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 by dieterbrock
6 years 8 months ago
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Its just such an obscure ruling, and it really puts the "game of inches" moniker to work.
The ball grazes the pylon, and its Seattle ball on the 20. It just misses the pylon by a hair, and its Rams ball on the goal line.
Doesn't seem that those 2 outcomes should be separated by a hair.

So what happens if you field a kick off at the goal line, bobble the ball, and the receiver loses the ball out of bounds, where it strikes the pylon.
Who's ball is it and where??

 by HAL 9000
6 years 8 months ago
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dieterbrock wrote:Methinks we should be due for one of these in our favor eh?

Hell would have to freeze over before the Rams ever get a call their way. Considering the severity of the call, losing a TD, possession and it goes to the frickin 20 is criminally unfair. It's as if the officials go out of their way to stick it to our Rams every game.

This rule needs to be changed this year. It should at least go to the five yard line and retain possession, but any other fumble goes to the last team with possession.

STUPID ASS F'n rule and it ticks me off. Now lets bring in Allen Funt and end this charade!!!

Rant not over.......

 by aeneas1
6 years 8 months ago
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hey, panther fans get their own pylon debate, ha ha, at least their pylon controversy ended much better than the rams, alas....

 by Hacksaw
6 years 8 months ago
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aeneas1 wrote:hey, panther fans get their own pylon debate, ha ha, at least their pylon controversy ended much better than the rams, alas....

I was thinking that,, :D ,, but Newton didn't fumble. I'm still nicked that the Gurley fumble ended the way it did. That rule needs to be rethought..

 by aeneas1
6 years 8 months ago
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Hacksaw wrote:I was thinking that,, :D ,, but Newton didn't fumble. I'm still nicked that the Gurley fumble ended the way it did. That rule needs to be rethought..

at least for the rams, keep it for wilson, dak, zeke, and the like.

 by Hacksaw
6 years 8 months ago
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aeneas1 wrote:at least for the rams, keep it for wilson, dak, zeke, and the like.

That would be great, but I'm more referring to the lopsided penalty the fumbling team suffers. At least make it like a penalty in the end zone where the fumbling team loses 10 yards from the point of the fumble or something. Even if it stays a turnover, let the other team take it from the 5 yd line or the point of fumble.
Need to rethink that imo...

 by aeneas1
6 years 8 months ago
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Hacksaw wrote:That would be great, but I'm more referring to the lopsided penalty the fumbling team suffers. At least make it like a penalty in the end zone where the fumbling team loses 10 yards from the point of the fumble or something. Even if it stays a turnover, let the other team take it from the 5 yd line or the point of fumble.
Need to rethink that imo...

yeah, i was joshin', it's a kick in the nads, it's a broken rule, a loose ball that's not recovered gets awarded to one team but not the other, why?

 by Elvis
6 years 8 months ago
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If the QB drops back to pass from his own end zone and steps out of bounds, it's 2 points for the other team and they get the ball, kind of a steep penalty for stepping out of bounds isn't it?

The end zone is special, high risk and high reward. I know i won't complain the next time we get the ball on the 20 when we strip a player going in for an apparent TD...

6 years 8 months ago
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aeneas1 wrote:yeah, i was joshin', it's a kick in the nads, it's a broken rule, a loose ball that's not recovered gets awarded to one team but not the other, why?

Got to agree here. I could understand if a team fumbles it out of the back of the end zone but out of bounds over the pylon? Or even out the side of the end zone? I guess the way they look at it is, if you do that, you're careless with the ball so it goes over to the other team.

Anybody see Newton's run tonight? He was airborn and clearly had the ball across the goal line before anything hit out of bounds but they ruled "no TD". The saying is "the goal line goes around the world". Well if you can put the ball over the pylon or the goal line and it or you never touch in the end zone, how can they award a turnover if you fumble it out of the side?

Stupid rule right up there with the tuck.

 by Elvis
6 years 8 months ago
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The goal line to infinity isn't the rule anymore. A player can dive and his body can be over out of bounds but he has to get the ball across the goal line over the pylon or inside it before he touches down for it to be a TD.

But if the player is in bounds in the end zone, the ball can cross the goal line out of bounds.

There was no angle clear enough on the Cam dive that the ball crossed the goal line. Every replay i saw was at an angle, not shot down the goal line so it wasn't clear...

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55 posts Jun 26 2024