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Re: Week 1 Game Day: Hawks@Rams

PostPosted:8 years 9 months ago
by AltiTude Ram
Defense needs to step up. Get off the field.

Re: Week 1 Game Day: Hawks@Rams

PostPosted:8 years 9 months ago
by azramsfan93
I heard chants of "defense" in the announcers microphones while the good guys had the ball.


Great play to Kendricks!!

Re: Week 1 Game Day: Hawks@Rams

PostPosted:8 years 9 months ago
by Elvis
Abert had just said, looking ahead this is in GZ's FG range...

Re: Week 1 Game Day: Hawks@Rams

PostPosted:8 years 9 months ago
by Elvis
Yeah, looks like huge crowd in SD...

Re: Week 1 Game Day: Hawks@Rams

PostPosted:8 years 9 months ago
by AltiTude Ram
Couldn't ask for more. This team has no quit. They should've closed this out already without the 2 late turnovers but that game tying drive shows this team can compete with the best.

Re: Week 1 Game Day: Hawks@Rams

PostPosted:8 years 9 months ago
by TSFH Fan
Russell Wilson was sort of right, I guess:

Re: Week 1 Game Day: Hawks@Rams

PostPosted:8 years 9 months ago
by TSFH Fan

Mean fans there:

Re: Week 1 Game Day: Hawks@Rams

PostPosted:8 years 9 months ago
by snackdaddy
Lol, if that was supposed to be a squib kick it was the worst kickoff I've ever seen. It sure looked like it was a onsides attempt. Methinks Carroll doesn't want to account for why he tried that in that situation. He just can't win. Shoulda ran it with Lynch in the superbowl and gets a ton of grief for it. So he decides he'll never make that mistake again. And he'l get some grief for that too.

Re: Week 1 Game Day: Hawks@Rams

PostPosted:8 years 9 months ago
by RedAlice
AltiTude Ram wrote:Couldn't ask for more. This team has no quit. They should've closed this out already without the 2 late turnovers but that game tying drive shows this team can compete with the best.

YES! They can. I type that half to member myself that I believe that. Rams are a good team now.

Had a client canal cruise dinner thing, and then took whomver wanted to a good sports bar to see the games. I loved what I saw....you are correct Alti.

Re: Week 1 Game Day: Hawks@Rams

PostPosted:8 years 9 months ago
by TSFH Fan
This moving company ad probably isn't what Rams fans want to see in their program
http://ftw.usatoday.com/2015/09/st-loui ... program-ad
The St. Louis Rams kick off the season at home Sunday against the Seattle Seahawks, but Rams fans inside the Edward Jones Dome are still unsure if their team is staying in the midwest, as owner Stan Kroenke is planning to build a stadium in Inglewood, California.

This ad from the “official mover of the St. Louis Rams” isn’t exactly lightening the mood in St. Louis.