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Goff is a problem

PostPosted:4 years 9 months ago
by bremillard
Yes...defense stayed home for this one. Couldn't even make a stop when momentum should have been on the Ram's side after the pick six. Sorry effort...maybe the worst defensive effort in 20 years.

Goff is a problem

PostPosted:4 years 9 months ago
by bremillard
Yep. Let's see what happens on Thursday. Team and Goff were humbled in the Superbowl with Gurley at about 25%. Looked shaky in every win this season including against N.O. where they were lucky Brees was injured. I'm not a sunshine pumper. Goff turned the ball over 4 times and missed 2 wide open TD passes. Gurley clearly wasn't a factor yesterday. Hope this game was an anomaly but they lost by 15 to a 9 point dog. That's the reality.

Goff is a problem

PostPosted:4 years 9 months ago
by ramsfan1977
bremillard wrote:Yep. Let's see what happens on Thursday. Team and Goff were humbled in the Superbowl with Gurley at about 25%. Looked shaky in every win this season including against N.O. where they were lucky Brees was injured. I'm not a sunshine pumper. Goff turned the ball over 4 times and missed 2 wide open TD passes. Gurley clearly wasn't a factor yesterday. Hope this game was an anomaly but they lost by 15 to a 9 point dog. That's the reality.

And you are a Rams fan as much as Havenstein is Jackie Slater!

Goff is a problem

PostPosted:4 years 9 months ago
by bremillard
Not a Rams fan? Had season tickets at the Big A through some very lean years and attended several games at The Dome. That doesn't mean I'm a sunshine pumper like you. Real fans don't pretend. They tell it like it is. See you in Seattle? Ya...kind of doubt it.

Goff is a problem

PostPosted:4 years 9 months ago
by ramsman34
bremillard wrote:Yep. Let's see what happens on Thursday. Team and Goff were humbled in the Superbowl with Gurley at about 25%. Looked shaky in every win this season including against N.O. where they were lucky Brees was injured. I'm not a sunshine pumper. Goff turned the ball over 4 times and missed 2 wide open TD passes. Gurley clearly wasn't a factor yesterday. Hope this game was an anomaly but they lost by 15 to a 9 point dog. That's the reality.

Yes that’s the reality. And the D playing like matadors is also reality. THEY were in the field for all but one score. Sure the TOS were killer. And that corner route IS a problem for Goff it seems. But, in Goff’s defense, he made some really great throws. You have to look at the entire picture. If Hav doesn’t ole on that last play, Goff probably gets in the end zone and we have a shot to tie with a 2pt conversion. Then The perception of Goff probably changes. He HAS problems but he is far from being THE problem.

Goff is a problem

PostPosted:4 years 9 months ago
by ramsfan1977
Well considering they made the playoffs in Anaheim 7 of 15 years, how lean were they? You must be referring to the Chuck Knox II era. As far as being accused as not being a true Rams fan, I beg to differ. This team is not perfect in all 3 phases. However, they still will win 11 games. Like some of those years in the "BIG A" and St Louis, 11 wins should make you giddy! And not all of us can just make a trek 3000 miles away to secure our fandom among the rank and file. Some of us have families and careers that keep us close to home. But you know what, I will be watching Thursday night and win or lose I will find positives with MY team. Not gloom and doom. Have a fun trip Thursday.

Looks like on some other forums you like to only paint in dark colors. Be careful what you wish for... Urban Meyer will have USC on probation in 2 years.

Goff is a problem

PostPosted:4 years 9 months ago
by moklerman
Dick84 wrote:And Goff kept giving it to them for easy possessions.
Seriously.. if you can’t see that turnovers are the biggest issue, I don’t know what to tell you.
Defense saved Goff last week, couldn’t this.
Yeah, unless it was changed, the title of this thread is "Goff is A problem", not "the problem" so I'm not sure where that argument is coming from.

The defensive woes deserve a thread all their own for obvious reasons.

But McVay and Goff deserve some criticism. 4 turnovers and 3 missed throws to wide open receivers is going to tarnish your day pretty much regardless of whatever else you did. McVay putting the ball in Goff's hands THAT much was a mistake too. Especially when Goff had such a rocky start.

And, while the o-line hasn't been stellar, the pass pro has been serviceable most of the time. I believe they only gave up 1 sack until the strip at the very end. That's not terrible considering the amount of times they passed and how predictable those passes were.

But the offense is broken right now. I realize that they are still putting up points but IMO, they aren't going to do well in the long run doing things the way they've been doing them. The receivers and Goff are all at a higher risk with the pass happy approach. And I know I'm not the only one who's exacerbated by the way Gurley's been used. Or not used as the case may be.

Hopefully the short week forces McVay to simplify his approach and get the offense back on track. One thing that I think could help the o-line, as many o-lineman have often said, is to let them be aggressive and take the blocking to the defense. Lineman hate pass blocking and constantly being on their heels and IMO, constantly passing affects their aggressiveness and confidence. Maybe we will see them go out there and play a little smash mouth while gaining some confidence and cohesion? Fingers crossed.

Goff is a problem

PostPosted:4 years 9 months ago
by moklerman
ramsfan1977 wrote:Well considering they made the playoffs in Anaheim 7 of 15 years, how lean were they? You must be referring to the Chuck Knox II era. As far as being accused as not being a true Rams fan, I beg to differ. This team is not perfect in all 3 phases. However, they still will win 11 games. Like some of those years in the "BIG A" and St Louis, 11 wins should make you giddy! And not all of us can just make a trek 3000 miles away to secure our fandom among the rank and file. Some of us have families and careers that keep us close to home. But you know what, I will be watching Thursday night and win or lose I will find positives with MY team. Not gloom and doom. Have a fun trip Thursday.

Looks like on some other forums you like to only paint in dark colors. Be careful what you wish for... Urban Meyer will have USC on probation in 2 years.
That's not really an accurate way to describe their years in Anaheim IMO. They had some good years for sure but they had 5 straight seasons of increasing decline, all while being strip mined in an effort to drive down attendance and ultimately move the team 2,000 miles away. If you don't consider those to be some really dark times as a Rams fan, then I don't know what you would?

Goff is a problem

PostPosted:4 years 9 months ago
by ramsfan1977
moklerman wrote:That's not really an accurate way to describe their years in Anaheim IMO. They had some good years for sure but they had 5 straight seasons of increasing decline, all while being strip mined in an effort to drive down attendance and ultimately move the team 2,000 miles away. If you don't consider those to be some really dark times as a Rams fan, then I don't know what you would?

We all should hope that the first 10 years in Inglewood will be as good as 1980-89 in Anaheim. IMO

Goff is a problem

PostPosted:4 years 9 months ago
by dieterbrock
Dick84 wrote:And Goff kept giving it to them for easy possessions.
Seriously.. if you can’t see that turnovers are the biggest issue, I don’t know what to tell you.
Defense saved Goff last week, couldn’t this.

So getting the ball on their own 47 is an easy possession? The 50? If you don't expect your defense to hold them there, I don't know what to say. Plus the 1 INT was on 4th down and cost 7 yards of field position.
Defense was a much bigger issue than Goff. Put the Rams in a hole 7-0, then when pinned deep they still took the ball all the way in to Rams field, flipping field position.
Rams cut the lead to 7, they cant even hold them to 3.
The defense flat out sucked