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Re: Cheating

PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by Hacksaw
My BF and drummer is residing temporarily at my home while he finds a new job out here. He was raised here and is a Rams fan BUT, he lived in Boston for the past 20 years raising his family there. He is a Brady nutlicker and total Patriots fan. I even bought him a Brady jersey for Xmas.

We discuss football and no matter where or when, he (just like other Pat fans) just says to things. Scoreboard and GOAT. That's the default arguing position and one which can't be disputed.
They all say that it's just sour grapes because they are so successful. There is some truth in that but it comes with a calm superiority that is incredibly annoying.

My home has always been known as "Rams Central" with the multiple big screens, the satellite dishes and Rams gear on display. We get about a dozen die hard Rams fans over on a game basis (when I'm home) and more during the play-offs.

This year my Pat's fan friend wants to watch the game with us. I'm not sure how to handle this. He's a very loud fan. It was brutal watching him pull for the Red Sox in my living room during the World Series. He's a Dodgers fan too but his vociferous fandom showed he clearly has 'minuteman' blood. Many of my bro's are not going to put up with him cheering for the Partiots. I'm not so sure I will be able to find it in my soul to put up with it either. And he's my BF. What to do?

Re: Cheating

PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by ScottyD
I can relate to that-I'd tell him to watch it somewhere else-if he's a true sports fan he should totally understand!


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by dieterbrock
What's a BF?

Re: Cheating

PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by ScottyD
Best friend.


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by Brady
Hacksaw wrote:My BF and drummer is residing temporarily at my home while he finds a new job out here. He was raised here and is a Rams fan BUT, he lived in Boston for the past 20 years raising his family there. He is a Brady nutlicker and total Patriots fan. I even bought him a Brady jersey for Xmas.

We discuss football and no matter where or when, he (just like other Pat fans) just says two things. Scoreboard and GOAT. That's the default arguing position and one which can't be disputed.
They all say that it's just sour grapes because they are so successful. There is some truth in that but it comes with a calm superiority that is incredibly annoying.

My home has always been known as "Rams Central" with the multiple big screens, the satellite dishes and Rams gear on display. We get about a dozen die hard Rams fans over on a game basis (when I'm home) and more during the play-offs.

This year my Pat's fan friend wants to watch the game with us. I'm not sure how to handle this. He's a very loud fan. It was brutal watching him pull for the Red Sox in my living room during the World Series. He's a Dodgers fan too but his vociferous fandom showed he clearly has 'minuteman' blood. Many of my bro's are not going to put up with him cheering for the Partiots. I'm not so sure I will be able to find it in my soul to put up with it either. And he's my BF. What to do?

We're loud, we're boisterous, yup... maybe even obnoxious. But were also fiercely loyal and protective.

I bet if shit got real and you needed a ride or die, you'd call him and he'd be there 1000%.

Take the good with the bad. Watch the game with your boy.


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by Hacksaw
Brady wrote:We're loud, we're boisterous, yup... maybe even obnoxious. But were also fiercely loyal and protective.

I bet if shit got real and you needed a ride or die, you'd call him and he'd be there 1000%.

Take the good with the bad. Watch the game with your boy.

Well that is what friends do. As I mentioned he's living in my home while transitioning. Friends and family are bigger than a game.

I fear for my furniture and his health. Some of the boys aren't friends with him since they don't know him. We all take this seriously.

I also cannot imagine him having fun in a room full of rabid Rams fans either. He won't be able to get to excited w/o repercussions or concussions.



PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by Elmgrovegnome
The Rams drew up four new, never used red zone plays for Superbowl 36. Whenever the Rams lined up to run one of those plays, Patriot defenders would yell the play to each other. Holt, Bruce, and Faulk have all attested to this over the years.

The following year the Panthers accused the Patriots of the same thing. And last year the Eagles ran a fake walk through before the Superbowl. And they won. What a coincidence.


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by Elmgrovegnome
Hacksaw wrote:My BF and drummer is residing temporarily at my home while he finds a new job out here. He was raised here and is a Rams fan BUT, he lived in Boston for the past 20 years raising his family there. He is a Brady nutlicker and total Patriots fan. I even bought him a Brady jersey for Xmas.

We discuss football and no matter where or when, he (just like other Pat fans) just says to things. Scoreboard and GOAT. That's the default arguing position and one which can't be disputed.
They all say that it's just sour grapes because they are so successful. There is some truth in that but it comes with a calm superiority that is incredibly annoying.

My home has always been known as "Rams Central" with the multiple big screens, the satellite dishes and Rams gear on display. We get about a dozen die hard Rams fans over on a game basis (when I'm home) and more during the play-offs.

This year my Pat's fan friend wants to watch the game with us. I'm not sure how to handle this. He's a very loud fan. It was brutal watching him pull for the Red Sox in my living room during the World Series. He's a Dodgers fan too but his vociferous fandom showed he clearly has 'minuteman' blood. Many of my bro's are not going to put up with him cheering for the Partiots. I'm not so sure I will be able to find it in my soul to put up with it either. And he's my BF. What to do?

Sounds like a recipe for disaster. Your friend should have the common sense to not want to be there, unless he has no idea what your Ram bros are like. If beer is involved it could get really bad.

I used to watch at bars with my buddies Viking loving Girlfriend. We were great friends but it was still awkward and neither of us cheered as much as we would have if we were with like minded fans. We didn't want to upset each other by rubbing it in too much.

I recently met a boyfriend of one of my closest friends. She met him while doing a fellowship in Rhode Island. I instantly didn't like him but he won me over once he started voicing his opinion about his team. He hates Kraft. He says he's using his team's success to suck the life out of Boston taxpayers. He said he not only resolved the lockout, but he actually caused it. He hates that they cheated and wishes they never would have tried to bend or break any rules because that stigma that goes with them is hard to swallow. He believes that they did everything they were accused of, and got so disgusted by deflate gate that he barely watches any NFL. Instead he's turned to European soccer. To bad your friend wasn't more like him. Instead of like these ass hats that love and embrace the cheating reputation and love even more to act like it didn't happen around fans of other teams.


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
What timing!!!

Isaac Bruce was on GMFB this morning and when they asked about SB36 his reply was, "let's just say there were a lot of head scratching moments in that game. TBuck (Terell Buckley) was with the Patriots for 2 weeks and seemed to know our every move."

Yeah, they cheated. If Ike says they cheated, I'm convinced.


PostPosted:5 years 5 months ago
by snackdaddy
dieterbrock wrote:What's a BF?

Lol, you weren't thinking boyfriend were you? Not that there's anything wrong with that mind you. 8-)

Perhaps BFF woulda clarified it more. ;)