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 by St. Loser Fan
7 years 6 months ago
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Hall of Fame

aeneas1 wrote:so did the rams secretly land harbaugh before they axed jeff?

Unless Harbaugh's contract expressly allows calls from NFL teams during the season, I'd guess the University of Michigan wouldn't permit it: especially given their current standings.

 by moklerman
7 years 6 months ago
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rams74 wrote:Yes, I agree with all these sentiments, but not without a good deal of regret. I didn't like the Fisher hire in the first place. But I take no solace in being proven right. There was a lot of optimism during the first couple of years, but to hit your peak in year 1 is very disappointing. Fisher was such a distinct upgrade over Spagnuolo & Linehan. To see the state of our team the last few weeks is really discouraging. All we can do now is hope The Kroenkster gets it right this time around. I'm all for that. One year turnaround, and all that. Go Rams!

 by CarolinaRam
7 years 6 months ago
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Practice Squad

I guess we were wrong about Silent Stan! he is listening and knew he could not allow this shit show to continue.

 by 69superbowl
7 years 6 months ago
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Think Rock Gullickson went up to Fish?: "Hey, uh, coach, the Boss wants to see ya. Bring your binder."

 by HighRoller
7 years 6 months ago
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rams74 wrote:You clearly have a good source. Can you share any other details? Like, anything else about this meeting?

I really don't have more than that. I got a text around midnight that said keep your eye on Rams news this morning. I had a feeling it became more likely Fisher was not going to be with the team by mid afternoon.

I had NFL network on as soon as I woke up early this morning. My wife actually got the news by text first. Then evidently it was released on the Rams website as a press release.

I know sometimes this is tough to see from the outside, but I am aware of the inside workings of this organization and it is very well managed. Today is FINALLY, the turn the Rams have truly needed for the past 12 years or so.

 by Elvis
7 years 6 months ago
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United States of America   Los Angeles

aeneas1 wrote:ouch.

And Hallelujah!

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46 posts Jul 01 2024