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 by SoCalRam78
8 years 6 months ago
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 by den-the-coach
8 years 6 months ago
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Starting to really despise Jerry Richardson...Don't understand what he gets out of this, hope his team gets their ass kicked. He should focus on the playoffs, he wanted to fire Ron Rivera too, but was talked out of it. Freaking Yokel!

 by max
8 years 6 months ago
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Richardson is all about keeping power among the Old Guard owners. Kroenke is a major threat to them. If Kroenke gets LA, the OG fears that he will become one of the most, if not the most, powerful owners in the NFL.

So this is a huge power struggle for these guys. If the New Guard takes over control of the NFL, the OG will eventually be pushed out by new mega-rich owners. That means guys like Richardson, Rooney, and Spanos will be forced out if they don't stop Kroenke from taking over full control of LA.

This helps explain why Kroenke had to offer joint ownership.

 by dieterbrock
8 years 6 months ago
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I just can't comprehend how the self made guys tolerate the trust fund babies

 by moklerman
8 years 6 months ago
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I guess it's not that surprising that the old guard are fighting the idea of an owner financing a stadium all on his own.

I don't know much about Richardson but I obviously disagree with what he's currently doing. Which is disappointing in a way because I respect what he's accomplished. The only former player that's an owner and from what little I understand, he parlayed his money from his playing days into investments that started his road toward ownership.

That doesn't outweigh anything and everything else, but I would like to be able to root for the guy. My personal interests aside, I guess it's commendable that he's doing everything that he can but even if it wasn't the Rams to LA, I think Richardson is backing the wrong side when it comes to what is best for all involved. Forcing the Carson project would be one thing if there were no other options, but we've got everything the league and LA have ever wanted.

A rich man with vision willing to spend his own money to build a stadium. He already owns an NFL team. That NFL team is a free agent. That team moving wouldn't call for realignment. He has all the local government ducks in a row. The location is a good one. The private financing will be a major feather in the NFL's cap. There really isn't anything about what Kroenke is doing that is a negative for the league.

Compare that to the top to bottom mess that Carson, the Raiders and Chargers are proposing. It just doesn't make sense. I really hope for the NFL's sake that much of what we're seeing is staged for public consumption and the owners aren't this short-sighted and self-serving.

 by Hacksaw
8 years 6 months ago
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If this is about old guard vs new money,, something is a foul. Why would the less wealthy owners fear a wealthier owner? He still carries only 1 vote and only has one NFL team. So what if he becomes wealthier. The weaker wallets should want to keep him around. It's good to have friends like that, not enemies.

So if this is actually about blocking Kroenke too (like what StL is doing), essentially to block him from becoming more/too powerful, I think that would have his blood boiling to the point he could take it to the next level. What would he have to lose? Half the league against him? Looking at kayfabes list, in a sense, they already are.

There is a conflict of impartiality on that committee. So if the NFL offices are truly in favor of Inglewood, how could they have not anticipated the alignment of those board members with Spanos? Or did they just volunteer?

The writing is on the wall now. Mr Kroenke has the StLoo sports authority, task farce and a sliver of the local and state legislature against him. He has the StLoony media against him. He has Spanos and the Chargers against him. To a lesser degree, he has Davis and the Raiders against him.
Now we find out that the committee which was formed to make an impartial investigation and recommendation to the other owners regarding who should be allowed to move, is comprised of the very owners who are against him. Not only that but they conspired (Richardson) to aid 2 of the parties against the other (Iger hire) with possible personal gain as one of, or their only real motive.

This isn't going to end as smoothly as the league office was hoping for. ESK should bring the hammer down if it is as it appears.

 by OldSchool
8 years 6 months ago
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den-the-coach wrote:Starting to really despise Jerry Richardson...Don't understand what he gets out of this, hope his team gets their ass kicked. He should focus on the playoffs, he wanted to fire Ron Rivera too, but was talked out of it. Freaking Yokel!

Richardson and the LA committee members that are backing Spanos all have major ties and financial interests in Goldman-Sachs. With GS standing to make money on Carson and St. Louis you begin t realize why Richardson is such a staunch Carson guy. He's a bought and sold politician basically.

 by den-the-coach
8 years 6 months ago
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OldSchool wrote:Richardson and the LA committee members that are backing Spanos all have major ties and financial interests in Goldman-Sachs. With GS standing to make money on Carson and St. Louis you begin t realize why Richardson is such a staunch Carson guy. He's a bought and sold politician basically.

Again like posted earlier you would like to root for this guy being a former player turned owner, but when you put it that way, it's truly sad. And the Carson project is not good for the NFL, but it's good for Jerry Richardson so that makes it's okay. Unreal.

 by Hacksaw
8 years 6 months ago
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United States of America   AT THE BEACH

OldSchool wrote:
den-the-coach wrote:Starting to really despise Jerry Richardson...Don't understand what he gets out of this, hope his team gets their ass kicked. He should focus on the playoffs, he wanted to fire Ron Rivera too, but was talked out of it. Freaking Yokel!

Richardson and the LA committee members that are backing Spanos all have major ties and financial interests in Goldman-Sachs. With GS standing to make money on Carson and St. Louis you begin t realize why Richardson is such a staunch Carson guy. He's a bought and sold politician basically.

OldSchool, for the less savvy of us, what does "major ties and financial interests in Goldman-Sachs" really mean? Are they investors in the company? Does their stock value go up since both are using GS to fund their deals in Carson and StLoo? Is their money pooled in investment vehicles which would fund these stadiums for a fat profit? ?

 by OldSchool
8 years 6 months ago
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Hacksaw wrote:
OldSchool wrote:
den-the-coach wrote:Starting to really despise Jerry Richardson...Don't understand what he gets out of this, hope his team gets their ass kicked. He should focus on the playoffs, he wanted to fire Ron Rivera too, but was talked out of it. Freaking Yokel!

Richardson and the LA committee members that are backing Spanos all have major ties and financial interests in Goldman-Sachs. With GS standing to make money on Carson and St. Louis you begin t realize why Richardson is such a staunch Carson guy. He's a bought and sold politician basically.

OldSchool, for the less savvy of us, what does "major ties and financial interests in Goldman-Sachs" really mean? Are they investors in the company? Does their stock value go up since both are using GS to fund their deals in Carson and StLoo? Is their money pooled in investment vehicles which would fund these stadiums for a fat profit? ?

It will vary by individual. But they all have stock in the company. Some have worked with/for them in different capacities. Some have relatives working with them. Some are planning new stadiums for themselves soon and will be given better deals if they help out GS by getting them these two stadium deals. Mostly when GS makes money it helps their wallets also.

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88 posts Jul 08 2024