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PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by rather
Whoever proposed banning this guy, consider this seconded, thirded, fourthed, etc.

We CANNOT let these dip$hits ruin this board the way they did the stltoday forum, RRF, etc.

They are all dip$hits here to troll and whizz on Rams fans.

Even the ones that behaved somewhat civilly disappeared when it became clear the Patriots cheated in that game. That tells you everything about why they were there.

My goodness if this place becomes overrun with a-holes like Pinko, upstart, and this dork, I want nothing to do with it.

Do it


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by dieterbrock
snackdaddy wrote:Lol, you weren't thinking boyfriend were you? Not that there's anything wrong with that mind you. 8-)

Perhaps BFF woulda clarified it more. ;)

I wasn't thinking that either, but haha, nothing wrong with that at all.
I actually thought he was talking about 2 separate people with "BF and drummer"
What a dope I am....


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by RedAlice
Brady wrote:Filming the Rams walkthroughs and practices was proven the be false.



PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by RedAlice
rather wrote:Whoever proposed banning this guy, consider this seconded, thirded, fourthed, etc.

We CANNOT let these dip$hits ruin this board the way they did the stltoday forum, RRF, etc.

They are all dip$hits here to troll and whizz on Rams fans.

Even the ones that behaved somewhat civilly disappeared when it became clear the Patriots cheated in that game. That tells you everything about why they were there.

My goodness if this place becomes overrun with a-holes like Pinko, upstart, and this dork, I want nothing to do with it.

Do it


What’s wrong with chatting w fans of opposing teams before the game?


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by Hacksaw
dieterbrock wrote:LOL!!!!!
I wasn't thinking that either, but haha, nothing wrong with that at all.
I actually thought he was talking about 2 separate people with "BF and drummer"
What a dope I am....

haha BF = best friend. But you figured that out.


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by dieterbrock
RedAlice wrote:Wait.

What’s wrong with chatting w fans of opposing teams before the game?

I agree.
Brady was a regular on RRF a million years ago. (AKA, when RRF was still a thing)
I always got along with him, and felt most posters did.
I think the issue here is that he may not have the equity with some that he has with me, or people who remember him.
I say cut him a little slack....


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by dieterbrock
Hacksaw wrote:haha BF = best friend. But you figured that out.

Yeah when @ScottyD pointed it out and I realized how stupid I was, I was kinda hoping it was gonna go away, that I could just....


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by rather

If he appeared at any other time right before the G-D Super Bowl rematch, then fine. As it is, he's just here to troll. If you want to play along then fine.


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by RedAlice
We are just now playing the Pats.

Why would he need to be here before? Idgi.

Unintended consequences

PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by MikeRam
This is about the PI non-call. There are two other plays that deserve mention. One was the face mask non-call when Goff dove toward the end zone. Had that been called, the Rams would have had a first down on the one yard line. The probable result is a touchdown. This would have prevented th Saints from running out the clock and kicking a field goal. If they scored a touchdown the Rams would probably have had a chance to tie.

This isn't mentioned by the talking heads because it confuses the narative.

The other play is the phantom roughing the passer call on the Chiefs. Had this not been called the Chiefs have a good shot at stopping Brady and winning the game.

If there is some mechanism in play to change the obvious pass interference non-call, could it be used to change the face mask non call or roughing the passer call? It's clear the talking heads wouldn't want it to. But then we have the same situation as now only it's the Rams and Chiefs who think they're getting screwed.

Now suppose you can challenge a non-call. Imagine a punt return that wins the game. We all know that there is almost always a hold or a block in the back on every punt return even if it is not called. We would be in the situation where the refs would have to pour over a replay looking for a penalty. That's no good. A great play could be reversed on some technical violation. The cure is worse than the original problem. Unintended consequences of trying to fix a problem are sometimes worse than the problem.