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RFU shirts are FINALLY happening. No, really!

PostPosted:5 years 10 months ago
by dieterbrock
I don’t know how I missed this thread. Suppose I’m too late?

RFU shirts are FINALLY happening. No, really!

PostPosted:5 years 10 months ago
by Elvis
dieterbrock wrote:I don’t know how I missed this thread. Suppose I’m too late?

We'll have some extras, i'll let everyone know what's available when they come and i figure out what's what...

RFU shirts are FINALLY happening. No, really!

PostPosted:5 years 10 months ago
by TomSlick
maxxx power wrote:We ordered extras of most designs so if you want one and didn't get your order in please contact ELVIS for details.

I'm one of those latecomers...just wanted to thank you maxxx for your efforts. Well done.

RFU shirts are FINALLY happening. No, really!

PostPosted:5 years 10 months ago
by Cdogpaw
I am a rookie to this site, but if any extra shirts, I’ll take one.

RFU shirts are FINALLY happening. No, really!

PostPosted:5 years 10 months ago
by Elvis
Cdogpaw wrote:I am a rookie to this site, but if any extra shirts, I’ll take one.

Welcome aboard Cdog, will let you know what's available when we get the shirts...

RFU shirts are FINALLY happening. No, really!

PostPosted:5 years 10 months ago
by Elvis
They are here!

When you factor in shipping (to us) and everything else, it comes to $9.25 per shirt. (For those of you i need to mail them out to, that will be whatever it costs to ship them extra.)

I'm now going to go through what we have, what's been spoken for, and then post what's left...

RFU shirts are FINALLY happening. No, really!

PostPosted:5 years 10 months ago
by bubbaramfan
PM me for the cost + shipping and method of delivery.

RFU shirts are FINALLY happening. No, really!

PostPosted:5 years 10 months ago
by Elvis
Self Portrait:


RFU shirts are FINALLY happening. No, really!

PostPosted:5 years 10 months ago
by BrendanOC6
Just saw this on twitter. That is a nice combo. Let us know the details when you have them

RFU shirts are FINALLY happening. No, really!

PostPosted:5 years 10 months ago
by Hacksaw
Elvis wrote:Self Portrait:


I recognize that hat.