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Re: Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 3 months ago
by Hacksaw
Welcome to the world of DocUSign and forgeable signatures.

Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 3 months ago
by ocbasko
Fire407 wrote:I and a friend got to the center at 11am and my sales consultant met us in the lobby. We watched a short video about the Hollywood Park area and then went to the main area where they have the large models of the stadium and the surrounding buildings. That room is connected to the main center where they have large computer screens set up for the consultant to explain everything. I didn't count but I think there were maybe six or seven individual areas with the large screens. We sat at one of the screens with the consultant and he used the screen to explain things. To be honest almost everything he showed on the computer is available on-line, so it was more like a review. The only thing I haven't seen on line is the virtual view which is just like the Coliseum virtual venue. I knew the seats I was looking for and he had to go check to see if they were available. I was surprised that we couldn't see what seats were taken. The seats I wanted were available. They expect a big deposit for the seats. Even with the financing they want 10% down. The good news is the next payment isn't due until next March and then the following year you can pay the balance with no interest charges, or continue to finance it at I think an 8 and a half percent rate. Overall it was a very relaxed atmosphere. There was very little pressure to buy the seats and because it wasn't crowded I didn't feel rushed.

Thanks for the summary. How many seats were you allowed to purchase? Any mention of when regular seat purchases would take place?


Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 3 months ago
by Fire407
I got 4 seats. I have 4 at the Coliseum and I think you can buy as many at the new stadium as you currently have. I said I think because I didn’t ask if I could buy more. I’m not sure when regular seats will be available. They said the first group would have a three week window to purchase before the next group starts. I have no idea how many people are in a group. I think they said they were going to try to schedule 200 people a day, and that may include Chargers fans. A guy I talked to yesterday was buying Chargers SSLs, but I had the feeling most of the people were there for Rams SSLs.

Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 3 months ago
by ocbasko
Fire407 wrote:I'm not sure if they ran a credit check. They didn't ask for any information. I think it's because they have information on file since everyone they are seeing now is a current season ticket holder. They only asked for a credit card for a down payment. Also, they are only selling Club seats right now, which is the lower two levels from goal line to goal line.

Are the premium seats (lower 2 level, goal line to goal line) only on the Rams side of the field? Thanks

Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 3 months ago
by LARamsFan
I can answer a few questions.

The Rams home side is different than the Chargers. I think its on the East and the Chargers in the West? One or the other. Club seats are in the 100 and 200 levels between the 10's in level 100 and around the 20's or close to it for level 200. The chairs are at the premier center for you to sit on. All are an upgrade from the current coliseum seats. Looks like premier seating is end zones and upper decks 300 and 400 level.

There are five pricing tiers for the Rams Club Seats (SSL's) ($100k, $85k, $35k, $25k and $15k) plus when the 2020 season starts $375/game. There are also three type of payment plans (all at once, three years and over 12 years). Interest rates are ~8%.

At the Premier Center, Friends and Family was on Monday and current Rams/Chargers season ticket holders started participating on Tuesday. The appointment took about 1 and a half hours as we had a few questions. Our representative was very knowledgable. Some of the seats we wanted were taken already but got one of the sections we had interest in. As mentioned earlier there is not a "seat map" so its difficult to see the exact seats that are available. The representative asks you for your SSL $ interest level then comes back from an office with the best seats available.

I was told that Club invites will be in waves according to the time you placed your deposit for the Coliseum a few years back. All waves are three weeks and then they move on to the next one. If you don't want club seats then when they begin Premier seating the wave will start all over again with the time you placed your deposit for the Coliseum.

I don't know the pricing for the Premier seating but I think all seats will require a SSL of at least $1k. Go Rams!

Re: Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 3 months ago
by Fire407
Here's something else that might be useful to know. If you have four seats and you bring a friend with you to purchase two of your seats, then they will put two of the SSLs in his name and he will own them. If the friend can't come with you, then you can still buy all four of the SSLs and then after the first game you can transfer two of them to your friend or anyone else for a $100 transfer fee. I don't know why you have to wait until after the first game, but thats what they told me. Also, they said all sales are final once you sign, so you can't pick seats and then a few days later change your mind.

Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 3 months ago
by BrendanOC6
Fire407 wrote:The checkout was fairly fast. They took my credit card and all of the paperwork is on a pad. I signed my signature once and my initials once on the pad with my finger--and doing that never looks good. But then it was just tap to sign a few times and it was done.

HaHa. Good stuff. thanks for the info

Re: Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 3 months ago
by Elvis
This is great, thanks for all the info...

Re: Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 3 months ago
by Fire407
According to my sales consultant, the Oculus will have 4K video on the inside and outside. He said there's never been anything like it so they invented the name.

Bonsignore: Rams and Chargers to begin premium club seat sales for new Inglewood stadium

PostPosted:6 years 3 months ago
by Elvis
LARamsFan wrote:I can answer a few questions.

The Rams home side is different than the Chargers. I think its on the East and the Chargers in the West? One or the other. Club seats are in the 100 and 200 levels between the 10's in level 100 and around the 20's or close to it for level 200. The chairs are at the premier center for you to sit on. All are an upgrade from the current coliseum seats. Looks like premier seating is end zones and upper decks 300 and 400 level.

There are five pricing tiers for the Rams Club Seats (SSL's) ($100k, $85k, $35k, $25k and $15k) plus when the 2020 season starts $375/game. There are also three type of payment plans (all at once, three years and over 12 years). Interest rates are ~8%.

At the Premier Center, Friends and Family was on Monday and current Rams/Chargers season ticket holders started participating on Tuesday. The appointment took about 1 and a half hours as we had a few questions. Our representative was very knowledgable. Some of the seats we wanted were taken already but got one of the sections we had interest in. As mentioned earlier there is not a "seat map" so its difficult to see the exact seats that are available. The representative asks you for your SSL $ interest level then comes back from an office with the best seats available.

I was told that Club invites will be in waves according to the time you placed your deposit for the Coliseum a few years back. All waves are three weeks and then they move on to the next one. If you don't want club seats then when they begin Premier seating the wave will start all over again with the time you placed your deposit for the Coliseum.

I don't know the pricing for the Premier seating but I think all seats will require a SSL of at least $1k. Go Rams!

Thanks, and welcome aboard...