed using statistical models that control for performance and market differences.

The Road Equity measure can be interpreted in multiple ways. If a team has great road attendance, is it because the fans are following the team or because they have a national following? In other words, do the local fans travel or does a team with high road attendance have a national following. When the Steelers turned the Georgia Dome Gold and Black was it because Steelers fans came down from Pittsburgh or because Steelers fans are everywhere.

The Rams finished 32nd in fan equity, 32nd in social media equity and 22nd in road equity, suggesting fans actually travel better than they represent the Rams at home. That’s not exactly surprising, especially if you saw how empty the Coliseum was for some Rams games last season.

Rams jerseys and merchandise isn’t exactly flying off the racks, either, which shows an unwillingness among fans to spend money on their team’s gear.

Again, some of this has to do with the fact that the Rams moved cities in 2016 and are playing in one of the worst stadiums in sports. When the new venue opens up in 2020, fans should come out in droves, if not just to see the massive stadium and all that it has to offer.

For now, though, it doesn’t look great for the Rams. Winning often cures everything, so perhaps a deep run in the playoffs could put more fans in seats.

For the full list of teams, be sure to check out the study here.

 by aeneas1
4 years 11 months ago
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rather wrote:I always thought Millennium Blue was just a made up name? Like they could have gone with any shade blue and called it Millennium Blue. Anywho yeah those unis screamed Georgia. I always that the helmet looked good but the home unis were just too much. Their road unis looked great .. too bad they were befouled not too much later ..

yeah, that was actually the name of the color... also, back in the day, before the rams changed to blue/white, they weren't happy with the shade of yellow they were using for their jerseys because it didn't show up well on b&w tv, so they sampled a bunch of different yellows until they found one that did look decent on tv, that offered the contrast they wanted for b&w tv, prob was the name of the color was "buttercup yellow", and when reeves (owner at the time) found out he nixed it, said there was no way his team was going to wear anything called "buttercup yellow"... i've heard some scoff at fans who seem to get hung up uniforms, but a lot of people consider it to be a very important topic, including more than a few nfl owners, it's not just fan thing.

 by LARams_1963
4 years 11 months ago
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aeneas1 wrote:can't imagine any bursting out 3d look that would tickle my fancy, but i can see how adding texture to the current horn shape / design might work, as long as it was subtle, kinda like what the seahawks did to simulate bird feathers:

See, that’s scary. Why? Cause I could never decipher what those “simulated feathers” were. Completely Un-readable to me. Please don’t give us something un-readable or gaudy! Right now in my gut I feel like odds are about 70% I’m gonna be disappointed , sure hope I’m wrong.

 by Hacksaw
4 years 11 months ago
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The throwbacks are great imo. Colors must remain intact. If it ain't broke don't try to fix it !!

They MUST rework the shoulder horn or eliminate it all together. It looks like a pig tail or cut off fingernail now.
Then widen the helmet horns and that's it.

Repeat and rinse, , , Focus only on the shoulder and widening the hard edged helmet horns. Leave the rest alone !!

K.I.S.S. theory. TRADITION > modern risk taking money grab.

 by Mr. Sparkle
4 years 11 months ago
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OR... go really crazy and go back to the red uniforms from 1949, THEN make sure all the seats and branding in the stadium is red to match the new colors, THEN watch the Chargers org have a meltdown that their new "home" has none of their own colors.

Just a thought. Have a feeling that wouldn't go over well by many many groups...

 by Hacksaw
4 years 11 months ago
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NOOOO. no Rojo !!!! :shock2:

but I see the downside for the Dolts...

 by Elvis
4 years 11 months ago
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Most of the signage in the new stadium will be digital and easily changed to accommodate whatever event is going on...

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