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 by LoyalRam
8 years 11 months ago
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Elvis wrote:Looking forward to his next update.

Welcome, you're our 41st member, i guess that makes you Todd Lyght...

lol..maybe so!

 by Hacksaw
8 years 11 months ago
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Welcome to RFU LoyalRam. Great to have you aboard.

Elvis, looks like Merlin to me. ;)

 by LoyalRam
8 years 11 months ago
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United States of America   LA Coliseum

Hacksaw wrote:Welcome to RFU LoyalRam. Great to have you aboard.

Elvis, looks like Merlin to me. ;)

Thank you sir! It's fun to say many similar handles that I now see on two or three Rams forums!

 by Elvis
8 years 11 months ago
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United States of America   Los Angeles

And the needle stays put:

I'm opening camp with the same odds I've had for a while 43-57.
by jthomas 11:21 AM

 by Elvis
8 years 11 months ago
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United States of America   Los Angeles

We have an update (small and inconsequential, but an update):

In fact, we have adjusted our Rams stay-Rams go percentage to 45-55, from the previous 43-57.
by jthomas edited by Mike Smith 11:04 AM

 by Hacksaw
8 years 11 months ago
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United States of America   AT THE BEACH

so Frawley gives the Gov and task force the green light to spend taxpayers dollars as they see fit and SD - Oak release negative pressers and stL goes up 2 tic's. I don't see his meter moving much until a decision is made.

 by Elvis
8 years 11 months ago
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Really the ruling was a non-event. It would've been an earth shaker had it gone the other way but this was so expected it's virtually no change in the situation.

JT has said that if St. Louis gets the stadium land and financing together he'd move it to 50/50, so yeah not expecting a lot of needle movement from JT...

 by Hacksaw
8 years 11 months ago
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United States of America   AT THE BEACH

888 forever man.

The message sent on no bond $$ for new stadium, right before the meeting, couldn't have helped the perception of their cause but either way what diminishes it's impact is that the owner appears to be be making a run for the LA blessing and he's by far in the best position to do it.
I can see why Spanos was reportedly seen being mad a Kroenke at the last meetings. remember "Spanos couldn't even look at Stan" talk? So what ever is happening, let's hope the phone conversations among owners aren't like one from an episode of Gidget.

Logically ESK would be the most sure bet and best fit in LA. Given.
The league will consider things like this. Is San Diego DOA or is their a real possibility something could get done there in the next few years that gives the NFL 2 SoCal cities?
A little patients, with a back-up plan City of Champs could be their home with or without the Rams. That means Spanos stand down temporarily.
Oakland doesn't seem to be making much noise about any of this. Either by skillful design or because they haven't done/said anything and aren't really thinking about relocating unless a benevolent offer falls into their lap.
Both say they want to stay home, and are clearly half arsed in they LA efforts. Weak. Policy in LA 'es el diablo for his SF shenanigans.

My gut still says CofC is going to happen and first true signs of the ball unraveling for everyone else is the minute the crater is begins to appear. Man the finishes on that stadium would be world class.

On topic, I don't think JT weights his %'s properly.

 by sloramfan
8 years 10 months ago
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Pro Bowl

so the meter hasn't changed since the owners meetin on the 11th???...please

go rams


 by Elvis
8 years 10 months ago
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United States of America   Los Angeles

Considering he said this yesterday:

No, I come home from Chicago with the same odds _ 44-56 _ as last week.
by jthomas 12:40 PM yesterday

I don't know what to make since last week he said it was 45-55.

I do think we're in for a couple more twists and turns before it's all said and done...

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